Suicide Survivor Prayer Circle

Suicide Recovery Prayer

On Thanksgiving Eve (11/22), I received this email:

“I wanted to send you an anonymous tip of an internal medicine resident at Lewis Katz Temple University, [name redacted], who recently attempted suicide by overdose. My heart hurts for her and her family. She is currently in the ICU fighting for her life after many years of burnout. Please help.”

I spent days contemplating how best to help the anonymous author (who left no contact information) and also how to help the young physician fighting for her life. I felt such despair that she did not contact my free suicide helpline before she entered the ICU. I wished she would have spoken with me or joined our physician peer support group, or been inspired to live after reading any of the books/articles I’ve written on how to thrive during residency with her heart, soul, and dreams intact. After devoting the last 12 years of my life to doctor suicide prevention, I wondered what else I could do now to help . . .

I decided to host a Sunday Prayer Circle today. As a group of physicians we prayed for her wounded soul. We began with a 10-minute guided meditation Then I dedicated a poem to her recovery.

Prayer Circle Meditation

In deep gratitude this Thanksgiving weekend we come together in our Prayer Circle to share our abundance and appreciation of life. We calm our minds and open our hearts to the immense healing power of love ❤️.We come together as spiritual beings to share our human experience of healing. As wounded healers we connect deeply with the wounds of others as we pray for healing. We open our hearts and souls to allow the limitless healing energy within us to flow toward our wounded sister in medicine. We send our loving energy to embrace our sister as she heals in Philadelphia “The City of Brotherly Love.” May every cell in her body feel our love flowing to her. May she feel enlivened by the life-giving energy we send to her. We trust in the universal spirit of all that is good that our healing energy is delivered. For the good of all and receptivity of all and so may it be ❤️. Thank you.

Physician Suicide Survivor Poem

As the leaves fall
Awaiting your call
Instead an anonymous tip
A doctor suicide
Attempt, still alive
Survived her OD
Internal medicine
A resident

Your melancholy smile
Mysterious private eyes
Your fairytale beauty cries
Humility, scientific curiosity
Exhausted empathy
Overworked perfectionist
Hidden artist tortured
Inside a doctor of medicine
Holding your diploma
A dream come true!
For who?
For validation

Good girl trophy child
Woman with a wild creative side
Deep spirituality, intuition
Your feminine imagination
In captivity during residency
Sleep-deprived, traumatized
By your job to save lives
Now your only job
To save one precious life
Your sprite soul
Enveloped in
Dusty rose
Pixie dust
Pure love

We then shared our thoughts and feelings:

“I can see her in the ICU bed in my Mind’s Eye—I somehow have a gut intuition she will recover.”

“I felt very tearful at the beginning of this, from first seeing the image you created. I feel she must be so exhausted and sad. I felt a lot of relief after we prayed for her. I hope she can somehow feel it too.”

“O God! Refresh and gladden my spirit. Purify my heart. Illumine my power. I lay all my affairs in Thy hand. Thou art my Guide and my Refuge. I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved, I will be a happy and joyful being. O God! I will no longer be full of anxiety, nor will I let trouble harass me. I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life. O God! Thou art more friend to me than I am to myself. I dedicate myself to Thee, O Lord.”

“At the beginning of the Circle, I received images: hearts, star, talking/writing, book, heart/GI, a young woman being outstanding and going forward in Medicine, it not being what she wanted but family was very proud of her. She ran out of energy.”

“I was hit with an overwhelming rush of tears. I feel that she was overwhelmed and sobbing. I think she didn’t know what to do with the tears and just wanted the crying to stop. I think she felt broken open.”

“May the one who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, bless and heal the resident who is ill. May the Blessed Holy One be filled with compassion for her health to be restored and her strength to be revived. May God swiftly send her a complete renewal of body and spirit, and let us say, Amen.”

“Are you able to send that beautiful poem to her family?”

“Maybe send it to the ICU doctor there. Perhaps to have someone read it to her. Or some version of it.”

I am publishing our well wishes for her to read when the time is right. Until then we send our love and support to her ethereally.

[Caveat: We can never demand that she receive and/or accept our prayers. Her destiny is determined by the free will of her soul’s sacred journey and must be respected.]

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278 comments on “Suicide Survivor Prayer Circle
  1. Pratik says:

    Let’s end this once and all. Life is about happiness not just about money.

    • Shubika says:

      I understand how hard it is..and how sometimes this feels like the only way..but it’s not…you have so much more to give than this job…even if you made a mistake or a patient had an adverse outcome, you did what you could with the knowledge you had at that time. And you are human…you deserve to be happy..I hope and pray you make a full recovery and live a content life.❤️

  2. Shuet says:

    Dear Dr, you are every bit as worthy as you used to think you are. The journey of recovery might take time but never ever forget you are special. And God sees all that you’re going through. Keep in mind to keep on fighting for another chance, another day.

  3. Rosa says:

    You matter, because you exist… simply because you “are”… no title, no achievements, no money, no validations from others define your worth… I pray for you to get through this and come out stronger and happier… I pray for you to move toward Enlightenment when you are back with us… and I hope you try and elevate your conscious above anything at that time… we love you, you matter, you are…. And please give me a call/text/email when you wake up… ❤️

  4. Aminah says:

    Sending love and prayers from a place far away but our hearts as One Humanity

  5. Danna kim says:

    Prayers send for her recovery, may she find comfort and peace as she walks the journey of life with those who care and love her dearly

  6. Jay says:

    Sending you energy and prayers for healing, comfort, safety, strength, peace, and sincere wishes for your best life ahead.

  7. Jack Carney says:

    “If we remembered every day that we could lose someone in any moment, we would love them more fiercely and freely and without fear. Not because there is nothing to lose, because everything can be lost.” Unknown

    “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

  8. samba nyirenda says:

    May you be free of suffering and causes of all suffering,
    May you know your loved and cherished
    May you know you are love and light.
    Francistown, Botswana

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      All the way from Botswana – so beautiful. Thank you for your compassion & love.

    • Carla Martin says:

      Sending a big Latina mama hug from Rhode Island.

      • Pamela Wible MD says:

        Ooooooh that sounds lovely! Thank you! I think big mama love is what everyone is secretly seeking. If you ever doubt that please see: Why Parents Force Kids To Be Doctors – Reason #10:

        10. Parental love

        My divorced parents are not-so-emotionally-available workaholic doctors. Both tried to talk me out of medicine, but I knew as a kid the only way to spend time with them was to tag along to work in the morgue and psychiatric hospitals (and I loved it!).

        When I became a doctor, I interrogated my parents on why they became doctors. Separately (so they couldn’t cheat). Both listed the usual: help people, good money, stable job. “But why?” I pressed them for the real reason. Dad poured another glass of vodka and murmured, “So my mother would love me.” Mom got pissed before spewing out the truth, “Because I thought my mother would finally love me.”

  9. Noreen Newmark MD says:

    It is not just your career path that matters, you matter as well. It is my wish that you discover that you will not have to journey the tough times alone, and along the way I hope you will once again find the things that give you joy. You have the strength and resilience within you.

  10. Josh Solomon says:

    May you find a path forward that gives you hope. Please know that no undertaking is worth your precious life. We are given false promises of fame and fortune so that any semblance of failure seems to be impossible to face. When it is better to breathe, live, in doing so you can bring hope and beauty to this world.i hope you will be able to recover and give the beauty and your soul is thirsting to deliver unto other lonely soles.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Yes Josh! No career is worth ending your precious life. Please know (anyone reading this) you can easily move into another career and your education and skills are never wasted. Something beautiful is awaiting over the horizon. Please keep breathing.

