Why good doctors go to prison

Why good doctors go to prison

I know several good docs in prison. Could you be at risk?

An internist works part-time telemedicine helping disabled elders access needed durable medical equipment. She is paid $20 per patient. Now she faces an FBI investigation and up to 20 years in prison.

A family doc prescribes non-opioid cream to chronic pain patients. He is paid $30 per (virtual) patient by his employer who then bills Medicare $6000 per tube. FBI raids his home at midnight.

My friend, a surgical specialist, just got out of prison after falling for the same pain cream scheme.

What do these “good” docs have in common? Compassion, serving the underserved (for very little pay)—and naiveté.

Physicians are easy prey for criminals. And Medicare fraud has been very profitable since the program’s inception in 1965.

In the 1980s, my mom (a successful solo psychiatrist) was approached by two men wanting to collaborate in a business venture. She declined. They proceeded to use her Medicare number in a massive fraud scheme. When the FBI came to our door, Mom thankfully did not go to prison.

In 2015 when I helped Doc Randy launch his cash practice, two undercover DEA agents had already signed on as “patients.” For just $100/mo. he provided unlimited primary care. Despite the good doc’s warning against controlled substances, DEA agents manipulated and entrapped him. In 2024, at age 64 he got 15 years in federal prison for his “pill mill.”

I hope Randy doesn’t die there like my friend’s father imprisoned for his Philadelphia “pill mill.”

Last week I spoke with a frantic physician. I was her last phone call before entering prison. I’ve spoken with so many docs scammed, framed, or entrapped in such nightmares that (upon their request) I’m publishing their sage advice for the rest of us.

Top 12 ways to avoid DEA/FBI/federal prosecution

1. ALL contracts must be reviewed by your own health attorney, no exceptions.

2. Do not accept any third party non-patient income for services in a federal 

3. If a patient is in a federal program, do not bill for third-party services.

4. Do not bill, charge, collect (on behalf of any insured patient) for pharmacy, equipment, lab, or imaging services without your attorney’s explicit approval.

5. Disclose revenue from third parties—always.

6. Do not dispense in-office drugs, unless for approved pharmaceutical research with appropriate contracts/disclosures after attorney approval.

7. Do not prescribe controlled meds outside DEA/FDA guidelines ever—no exceptions.

8. Avoid prescribing off label for controlled substances. (Many recent DEA raids in clinics using off-label ketamine for PTSD).

9. Do not share medical practice revenue or ownership with non-physician operators unless in compliance with your state’s medical practice act.

10. Do not use personal phone, email, text, Facebook, or any social media with patients.

11. Do not allow outside billing collection without independent audits.

12. Never release authorization for billing without attorney review of entity. If third party does your billing/coding, you as physician are still responsible for errors, chargebacks, overbilling, overcoding which may constitute fraud.

Top 12 questions answered on how to avoid DEA/FBI/federal prosecution

I hosted a live Q & A last week in our physician business mastermind where we heard directly from a doc recently released from prison. To join our follow-up session, contact Dr. Wible.

1. What are the most risky third-party contracts?

Non-risky. Non-negotiable. All US physicians have a contractual relationship with their medical board called their state’s medical practice act. You must comply with your state’s statutes for the privilege of practicing medicine. Note: most docs never read their state medical practice act until after they are in legal trouble. All US physicians have a contractual relationship with the federal government. You are opted into Medicare by default unless you opt out. Always comply with state and federal laws.

Low-risk. Negotiable. Physicians often have contracts with major employers, insurance plans, or pharmaceutical companies (principle investigator, speaker). Lawyered-up medical institutions’ contracts comply with law, though clauses may be disadvantageous for physician. Negotiate best terms.

High-risk. Negotiable. Beware of very friendly people wanting to collaborate with you. Beware of obscure companies offering you income, travel, perks. If they have access to your patient billing and/or financials, seek attorney consult. Negotiate best terms and ensure compliance with state/federal law before signing anything.

2. If I opt out of Medicare properly and do not accept insurance payments, I’m not a big risk for insurance fraud. Anything I’m not seeing here?

Beware of high-risk contracts with “collaborators” per question #1.

3. In a fully cash-based solo practice what contracts should I anticipate signing?

Lease, medical & office liability, EMR, lab, and attorney on retainer (optional).

4. Should my attorney review contracts for my medical liability policy or my lease for renting office space?

See question #1. Both are low-risk contracts. Both are negotiable. I got my medical liability premium reduced by 86% and you can too. Advocate for best lease terms. I rented an office in a wellness center for 10 years. When building sold to new risk-averse owners, they shifted HVAC/plumbing maintenance costs to tenants. I negotiated that clause right out of my renewal with no need for an attorney.

