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Grieving the loss of our doctors →

How to cope with the unexpected loss of physicians in loving memory of Drs. J. Barton Williams and Timothy H. Krahn of OrthoSouth in Memphis. Live event hosted on Saturday, February 27, for all clinic staff. If you are grieving the death of a physician you may find comfort and guidance in this recorded session.

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5 things NOT to do after a medical student or doctor suicide →

Just off the phone with a USC Keck med student who told me he lost his classmate to suicide this week on my way to Memphis to lead a suicide postvention program for a medical group after a senior colleague killed himself. In the last decade assisting hospitals and medical schools in the aftermath of suicides,

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What To Do After a Doctor Suicide | Physician Suicide Postvention →

Doctor suicide is a public health crisis that claims the lives of an estimated 400 US doctors annually. Given each doctor cares for upwards of 2000 – 3000 active patients, more than one million Americans risk losing their doctors to suicide each year. Responding with compassion and honesty in the aftermath of a physician suicide is essential to helping loss survivors—colleagues,

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