  11. Arjun says:

    Hi this is Arjun from Australia. More than thinking about you, we all need you. We need your compassion, justice and bravery in the world. Please make it through for us. We are all here for you and will love and support you. Fight the good fight and we can make a difference.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Thank you so much Arjun. Your prayers from Australia are perfectly timed (and probably middle of the day there right now).

  12. Aaron Meere says:

    Hi Dr., you have a huge community of people whom are rooting for your success AKA happiness. Although today may seem hard, and tomorrow may look like a struggle, please understand and know that you are not alone. You are loved by many, and gratefully cared for by so many in our community. I am putting all my loving thoughts, prayers, and hopes in a forward and positive projectory for your well-being. All my love, Aaron

  13. Denise Bogard says:

    “Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”—James 1:2-4

    It’s important to know that the Lord will never allow you to carry a cross that is beyond your strength. Do you believe this? If you do, it should help you to set your eyes on the road ahead and plunge forward doing the Will of God. If struggles come your way, even if they are great, know with certainty that the Lord is with you, carrying you if needed, through everything you face in life. Nothing can keep you from His Mercy and His perfect Will if you keep your eyes on Him.

    Reflect upon the path that you believe the Lord has set before you. What obstacles do you perceive to be too great to overcome? Whatever it is, you must face them with confidence and absolute trust in our Lord. As painful as some things may be, nothing is beyond the Mercy of God. He will transform the rough path before you into a smooth road if you let Him.

    Today’s Prayer:

    Lord, I do believe that You are always with me, leading me and protecting me. When I face some hardship in life, help me to see it as an opportunity to rely more on Your grace. I know that I can do all things You call me to, dear Lord. I commit to walking the road You have laid out for me. Amen!

    This was given to me this morning. I have lost my husband and son to suicide and my 2 daughters and 4 grand babies are estranged. We recently attempted reconciliation with a mediator. It ended with my daughter emailing me a note to never contact her again, despite my efforts to be kind, compassionate and apologetic. I move forward with perseverance and resilience. That is what I pass onto to you.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Your last paragraph weighs so heavy upon me and your attitude despite these challenges is superb and an inspiration to me. Thank you so much for your lived perspective on the strength to move forward beyond and amid our very human pain.

  14. Shilpa says:

    I don’t know you, but I love you. Stay strong always.

  15. Jeanette says:

    Dearest friend, bound by love as a human family, bound by the deepest love and willingness to serve others, may your soul, may your heart and may your suffering be held in the tenderest love and compassion of the universe and of our hearts together. I see your courage, your care, your bravery, I feel your pain and vulnerability through my own, though all our own not good enough and overwhelm as an ordinary humans in this complicated world. I welcome your vulnerabilty, your tender pain and accept your as you are, beautiful, real, honest. You matter, you are good enough and your love and care is profound. You are needed for simply who you are in your inner experience. May you remain with as is the wish of the universe, and may this experience open us all to face ourselves, and hold hands and walk together in the inwards journey to wholeness. My deepest love for you.

  16. Aaron says:

    God bless you during your hospital stay and for every step of the recovery process. We are praying for you, sending our best wishes for your full and speedy recovery.

  17. Ravi says:

    See you in kenya for a holiday when you recover.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Ahhhhh an invitation to Kenya!!! I’m so heartened with all these messages from healers across the world——Australia, Botswana, Kenya . . .and of course all the great states of the USA (we had docs in our Prayer Circle from Minneapolis, Dallas, Eugene (OR), California (Southern, Northern). We even had a doc in the group with a near suicide attempt in Philadelphia many decades ago who has lived to tell his survival story.

  18. Attila says:

    Dear Doctor,

    I wish you strength, endurance & rapid recovery. I am praying for you to be well again. Once you are physically healed, another essential step of well-being, healing your soul & mind, would be so important. Remember that you are the most precious in life, and nothing else matters besides you. There are almost always ways to survive with dignity and morality, even if we don’t think there are.

    I wholeheartedly wish you a rapid recovery, & well-being, my dear friend. I have been there and learned the truth about life in a complex way, which is nothing else & no one else matters in my life except myself & my spirit.

  19. Hillary says:

    Oh daughter, you feel as though your worth is only what you can do when all you need is to be. May our loving prayers reach your soul to let you know YOU ARE ENOUGH. Heal well and may the Lord give you strength and peace.

  20. Kimberly DeVolld MD says:

    Praying for your healing inside and out. You are precious, God made you in His image. The evil forces that try to destroy us I pray they are bound and removed from your life. In His name I lift this prayer

  21. Marcus Fidel, MD says:

    May God bless you and keep you. May he give you what you need. May his grace abound in your life and when you get through this ordeal may you understand that you are a precious, kind and caring person who deserves to live. You are loved by many.

  22. Amandip Sidhu says:

    I am sincerely wishing you a speedy recovery.

    During this phase, you will hopefully start to see that you are not alone and there is a community of people who care for you and will help you get back into a feeling of joy and happiness.

    That path is unclear and undefined right now, over time the fog will clear.

    Please continue to fight, you have my support.

  23. Karim Habbal says:

    Wish we could have met along the way to becoming medical healers so that I could tell you how important you are to the world around you and a whole.

  24. Ann Pianetta says:

    For one minute I want you to focus on your breathing. Noticing the breath coming up through your nose, down into your lungs and back up and out through your nose once again. Take your time with your breathing and just focus on that. You might want to sit outside in nature for a while and soak up all that experience.

    Breathing through your nose with a breath rate of 8 to 12 breaths, per minute will help ground you more so you can go off and be the great doctor that you want to be. I will be thinking of you always.

  25. Kate K says:

    God has given you another chance to do His work as a healer (no matter what has happened to you in the past or what you’ve done or think you have done to others). He still needs you and your gifts on this earth.

  26. HPG says:

    For the IM resident in ICU: I am a current survivor surviving suicide on a daily basis. My details are not important except that I have survived it as an MD and despite nearly all the fibers of my being crying to just “go back towards the end of suffering…” (and still saying that at times), I have had some fibers or something within that had experienced the goodness and healing I see when I have interacted with other humans in pursuit of trying to help relieve their suffering or even just being willing to be present with them through the pain on our momentarily shared paths – and that’s what I hope you can tap into the goodness and compassion that’s within you and that you hold onto that for yourself just like we physicians do for our patients. And I hope that you continue your search to find your own meaning to move past your sojourn in darkness and through the suffering to the solace, serenity, and peace that lies beyond wherever your journey leads you. My hope is that you will be surrounded by love and caring; that you will see the love and care that’s within yourself for yourself; and from that you will tap into and cultivate/develop your own inner fountain of life, love, and joy that will sustain you ad infinitum even in life’s darkest, agonizing times. Wish you healing and wholeness through this time.

    And when you are on the otherside remember: It takes a community to heal the sick, and so it does with us healers who bear our own suffering and others. Be a part of a healing community for healers if possible. Because in communities we can share in each others’ burdens and disperse the weight of the burden amongst the tribe, and we can share in each other’s joy amongst the tribe, that shared joy can multiply and bring hope and happiness to someone who’s needs it and uplift an entire community.

  27. Zac says:

    I am so grateful that you are still alive. I’m sending good vibes your way. I hope you receive them and that they add to the strength and courage you will need to pull through this difficult time. I don’t know you in the physical sense but I know your pain all to well. I love you.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      “I don’t know you in the physical sense but I know your pain all to well. I love you.”

      Profound and SO true.

      Many of us in our Sunday Prayer Circle (and in these comments) have been a hair’s breadth away from being in that ICU bed or departing this earthly plane.