5. Is attorney review of EMR and insurance contracts overkill?

Involve attorney based on your personal risk assessment and your baseline anxiety. In my ideal clinic (opted out of Medicare), I had low risk and low anxiety so I never hired an attorney to review any contracts. Zero problems in 16 years.

6. “Do not accept any third party non-patient income for services in a federal 
program. If a patient is in a federal program, do not bill for third-party services. Do not bill, charge, collect (on behalf of any insured patient) for pharmacy, equipment, lab, or imaging services without your attorney’s explicit approval.” How would you explain that to a fifth grader?

If your mom is supposed to pick you up from school, do not get into a car with a stranger—even if the man says he is your best friend’s father. Do not accept money, or ice cream cones, or a trip to Disneyland from a stranger.

In our low-overhead ideal clinic model we adhere to disintermediation (removing middlemen). Maintain direct relationship with patients. Maintain direct relationship (if you choose) with Medicare. Patient’s chosen lab, pharmacy, durable medical equipment companies all should have direct relationships with Medicare (not you!). Do not be the fifth grader who gets enticed into a MediCAR with unknown third parties. Never share Medicare number, EIN, or financials with middlemen.

7. I have dispensing permission on my license. My rented office has a compounding hood where I hope to compound “magic butt paste” with cholestyramine for diaper rash. What are risks of mixing up and dispensing magic butt paste?

Magic butt paste seems low risk. Just don’t bill Medicare $6000 per tube. Our wise physician felon advises docs never to dispense from office. Good luck with your decision. Would suck to go to prison for magic butt paste! 😱

8. Is dispensing generic meds for high blood pressure and antibiotics risky?

Seems lower risk that magic butt paste. Review your state’s medical practice act for in-office dispensing. Why not offload liability risk to the pharmacy? Think like a lawyer, not a doctor.

9. Why can’t I use my personal cell with patients?

Best to separate personal from professional to avoid (appearance of) boundary violations.

10. Is buying equipment or supplements wholesale then marking up for patient purchase a problem?

Due to risk of patient exploitation, physicians should limit in-office sales to products of immediate need to patients. Provide free or at cost. Disclose fully the nature of your financial relationship with supplier. Indicate you are marking up price and patient can find equivalent elsewhere. Consult your state’s medical practice act or attorney regarding exclusive distributorships of health products only available through physicians’ office.

11. My local pharmacist appreciates how I work with her pharmacy when I care for patients. She is eager to refer patients with no PCP to me. I am eager to refer patients to her pharmacy. Any unforeseen risk?

As long as you never receive even one dollar outside of your billing, you are safe. No free lunches either! No perks or special favors! No discounts for dual relationships. Enforce strict boundaries.

12. How did stored medical records in a printer lead to a doctor going to jail?

Our wise physician guest shared the story of another doctor’s innocent purchase of an office printer (also used to fax/scan). When he sold device, patient medical records were retained in memory. Though doctor did not go to prison, he was fined for violation of patient confidentiality per occurrence $1.5 million.

This does not constitute legal advice and is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only and exclusively. Consult with your health attorney for specific issues.

Anything like this ever happen to you? Have questions?
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16 comments on “Why good doctors go to prison
  1. BEWARE: Locums NPI Fraud says:

    Hi Pamela,

    I am speaking on a fraud panel in DC, with Ctel, their digital health summit. I experienced NPI fraud as a result of working in telemedicine with a locums telemedicine company, back in 2017-2018. I worked with a few DME companies. I experienced a similar investigation, yet was not accused. I have since been working with Ctel to help protect physicians from NPI fraud.

    If any of the doctors you know would be interested in potentially speaking with me, please connect them to me. Ctel is interested in having another doctor or 2, share their experience. The conference is december 9-10, so an introduction needs to be soon. Would you be willing to post for me and then any interested doctors, you can make an email intro.

    In essence. . .

    After about 10 months and $80,000, my investigation was dropped. I had also had my Medicare billing privileges unknowingly revoked and that was rescinded. I can share with you the current speech I’m planning (still needing to edit it) so you have the entire story

    Unfortunately, the Locums company is still in existence. I reported them to Medicare and was told they would be investigated. But 5+years later, I still see emails from them. I never took myself off their email list because I wanted to know if they get shut down.

    Most companies I had worked with have been shut down. But this locums company was for sure where my NPI fraud occurred. I know that there were many other doctors, who worked with this company, that were investigated. I do not know them personally and do not know outcomes

    (Published with permission. Please contact Dr. Wible for an introduction to the doc above or more details)

    • Fraud says:

      Great post and thank you…I am a physician with extensive experience in healthcare fraud. I am very interested in the CTel conference and could be a contributor to your content.

  2. David Hanscom says:

    Hi Pam, These are excellent topics and really needed. Thanks for doing this. One of my physiatrist friends has repeated since I began practice that, “no good deed goes unpunished.” The expectations placed on physicians are unrealistic and society doesn’t understand how bad it is. Keep it all up. Best regards, David

  3. Draconian Protection? says:

    This is one of the few good things about being a salaried employee of a large draconian health system I guess! I don’t have to worry about going to jail I guess?