  28. Amir Nagavi, MD says:

    I am rooting for you, and your recovery and your personal fulfillment, wherever that leads. Even if it is not in medicine or a detour to another destination in medicine, you are a valuable and intelligent human being who has spent so selflessly to heal others. As a physician, I am proud of you for your sacrifices, and I am sending you positive thoughts and truly hope you have a speedy recovery.

  29. Ann Paul says:

    Dear Pamela

    We are so sorry to hear about this doctor who is struggling so much and send all our best wishes to her. Doctors in Distress is a charity that works only in the UK so we can do nothing more to help but hope that all your prayers and thoughts will help her to pull through.

    With kind regards
    Ann Paul
    Chief Executive

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Thank you for all that you do for this international crisis among healers. We appreciate prayers coming from all across the world. I’m blown away by the magnitude of the suffering and the magnitude of the compassion I feel just in our Prayer Circle for this one internal medicine resident. I really hope she pulls through and sees the beauty that awaits her outside of the ICU.

  30. Phil Walker, MD says:

    I’m a retired physician. The World needs you and wants you to continue living. God has work for you to do. We are praying for you. Don’t give up. God loves you. We all love you. We want you to live. There is hope. You’re a beautiful person. We all need you.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Dear doctor.
    I am sending you my very best wishes for your full recovery, in mind, heart and soul.
    13 year ago I woke up after being in the ICU. It was confusing as hell. I hope that when you’ve gathered your strength and returned home that you have people around you whom you can trust and who love you. You deserve so much in life. It’s okay to devote some time to your own healing now. One step,one day at a time. Give yourself the same loving attention, now, as to all those patients whom you devoted your life. Know you are loved. Nothing matters more than your own health, and happiness. Give yourself all the time and space you need. Everything may have fallen apart, but for good reason. When it’s time, you will understand it was necessary. You can let go of trying to make sense of anything for right now. Just let it be. Give your worries over to God/ the creator etc (as you see it).
    Trust in the healing process.
    Blessings in abundance to you.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Such wise words.

      * * *

      Know you are loved.

      Nothing matters more than your own health, and happiness.

      Give yourself all the time and space you need.

      Everything may have fallen apart, but for good reason.

      * * *

      I love the FOR GOOD REASON!

      God & universal consciousness are guiding us to our destiny (and that is beyond the realm of human understanding).


  32. Ellen Allen says:

    Our kind laving Father, We come to thee at this time to pray for our sister who is weak and
    helpless struggling for life and understanding. We love her and know she is a precious child
    who needs to find a better way to serve and fulfill her longing to help and heal. Please
    bless her with her deepest needs and light her understanding to find place and purpose without
    starving herself of love and friendship and support. Bless her to grow in wisdom and grace
    before you and her colleagues, to light the way for others to recover. In all things, Thy will be done.

  33. Steven says:

    I wish for you the strength to heal and the strength to deal with those emotions and urges that led you to this dark place. There is another way through this. You can find that path.

  34. C. O. says:

    May God fill you with peace in knowing that you are loved every second by humans that don’t even know your name. Joy comes in the morning.
    Your life was created for a purpose so be curious along the journey. The deep sorrows that you’ll wade through yield the ultimate joys experienced. Surrender your life to Christ. I pray you’ll heal and I’ll meet you someday for a hug.

  35. Curtis says:

    Peace can be found on this side of the veil, I promise.
    May you be blessed with healing and light and love.

  36. Megan Haynes says:

    May the Lord be with her and give her more clarity on the full life she can experience with a second chance. God sees her and holds her weak body and mind up with his strength. Love and peace prayed for her 🙌🏻

  37. Neil says:

    The precious ones, those who are drawn to medicine to help others, are often the gentle souls who are deeply wounded in the process. The Creator says, “Come to me, you who are weary. I will give you rest for your soul.” Embrace the peace, accept the love, redeem the healing. We have not walked your path, but we have walked in similar footsteps of despair and found healing for our souls. You survived to this point for a reason. My prayer is you find peace to move on, healing for your gentle soul, and love which abounds from many of us who don’t know you, but have known your pain.

  38. Magda says:

    My wish is that you will live. I hope your soul can connect with all the love that’s out there. I hope you will live and find out how so many people love you, how much of a difference you made, and how amazing and special you really are. I don’t know you but I love you ❤️

  39. David Lippman says:

    I am really praying for you.

    I do not know your circum-stances but we all need healing and compassion and they are in desperately short supply in our current disease care system.

    May you find the healing you need and, in the future, may you heal others in your life journey.

    Praying for you and the blessing you are and hopefully will be in the future

  40. Isha says:

    Sending you healing light for a future of love peace and prosperity.

  41. Michelle says:

    You are loved!

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      I have to say how amazing these 3 words are. These words from my “adoptive” mom (she appointed herself my Godmother when I was a lost and lonely teen) — saved my life & gave me so much hope. I still have all the letters she mailed me in college and medical school and on the outside of each envelope she would write: YOU ARE LOVED.

      Gave me renewed energy in times of despair.

  42. Rakhi Pal says:

    I hope and pray that you come back to us and fight for others. Your life has a purpose and can help others survive their struggle.
    Lots of love ❤️

  43. Marylou Scholl says:

    There’s a reason you’re still here with us. Follow your heart, find your passion and know you’re loved and you matter!❤️

  44. Andy Seger says:

    I am with you, even though I am not in the room with you. You are thought of even though you may feel overwhelmed. You are stronger than you know.

  45. Peter Kouveliotes says:

    Praying for your physical recovery. Then I am praying that you get the help and support you need to recovery mentally. Your life is so much more than your job.

    I’ve been in almost the same place and somehow I made it through. I wish that for you.

    Whatever it is that made you feel this was necessary can get better. Maybe not all at once but little by little.

    Reach out for help. It can come for the most unexpected places.

    With love I pray for your recovery and healing.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Peter thank you so much and it is good to see your name and hear over the years how your life has turned around for the better. There is always hope!

  46. Denise says:

    Dear Doctor: Sending prayers, love and support. The best days of your life are ahead of you, I hope you will turn to caring for your self and going where your heart and soul are fed, nourished, and loved. Recovery may take time as others have said, but it is scant time compared well spent to heal and eventually flourish. Be gentle with yourself, you are well worth it.

  47. Rasynond says:

    Dear Child of God , the Lord loves you so much and has seen your pain. The Lord is with you, He will redeem you, save you , the Lord will guide your steps. The Lord is with you and your family. Be healed in Jesus name.

  48. Jenny Sheehan says:

    My Friend,
    all this stuff about your life, all these facts of who you think you are, are not true. I use the words “not true” only because those “interchangeable descriptors” can all disappear, and you would still be you. Will not your age change at your next birthday? it’s only when we feel imprisoned by all those descriptors that the desire to not exist, rears it’s ugly head.

    you are blessed with a Time Out, to completely reassess everything. so now, Be You, free from the expectations of friends, family, society…this is an opportunity to discover the Real reason you are here: Life is to be enjoyed!

    i know all this from direct experience my Friend, for i have been in your shoes for decades, and am now free of the desire to be dead. You can do this tough thing- i am not special.

    write me we can Zoom!

    Jenny Sheehan, MD 💗

  49. Nicole N Balmer MD says:

    Dear one,

    You are loved. Your life matters, whether you stay in medicine or not. God has great plans for you! Tha world is full of light and love to be found. I pray for the Spirit to come upon you with healing, physically, emotionally, spiritually. You have a purpose and a full life ahead.


  50. David Weitzman, MD, FABUCM, DAAUCM, MAAGP says:

    It is always darkest before the light shines in and changes the world. Whatever the pressures may be now, you are never in a place that you cannot start by putting one foot in front of another and moving forward – through any odds. Whatever the concerns, pressure, or perceived obstacle; there is always another choice, another option, another way. Don’t allow yourself or anyone else to convince you otherwise.

    As a physician, you are never alone; for you can call on others. No one understands what you have been through, are going through, and will go through but other physicians. Your value is that of an angel; a servant to humanity. Undervalued, working through the levels of hell that no one, other than your own, will ever understand. Life comes from your hands, but unfortunately death sometimes is more powerful. It is not a failure, for even at the end you are a light, a servant, a bringer of hope, a comforter, and s shepherd for others whom go peacefully into that great slumber.

    You are an angel in the balance of power between life and death. Even in death, you are the bringer of the light. Least not the fatigue of battle and your surroundings extinguish that light. Let others whom share this light bring theirs to you when your light falters or dims.

    My light shall be your light – as one who has been there.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Oh David this is so very powerful and how I wish we as physicians could ALWAYS hold each other up for our angelic presence (rather than fall into comparison traps and ego-driven bullying so prevalent in medical training due to our unsafe working conditions and the human rights violations we sustain from doing “God’s” work as they say). May God’s love intervene and guide us all.

  51. Jorey L Krawczyn says:

    You are precious in God’s sight, may His grace and mercy continue to flow through you while renewing your spirit with divine purpose and meaning to your life. May He grant you peace, rest and blessings in your time of need. In Christ name we pray. AMEN.

  52. Adla says:

    May the LORD bless you and protect you.
    May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you.
    May the LORD show you his favor and give you his peace
    Numbers 6: 24-26

    May your mind, body, soul, and spirit be healed.

  53. Lucinda Mundorf says:

    The God of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob is the God of the living
    May you survive to understand His love for you and live His dream for you until at long last you meet Him face to face.

  54. Barry H Epstein, MD, FACP,FACG says:

    Our world is crazy
    so many demands on us
    brightness lies ahead

    Peace in the future
    smiles from your grateful patients
    countless good feelings

  55. pj says:

    May healing and peace be with you!

  56. Bill says:

    I’m standing with you doc.
    Much love from Texas.

  57. Russell says:

    Keep taking small steps forward!

  58. Meaghan says:

    The relief you seek is possible while living, though it can seem an impossible task. May you find it.

  59. Howard Smith MD says:

    I am praying for you

  60. Dr Ellis says:

    You have value Just As You Are just as you are my dear just as you are

  61. Norah says:

    Thinking of you
    My wish is that you see that there is an entire fulfilling life ahead of you.

  62. Elena T says:

    You are precious and valuable. You are unique in the most perfect of ways. You are, and always have been, enough. So much love to you.

  63. MARK MCGINLEY says:

    You exist by a miracle of creation. You are here for a purpose. Your purpose is unique and with the whirl of life you simply forgot your purpose. You will recover from your despair with an acute and clear vision of your purpose. You will enrich the lives of many when you start living your purpose. Take this time to heal and know that you are loved and will be supported beyond your wildest dreams as you go on from this period in your life.

  64. Rodney Garcia MD says:

    Beloved Sister with the Heart of a Healer,

    We walked a similar path. One with Love at the center of our intentions. Intentions to help those in need of this Love that flows so freely and naturally from every element of our body.

    And today as a fellow healer that has felt the pain that you have felt I send out a prayer for your resurrection. From the depths of death and despair to the heights of deliverance. May the Most High hear our prayers.

    To the Above may You inspire us. To the Below may You sustain is. To the Behind may you protect us. To the Before may You guide us. To the Left may You purify us. To the Right may You strengthen us. To the Within may You remember us.

    With deepest Love,
    A fellow wounded healer

  65. Mark says:

    May your soul always know, and always trust, the irrefutable beauty that you are. You are worthy of love, which you need not earn. Your presence matters so much, the flame that you carry contributes an essential fleck of light to our world. All that you’ve witnessed, all that you’ve experienced, and all that feels broken and irreparable, may you trust that it can all be held by a great, benevolent container that is larger than you. In being brokenhearted, may your spirit find its way to rest deeply, remembering that even this wound can be held in immense tenderness and, when pain seems beyond fixing, it is still possible to heal, to experience immense love, and even to live in beauty. It has been said that the cracks in our soul are essential to finally let the light into our being. Dear One, may Light flood into your soul and illuminate you with radiance, with peace, with deep healing.

  66. Linda says:

    prayers for healing and peace – to you and your family.. you are in my prayers..

  67. Sean says:

    You are extremely worthy, and a beautiful human being for progressing this far in your medical journey. Please take the time to heal as you need as the work of medicine can be all encompassing. You are strong and needed, so please heal up!

  68. Jason A says:

    I lift you up in prayer to the one who makes us whole. May our God heal you and lead you by the hand to a place of peace and recovery deep within your heart where He resides. I share your pain, know that you are note alone, and we’re all rooting for you.

  69. Lenny Husen says:

    Dear Doctor,
    I almost died by suicide many years ago. If I had come any closer, I wouldn’t be here.
    I stayed to help those I could help, and save those I could save.
    It has been a humbling journey and an arduous one.
    Please know you make a difference, that you are valuable, you are loved.
    Being a doctor is nothing. Achievements are nothing. Being kind, being alive is everything.
    You are giving to the world just by surviving.
    Please tell your story to help others survive too.

  70. Judith Shue says:

    Although it may not seem like it right now, there is so much love surrounding you – from people you have never met! As you take each breath, let that love enter, nourish and sustain you. All you need to do right now is just be – and we will hold space for you until you are ready. Please remember, it is the system that is broken – not you. Your beautiful spirit is exceedingly valuable to those of us who have found our way outside of that system. I pray for peace to come to you.

  71. Lucille Buglisi says:

    Just know you are not alone. I always thought medicine was traumatizing. There are things I could say but don’t want to express out of fear. As a fellow human spirit on our journey: I hear you. I see you. I understand. God bless your beautiful spirit. The world needs people like you.

  72. Ogo says:

    Please don’t feel ashamed, or less worthy than any other doctor or being. This doesn’t define you. You are so strong. I hear your cry. You are enough. You are enough. You are more than enough.

  73. Cherisa Sandrow says:

    If you read this, I want you to know that you are not alone. The physician support/ community is incredible. I have found a virtual community of female physicians where I feel safe, can share anything and everything, and have realized that not only am I not alone…. But so many physicians will do everything in their power to support one of their own, so to speak, even if they’ve never met you. We will embrace you with all of your vulnerability and shame and help you to understand you are worthy…. You have choices.

    I transitioned to Telehealth, after years of burnout. Both at home and at work. Now I teach others to make this transition. I’ve done so much of my own trauma work…. Unfortunately as doctors we do not learn how to regulate our nervous system.

    A few podcasts that may be helpful:

    Life after Medicine podcast, Chelsea Turgeon
    Empowering Women PhysicIan’s podcast, Sunny Smith

  74. Dominic Corrigan says:

    From one wounded healer to another, dear fellow physician in ICU, I send you love and compassion and understanding. I have been there myself. Medicine is so desperately and privately wounding to the soul. I pray that you find healing. I too see you and love you and wish you well. Dom.

  75. Brooke Smith says:

    When you overcome your toughest place in life something happens. It gets better. It gets way way better. Keep your head up and know your best days are on the way, and they’re worth waiting for.

  76. Richard A. Loftus MD says:

    Keeping you in my prayers.

  77. Tony Filippone DO says:

    Turning The Page

    This is it , time to say goodbye , to this chapter of my ever changing life .
    I’ve made mistakes, my path is long. I will have to answer for , when I’m gone.

    When the day comes , and the sun won’t touch my face .
    Tell the ones who care that I’ve left this place.

    I feel old , look at my face , all the stories it will tell , I can’t erase.