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Oooh such an interesting perspective. Yes, working at Kaiser or Mayo you would benefit from all the contractual prescreening by their massive legal team; however, your freedom of speech would be limited (they track your online activities and you would risk termination for having any opinions straying from the one-size-fits-all assembly-line medicine enforced narratives). And the joy of self-actualization traded for perceived “job security” could be a catastrophe for your soul.

      • Draconian Protection! says:

        I don’t really have any “soul” left anyway! So not much to lose there I guess! I live to pay the bills, provide for family needs, and try do the least amount of harm I possibly can!

        • Pamela Wible MD says:

          Oh life at the bottom of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 😱

          How did this happen to so many bright humanitarians!

  4. Gary brown says:

    I want to add one. Make sure your DEA license and state board license are not attached to yourhome or primary residence. I know docs put there adresses on this stuff . Get a fictitious address via mailboxes etc or some other virtual address

  5. Jack Carney says:

    Pamela, I can only hope you doctors are beginning to be shaken awake from the “Nightmare of History” which is the legitimation of government and its medical mafia that is committing these crimes against you.
    I suggest you need not only to opt out of Medi(don’t)care but the entire governmental medical nightmare.
    It appears The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is trying to do that, maybe you can join with them?
    “The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you. The mass belief in the general beneficence of democracy represents a kind of Stockholm syndrome writ large. We shall never have real, lasting peace so long as we give our allegiance to the whole conglomeration of institutionalized exploiters and murderers we know as the state.” Robert Higgs
    Get free, stay free.

  6. Prisoner says:

    in the late 90”s my dad went to prison💔

    I wish i saw your list here after graduating for med school

    now again he is in another medicare fraud case again with 7 other elderly doctors
    the med administrator billed on my dads name on some month way
    after my dad was fired

    the same administer been off shore with her embezzled cash
    the mastermind physician in a nursing home
    all the doctors patient notes are strange whatever the govt attorney collected doesn’t match

    while these 7 doctors are stressing out about the case
    oh one doctor in his 90’s died last month of a heart attack

    I would add to your list Do not do electronic signature for any of your in office documents
    while working under anyone
    that was my dad mistake

  7. Prisoner says:

    “A family doc prescribes non-opioid cream to chronic pain patients. He is paid $30 per (virtual) patient by his employer who then bills Medicare $6000 per tube”

    sigh the billing is what gets doctors in trouble
    the ppl who do the billing!
    how to protect the npi number its all over the internet when doctors get state licensed
    I heard doximity now protects doctors home address for the recent incoming residency batch of interns

    I’m curious
    how do you find a health attorney to review a contract of a job?
    during a job offer ?
    I am sorry about doc randy
    hope he stays strong
    grateful for you!

  8. Daniel Joseph Kaelin says:

    I also remember the he story of a nurse who has a certainly n incurable health condition. She was invented a treatment option, contacted all the big name hospitals, med schools, etc. offering the treatment. She was not listened to because she was not an MD, DO, etc. She offered it free to fellow sufferers. She was then punished for practicing medicine without a medical license. SMH.
    In life what matters is the right answer, not necessarily the source. For there to exist no avenue for evaluation and research into new cures, because one lacks a certain license makes no sense. I am not a lawyer, but I see many areas for improvement in law.

  9. Anonymous Doc says:

    After pleading to misdemeanor introducing improperly labeled drugs into commerce, I have had to fight every entity I have a contractual relationship with in my business- insurance payors, my hospital, the medical board. The payers wanted to drop me and the hospital almost suspended my privileges because CMS issued a sanction- this was reversed, thankfully.

    I payed almost 100K in attorneys fees. Had to pay 50K in restitution and a 20K fine to the court. My medical board is now enforcing a 5000$ fine and has issued a reprimand. Most recently, my medical malpractice insurance has chosen to not renew my contract. I could have been sentenced to up to a year in jail!! All this over 20,000$ in revenue over 7 years time from an on-label use of a common drug that was apparently coming from the UK.

    The FDA policy is that they should issue a warning letter for such infractions when something is confiscated at customs. They did not. I had no idea that my company was engaging in this activity; but I am the sole owner, so I was liable.

    I have suffered severe anxiety/ depression, burnout and moral injury this year from this. I am currently working with a life coach and making big changes in my practice. I am still very concerned about my liability in everything I touch in medicine. I do not trust in my hospital administration to help protect me in liability situations. I am hoping to go cash pay and opt out of medicare this coming year. I’m overwhelmed by the amount of info I have to learn now to change how I practice after decades in private practice.

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to vent. I hope you can use this to help other doctors from being entrapped in these shenanigans.

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