    My road is long, I’ve made a list , something to remind you of our long , last kiss . One last chance , our favorite place. Something to remind you of , I can’t erase .

    The road of life along the way, is paved with good intentions most people say . I believe that all good deeds , were ment to heal, were ment to please.

    This is it , my gift to you . For all you did, for all you do.

    When the day comes and the sun won’t touch my face,
    Tell the ones who care that I’ve left this place .

    This is it ,Time to say goodbye, to this chapter of my ever-changing life.

    I’ve made mistakes, my path is long . I’ll have to answer for them , when I’m gone .
    When I’m gone .

    Tony Filippone DO

    Something that I wrote a couple of years ago . Never Quit, Never Submit . You can do anything , just look how far I have come. Get well, and we are here if you need us.

  78. Lisa Pozner says:

    You are deeply loved, valued and cherished my dear. You mean the world to all of us. We are here for you my dear. You are not alone. We love you deeply !May God protect and heal you. We are all praying for your speedy recovery. Sending you a gentle hug ❤️

  79. Sean Rogers says:

    I don’t know why you did what you did, but it’s not hard to imagine. Getting beaten down and beaten up day after day, with a world of crushing expectations bearing down upon frail shoulders, it maybe seemed easier to put that burden down. I hope though, that you never see it that way again. I hope that once you have rested and recovered, that you rise, and once more walk where you will, and move as you are moved.

    I pray for you.

  80. Ingrid Gutierrez says:

    My heart and soul feel her pain. I hope she heals and leaves medicine and find meaning elsewhere.

  81. Ruth says:

    Dear Lord,
    I know you are the one who sees and hears the cries and the pain of this young soul as she struggled through her work and mind. I pray that you stay with her and heal her heart and her mind. Please renew her soul and be her strength as she fights through this sickness. I know you alone could be her cure and give her purpose to fight. This journey is HARD, no one tells you until you are going through it (I know from experience) and there are so many times you just want to give up. This young soul did. Lord please help her and her family and her friends. Show her mercy and remind everyone your goodness. A lot of people forget the purpose of medicine and often time it become too toxic to bear….please remind everyone why we do this on the first place so we can all be kind to each other and be good to one another not just our patients. Lord thank you for hearing our prayers. I trust and believe that you are already working to help this young lady. In Jesus name, Amen!

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Thank you Ruth ❤️ Your comment is #100 😍 and definitely breaks a record that I had no idea we would reach in this now-international Prayer Circle (in just 6 hours since posting at midnight)

  82. Ciann says:

    In the sacred space of your being, may the light of healing surround you. Each step forward is a testament to the resilience of your soul and the amazing restoration taking place. Let the whispers of hope guide you, and may you find solace in their gentle embrace. You are held by God, and your path towards wellness is blessed with divine love.

  83. Suzanne says:

    What is left of my own energy, I send to you dear colleague. You are worth so much more than these systems allow you to see. You can heal. I pray that you do heal if that is your intended journey.

  84. Bidhan Das says:

    If you are really seeing this. You matter. You are courageous and strong. Anxiously waiting for you to cheat death this time. Always keep in mind ” Not Today”.
    Get well soon. My deepest prayers are with you and your family. We will talk for sure.

  85. Dr Tavis says:

    You are not alone. Our hearts and the Divine Love and Light from which we all originate is with you. Allow us to hold you and help you. Your life has much to offer this world. It does not need to be as a doctor if you don’t want it to be, and it still can if you choose to, entirely your choice. There is no shame in changing your course of how you offer your own Light to people around you. We know this physician role is only one of hundreds of ways to help others. Whether it be as a physician or another role, let your families assist you to heal; your birth family, your medicine family, your universal family. Dr Wible has resources for you, as does your community. Embrace their assistance in your healing. Many blessings are showering upon you. Awaken to a new sense of self and healing journey.

  86. Julie says:

    A Mexican Proverb reads, “They tried to bury us, but they didn’t know we are seeds.”

    May you find comfort and peace for your journey ahead. Remember, you are a seed, coming to life again, up from the dirt of despair to new life and new hope. ~Julie

  87. Michelle Cook MD says:

    Dear Dr., we are with you. You do not suffer alone. So many of us have been where you are or dangerously close. Please reach out to us. We want to hold and embrace you. We want to validate the hell that is our training in medicine. We want to validate anything happening for you outside medicine too. We are with you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

  88. Manju says:

    Send you love and light. Stay strong

  89. Kim says:

    Prayers for you to get well and see that you are gifted and loved.
    Don’t let the system crush your spirit.
    From another female physician

  90. Soumya L Pandalai MD says:

    Sacred Soul…I’m sorry you are in pain now but may you have the strength to face the world as is and not how it should be. Thank You for being part of this world- gratitude for your souls purpose on earth. Sending love, light and healing.

  91. Val says:

    Praying for your continued healing, both physically, and especially emotionally. You do not have to suffer alone anymore. Please know that you have people who care about you, even those you have not met.
    You are loved.

  92. Suzanne says:

    Hang on, heal, and recover. Don’t let them beat you down. You are an intelligent, compassionate, hard working woman, or you wouldn’t be the care provider you are. I loved my patients, family, and friends, but I fought suicidal thoughts every day for 35 years. The monsters finally gave up when I retired a few years before I was ready. But the system is broken and you get brow beaten every day. You need to stay strong and recover. You need to let your brilliant mind heal. Then come back swinging and make the changes the system needs. It’s the young blood that can make the change. If you decide no, you’re done, at least you have your friends and family who love you. You still have MD after your name and no one can take that away. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished no matter where your future takes you. But, you have to come back to us.

  93. Compassionate Being says:

    Light of love fills your heart and with each breath you release sadness. Warriors fall but when they do, a transformation occurs into a profound, dignified sensitive being with the ability to withstand the strength that is compelled by compassion.

    With love and understanding,
    A fellow Fallen Warrior who has found beauty within tragedy, and strength far beyond I ever imagined….

    Heal, breathe, love

  94. Med Student in India says:

    I recently tried to kill myself again by overdosing prescription drug. I want to be with her in her process of recovery. She is not alone. Heartfelt gratitude for what you are doing. I would be grateful if you keep me updated of her condition.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Yes I will update as I hear anything (in brief unless permission is granted to share more). We all are praying she pulls through.

  95. Rita Losee, ScD, RN says:

    My loving heart is holding you in grace and healing. I would hold that you know the value you are and the blessings that can be given by you. I hold you as whole and well.

  96. Jody Hagedorn says:

    Wrapping you in all the love you’ve so preciously given to others. Envisioning your mind, heart & soul be gently yet powerfully reminded of how valuable you are.

    With all of you in love.

    PameIa…Is there anyone holding her feet (or doing reflexology/reiki) to ground her?

  97. Daniel says:

    I’m truly sorry to hear about the challenging situation she is facing. My thoughts and prayers are with her for strength and recovery. Wishing her the resilience to overcome this difficult time.

  98. Donna Buchanan says:

    You are in my prayers and in my heart. Whatever the reasons that you felt ending your life would be an answer, I am so glad the attempt was not successful, as you can be a bright light for others in pain.

  99. Dr. M says:

    We pray that you recover completely so you can live happily surrounded by positive supportive people. It’s important to enjoy the infinite options available in life.

  100. Carmen Rexach says:

    You are not alone. Many have stood where you stand now. You are not a failure, you are a living , caring soul who strives to care for others. Now you need to care for yourself! Praying for you and sending you love, hope, and the strength to recognize your own worth.

  101. Shuyan Huang MD says:

    Aloha. God guide my hands, and wisdom to the family members. I am also thankful to the Whistleblower who submitted the tip – I believe it so as to take it seriously & #investigate.
    1) May the family members & loved ones weigh the risks & benefits of forgoing the patient confidentiality to rule out crime.
    2) because #groomingbehavior is in every industry
    3) Healing is the first Justice & goal.

    #iamVanessaGuillen-MD-anesthesiologist and the U.S. Whistleblower of 2020. Amen.

  102. Sharon Black says:

    You are of great value to the world.
    Your heart and mind and hands are needed to care for yourself and others.
    You are bright and strong and loving.
    Your life matters, you matter, you are going to be ok.
    Sending love.

  103. Chelsea says:

    Dear Dr,

    I will pray for your healing from all you’ve endured, mind, body, and spirit. I pray also that you are able to move forward in this life, either within this profession or without, to find what brings you peace. You are worthy.


  104. Dr. Alan Jay Cohen says:

    We are pulling for you to come through. Many of us have shared the desperation and hopelessness during our grueling early days of medical training. Just keep going, once you are well enough to do the work, with support and guidance. It may seem never ending, but it does get better. Many of us carry scars from those brutal days. It can be a badge of honor, but it must not be a source of pain and suffering.
    Sometimes, it’s just about putting one foot in front of the other, until you cross that line to be your own person doing the work that you set out to do.

  105. Sherry Ainsworth says:

    Dearest resident, you are worth so much more than this. Come back to full health, and you will heal others just by your being. God, please hold her in your arms and care for her with your unimaginable love. Let her know that she is an essential part of this family of healers. In the glory of your Name, Amen.

  106. Donna Shelton says:

    Please remember that there is no such thing as a permanent emotional state. As you heal, be kind to yourself and lean on us and know that you are not alone. Sending massive love and many hugs ((( <3 )))

  107. Elizabeth Allemann says:

    When I have had the honor of meeting a newborn human and making eye contact with them, I offer this blessing: WELCOME!!! We are so glad you are here. Did you hear us calling you? We have been longing for YOU to come among us. We need you and we are so excited you are finally here.
    Maybe you did not receive this blessing as a newborn. Maybe you didn’t hear it often enough. Just in case that is true, I am saying it to you now. Not because you are a physician. But because you are a human and brought your own unique gifts here. May you walk out your destiny in peace and health and happiness.

  108. Dr Rachel Tita says:

    Lord Jesus, we lift up Dr …. Unto your throne of mercy. We pray for forgiveness of any sin hindering her healing . We pray for your mercy upon her life, may your blood heal and restore her. Make her a testimony for your glory. In Jesus‘name I pray 🙏

  109. EP says:

    Dear Sweet Girl,
    I KNOW it is too heavy and you cannot see your way out! That blackness takes control and doesn’t let in any light. I PROMISE there is another side! I am living proof of someone who couldn’t face another moment of the darkness but was given another chance. I am eternally grateful to have made it through and have now created a lighter and happier life. It’s a journey, but you are the master of your destiny. Your life is yours to create and recreate and live as YOU wish, not how others wish it to be.
    Hang on and go to the light!

  110. Benjamin Yu says:

    There are many of us who want to help. I hope you find kindness and compassion and I hope you feel comfortable to reach out. The medical world can be very brutal, but there are many paths to peace despite the experience.

  111. Paul Rains says:

    To the lovely child of God, a healer, a giver: you have been in a deep valley where you have no view, no perspective. As you travel along, your journey will take you to the mountain tops where you will see more clearly. God has created you for a purpose. Rely on God to give you the strength and meaning you do not have. Oh God, rescue this physician, this child of Yours. Lead her to joy and the purpose You have planned for her. Heal this precious healer. Amen.

  112. Catharine says:

    It can get better and will. I pray that forty years from now you will think of this time as the worst in your life and know happiness and gratitude that you received back a better life

  113. Snigdha says:

    Dear Dr,
    Sending my prayers of love, light and healing. Please know that you are loved and you are not alone. We are all here for you on this journey of life.

  114. Rèse says:

    Stay with us on this messy 🌏 jus for today.
    I can offer warm socks, warm tea and a body to be by for silence or sharing as you feel.

  115. Valerie Brooke says:

    My heart breaks for you, for the darkness that led you to this decision. I pray that your suffering ceases, and you can find a way back to the light. We are all rooting for you. Hugs and love and healing.

  116. Mark O'Brien says:

    It is a dark place to live in. There are better places to live. My dark days almost ended. There is a light. May you find it.


  117. Roberta Nieto says:

    I will be praying for you to Jesus Christ, the only savior of this world. I pray that Jesus will heal your body and your mind and give you His peace.

  118. Martin says:

    I feel your despair, and think about your future. There is love in medicine, but it is hard to find. I know the great spirit is sending you some in your hour of need

  119. Hugh Kennedy says:

    Please pray that our compassionate Lord will intercede with His infinite mercy to heal this precious soul. We pray that He heals her mind, her body and her heart and that she fully recovers to carry on her mission to help and heal others

  120. Donald Turken, MD says:

    Live Love Laugh, life is good, life is precious tenuous and to be nurtured. Find Make what brings you joy and peace, exercise? music? Dance? family and friends? ? Take and make every day play time. We all have to grow up, although many do not, yet do not finish growing up; play every day in reality and/or imagination even a little bit, and remember reality is good too. And those creepy guys in modern american medicine are a staple that will pass too; you have better things to do. Live Love Laugh and find those special people.

  121. Erin Hurley says:

    Sending much love and healing to you from a women physician who cares.

  122. Dorian Quillen says:

    So sorry to hear of the tremendous pain you’ve been in. But so proud of your ability to survive. Strangers are praying for you. I’m one of them. You have a big, beautiful life ahead, even if you can’t see it yet. You have amazing strength and resilience. Praying blessings for your recovery and over your life.

  123. Victoria Stockdale says:

    I don’t know what pain you are experiencing; however, I want you to know that you are loved. You are a gift to the universe and you are a blessing to all.
    My experience of losing a loved one to suicide has been devastating to my heart. I feel the hurt and pain without knowing you personally.
    Please fight to live because losing someone affects many lives including me.
    Fight for yourself because you have so much more to your life to live. Loving you from a distance.

  124. Robyn says:

    Abba, Jehova Rapha, God Who heals, surround Your precious daughter with Holy Spirit, infusing her mind, body and spirit with Your healing power. In the powerful name above all names, Yeshua. Amen.

  125. John Rice says:

    Sending you smiles, you are not alone. I will be thinking of you and sending special prayers. I remember a friend who told me when I was struggling, “tell me about the greatest time in your life.” I told him and we smiled. He pointed out to me, that those times didn’t stay great, they passed. He also pointed out that our dark times won’t stay either, they pass.

  126. clint collins says:

    prayers for your recovery. There is a destiny waiting for you. Please recover and continue on the journey so you can fulfill it.

  127. Negin Rajaipour, MD says:

    Dear beautiful soul,

    In this difficult moment, my heart goes out to you. I wish I could be there to hold your hand and offer comfort to your family. I can only imagine what led you to this point, such a harrowing experience speaks volumes about your strength. The struggles within our profession often go unspoken, but your journey underscores the importance of acknowledging and addressing them. Please know that you’re not alone, and your feelings are valid. You’re not broken! The system is broken!

    As you recover in the ICU, I hope you feel the collective support and prayers surrounding you. This experience, though painful, has the potential to empower you in ways unimaginable. You’re here for a purpose beyond what you may see now. Take this as a turning point, a moment of renewal. The healing process may be challenging, but I believe in your resilience.

    Wishing you strength and a speedy recovery,

    Please feel free to reach out!

    Negin Rajaipour ❤️‍🩹🤝🌷🙏✨

  128. Judy says:

    I pray you heal physically with no lasting issues, and I pray you find joy in your future. I have known the pain of depression. And I have found my greatest joys since. I wish you the same and more.

  129. Tara says:

    We see every you through every lens, in every light, you have a thousand hands at your back sweet lady, we are here for you in any way when you come through, all love ❤️

  130. Karen Bruck MD says:

    I will pray for you today and every day. You are strong and you will go on. We have your back.

  131. Rebecca Almeyda says:

    May you be healthy,
    May you be happy,
    May you be peaceful,
    May you be safe
    May you know yourself loved,
    May you be joyful
    May you be restful
    May you realize you are not alone
    May you be healed of your wounds
    May you know we are grateful for your existence.
    May you know you are loved

  132. Kris says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. As you recover and heal, know that there is no one and nothing worth your own life. It took me a very long time to know this. The medical field gives us a purpose and self-pride, but it also takes a lot from us. Please know that you matter, whether you don that white coat or not. I know that we are strangers, but you are not alone. Ever. You will continue to be in my prayers

  133. Sanj Katyal MD FACR says:

    Please please please know that you are loved and perfect as you truly are regardless of what happens out in the world. May you be blessed with a quick physical recovery. Please reach out to this community once you feel up to it. We are here for you!

  134. Sylvia Torres-Thomas says:

    To the IM resident physician in the ICU: I am so sad to hear of your pain and struggles and hope that you survive. You are worthy and the world needs you!! Not only your patients, but your family, friends, and community need you!! As you recover, may you gain the strength and through fresh eyes see all the people that love you and are there to support you. Don’t let your suicide attempt define you.

    I am a family member of a physician who committed suicide in July. He was a brilliant physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor, who cared deeply for his family, friends, and patients. For whatever reason, he chose not to share his immense pain and suicide plan with anyone. His loss has left a huge void in our lives. We wish we could bring him back to tell him there is no problem too big that can’t be handled with some help.

    You are worthy and loved by many people, known and unknown to you. Your life matters!! 🙏

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      I would love to speak with you Sylvia. I have a free online support group for family members of physicians and med students who have died by suicide. Not a club anyone wants to join, yet that community has been helpful for those who struggle with the “why” of doctor suicide. Please reach out to me here.

  135. Analisa Cross says:

    Praying for your health and well-being, and hope, not despair, receiving all the love from God Almighty, your family friends and unknown colleagues., Whether you are Christian or not, praying that you can receive the words of this scripture: Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit”. God will stay close to you and I pray for your healing and eminent recovery and that with God‘s help and the help of all of us who care for you, that you will never ever feel so broken again. Praying that you do not hold yourself to blame, it’s not easy to withstand all the EXTERNAL pressures that we as physicians have to face. I pray for your EMPOWERMENT to not let anyone or anything EVER take away your inherent, strength and belief in yourself. I love you and believe in you❤️

  136. Sasha Grams says:

    Remember that you are beautiful and God has a purpose for your life. If you’re unsure what that purpose is, just ask Him and he’ll show you.

  137. Manoj Doss, DO says:

    My heart breaks reading this. I pray that you will survive and find peace in this realm. I hope you live a life full of love, joy, and compassion. If you do that, you will find yourself thriving instead of just merely existing. There is always a path out of the darkness. Depression tricks us into believing there isn’t.

  138. Elizabeth Pendragon says:

    May you feel all the love coming your way. Things can get better especially if you want them to be. Doctor, resident or not, you are allowed to chase whatever dream you want in this realm or another.
    Love surrounds you, hope is holding you and you get to decide where your life goes from here. All blessings to you.

  139. Erica says:

    Dear Doctor- know that you are loved. Praying that you will feel the hand of God on your life and peace beyond all understanding. Rest in God and give him your burdens which he will lovingly and happily carry for you. Sending you love, comfort, and continued prayers for a speedy & full recovery.

  140. Dr. Taji Karim-Reisch says:

    Healthcare sister, you are not alone in this world. My prayer is that you be liberated from despair, and you feel your worth & sense of belonging. The world is much more interesting with people like you in it.

  141. Janet says:

    Please come back to us. We need you. Not for the work you do, but for who you are.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Not for the work you do, but for who you are.

      Not for the work you do, but for who you are.

      Not for the work you do, but for who you are.

      (for emphasis)

      You have value outside of anything you ever “do” for anyone else.

  142. Tara says:

    Sending love and prayers from New Jersey. Your life matters. We need you.

  143. Steve says:

    Know that you are loved. You are special and there is no replacement for you; as you are one of a kind. Know you are forgiven for any measures that you do not feel that you did not meet. Begin life anew with a new path that is laid out for you. This pause will give you the opportunity to reevaluate and allow you to choose to live according to your values and for your health!

  144. Nishanthie Dolage says:

    Life sometimes might feel like stuck and have no escape from the pain. Please remember life is very precious it is a rare opportunity, everyone can contribute to the world in someway. Anything in the world there is a beginning , a middle and an end . So are life problems. Everything changes there is nothing permanent including our problems.

    Taking a break and exploring life from another angle can be a game changer for some . Working as a doctor in the western world can be stressful not so much in the Asian world as the blame culture is less. Taking a break in another country might give you a different perception. Life is bigger than medicine or a problem

  145. Michelle Dalson says:

    Dear Dr., may you be blessed with abundant joy, peace, and love. God loves you more than you can ever imagine (John 14:27- “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”)

  146. Chris Bentley, PA-C says:

    It’s hard to see the good when everything feels so bad inside. Fatigue, worry, anxiety, and then despair are often times the unfortunate consequences of working in a field where we are constantly giving. Please always love yourself first……do something to replenish all that you give away. Stay away from relationships that take more than they give and most importantly….have a safe outlet where you can heal. You got this…..I am sending you love and light.

  147. Reena says:

    sending infinate love and gratitude for your courage to show up in strength and vulnerability. May you heal and May you express and be in the heart of this community of healers collegue,sister,daughter,teacher and fellow student.Angels winged ancestors pioneers lift up our teamate and come to her aide to bring here back to thte land fo the living and serving.let us all fill her with a renewed spirit of truth and wild rebellion as we stand as silence no more.Holy spirit fo fire and truth fill this space!

  148. Miriam Rose says:

    May your body recover life and may your dreams and compassionate heart and spiritual wellbeing also return in great abundance. Praying for you and your spirit. Be well and blessed. ❤️🙏💞

  149. cheryl says:

    Whatever the darkness, there is always alittle light even if you can’t see it. I am a suicide survivor because someone cared and intervened. Keep going towards the light.

  150. Dr. K says:

    Sending love and prayers for you. I know that it can be hard to realize this sometimes especially during residency, but please know that there is more to life than medicine. Please do not give up. We understand how you feel and you are not alone. We are here to support you. There is plenty to live for. Please pray for strength that God will make sure you get through this and come out victorious. We love you

  151. Gary Stein M.D. says:

    I and others are here for you. You are not alone and can ask for help.
    (650) 430-2214
    I welcome a phone call anytime you want or need to talk. I would feel honored by that.

  152. Paul Puri says:

    You are not alone. There are armies of us that have felt these feelings too, never admit it, but here and have your back.

  153. Dr. D says:

    Having been there I remember quite vividly what you must be going through. Doing your best is always enough and how all of us got through it, a window of hope is beyond training when you can and will find your destiny as I and so many did. You are here for a real reason, we need you, the patients need you. Do not let the system change you vs you changing the broken maladapted system. Stay strong keep fighting and look forwarding to meeting you someday soon.

  154. Jimmy says:

    You are enough. You are worthy. Those who tell you otherwise are wrong because cruelty is wrong.

  155. Marjel says:

    Love and prayers to her and her family.

  156. Steven A. Reid, M.D. (President, Doctor Lifeline, Incorporated) says:

    You are a miracle. The world brought you forth from its substance, from lifeless dust. You appeared, after billions of years the world waited for you. It doesn’t want to let you go, the fact that you are reading this now so proves. Against all odds, you ARE. Your life has infinite value, and its purpose is for you to discover. Suicide doesn’t end the pain, it shifts it to those who love you. Recall your enthusiasm and motivation to make the long journey to become a healer. Give yourself the sympathy and forgiveness you extend to your patients. There are many who are working to change the heartless, indifferent system that contributed to your despair. There is no shame in accepting there are moments in every person’s life in which they need emotional support from others of their kind. Accept that people, even strangers, deeply care about you. You are a miracle.

  157. Adam (Yitzchak) Moskowitz says:

    I pray that you receive a ‘refuah sheleimah’ a complete recovery soon. You are needed by your love ones right now, and you are needed by the patients you will eventually treat. You have chosen to follow your calling into the noble field of medicine. How ironic that the process of getting into medicine and staying in medicine can literally tear us apart. As doctors we know, we get it and empathize with your pain. Right now, you job is to fight to recover, and you will recover. We are praying for you, doctor.

  158. Kelli Olson says:

    Heavenly Father, please help her find the way back to the light. In a moment of despair, ending it all seemed like the best option, the only option, the only way to escape. Let her have a spark inside that wants your heavenly light to snuff out that darkness. So I ask, Lord, that you would do just that for her. You are the light that can shine in her darkness.

    I ask Lord that you replace thoughts of death and remind her of these truths: when she feels alone, God is with her; when she feels invisible, she is seen; when she feels worthless, let her see her value is knowing God and being known and loved by her family, friends and God.

    Lord, remind her when she is in that hopeless place, there are so many that have hope in her and for her.

    When she doesn’t have the voice, or the word to cry out for help, let her remember Jesus and countless others are praying for her. Let this remind her that she is seen, heard and deeply loved.

    I pray she sees that her time here isn’t over. Not yet. Please, give her the desire to live, please help her to see how important she is to so many and that her journey on earth is not yet finished.

  159. Lisa says:

    Sending prayers for your recovery.

  160. Ursula Watson says:

    Dear Sister MD
    I have just retired from 35 years of emergency medicine. I loved it -exhilarating but tortuous at times.-It was when I accepted Jesus into my life that I was able to weather those storms.
    I pray for your recovery and that you find peace in your life- Nothing is worth more than your beautiful life.

  161. Jose A Jarimba says:

    I hope she recovers and help others not to take the same path. She will be in my prayers. 🙏🙏

  162. Greg says:

    This sounds banal, or rude, because there’s no good words for where you are.’s ok. Not knowing exactly what happened inside you or to you, still: it’s all, really, ok.

    And it’s so nice to see so many who empathize with what may have happened here. Much love to you and everyone here, and everyone else.

  163. Anease says:

    I hope you know how strong you’ve been to get this far. May you come through this and see yourself through the compassion and love so many feel towards you right now. We know you’ve done your best and there’s a beautiful better life waiting for you on he other side of this. Love to you

  164. ELLEN SINGER says:

    Hang in there. You have choices in life. You don’t have to be a doctor. You can help people in many ways but you have to stay alive. You can help yourself, too. Good luck.

  165. Geoffrey Wilson says:

    You are not alone. Your pain is felt by countless physicians across the country. We have organized over 700 MDs to regain our power over medical decision-making and the conditions of our practice. We teach proactive empowerment through organization. It works. Wishing you all the best in your recovery.

  166. Tracey Leaver-Williams says:

    God bless his children with never ending peace and comfort. Joy is not always possible but peace never ending is within reach when we trust in his love.

  167. Sue Overkamp says:

    Please know, precious healer soul, that love always surrounds you, regardless of time and space, no matter the perceived circumstances. You are love, you are light, a being of inestimable value and unlimited reach. In this time of seeming limits, I offer my support and caring as one flower in the bouquet of love and peace that is yours. I love you, though I’ve never met you. And so do many others. Reach out. We’re here for you, as you are, in your many beautiful ways, here for us. Thank you for the gift that is you.

  168. Gisele Microys says:

    I hope you survive this suicide attempt and find hope and strength to continue your journey as a physician. Your story saddened me deeply, you must have felt truly desperate to consider hurting yourself and I truly hope your will find the support you need to deal with these heavy feelings. God bless and warmest wishes from an 88 year old female Canadian physician.

  169. Vickie Becker says:

    I know you and I love you. I’ve been there. I hope you can feel the warmth from my heart to yours.
    We have all been there and you are so worthy and special. All my energy to you.
    Dr. Vickie, Illinois ❤️

  170. Dane Michael Chapman MD, PhD says:

    My you find purpose in your life by knowing there is a God in the Universe who smiles down upon you and knows you by name. This is no coincidence that you survived the overdose. If you are like many of us, you strive for perfection in an imperfect profession. Please do not blame yourelf if you are not able to do all you would like. Do what you can. Your life is too precious to let go. Get the help you need. We all need help. May God continue to watch over you and bless you.

  171. Laurie says:

    I’ve been there. This is a death and can be a rebirth. Nothing needs to be settled right now. Survival happened, we don’t have to figure it all out now. Breathe. Rest. And then we push. In order for the new to beginning, sometimes the old chapter needs to be done and a new page turned over. Regardless of what’s on it, you are still here – may that be a guiding point in your journey. I wrote a book post suicide. Then I wrote another one. Then I started a business. Then I started another one… etc and so on. Not immediately, on a timeline that was far more humane than the one I’d been living under.

  172. Ellen DuBois says:

    You are so very special. There is no system or calling that is worth your heart, mind, body and soul. May our communal love and hugs reach you in your darkness and bring you back to you, your family and your community. You are unique. There is no one else on this earth like you. ❤️

  173. Bob Calhoun, MD says:

    Almighty and Eternal Father,

    I lift up this dear one of your children, so hurt by the enemies of Your healing vocation, in earnest hope that You will extend Your healing hand upon her, in mind, body, and soul. You placed in her heart the desire to mend that which was broken… to heal the sick… to care for the infirm. These are the works of Mercy You commanded us to do, and yet we find ourselves blocked at every turn from doing the work that You placed in our hearts to yearn for.

    In Your great and unfathomable mercy, restore our precious colleague to health and give her a clear path to the work You have planned for her. Make Your will known to her in clear, unambiguous ways, and send the Holy Spirit upon her to give consolation and guidance to draw her ever closer to You. Use this tragic event to be a catalyst for her healing and spiritual growth, so that she can be the healer You made her to be.

    May all things tend to Your glory, and may Your mercy, which endures forever, be praised in every corner of the Earth. May the world be blessed by this dear one, and through her, receive some small portion of the love that You have for each of us.

    I ask these things in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, God… forever and ever.


  174. Lauren says:

    Dear collogue,
    I pray that you make it through and when you do and can read this please know: that you are loved, you matter, you are a difference-maker in the lives of others, you have value even beyond your white coat.

  175. Jen says:

    Dearest Being of light,

    Incarnate for so few moments in our continuum of earthly time, may it be so you once again walk confidently with bare feet upon our dear earth – joyous and free- and in the company of your cherished ones.

    While you may now lie in a state of confusion, surrounded by beeps and shiny metal- not at all what your spirit imagined for this incarnation- immersed in (yet another) unhealthy war-like atmosphere, know you are exactly where you are supposed to be right now.

    In this present liminal state know this place you’re in (the ICU) is an illusion; what is real is your family’s and community’s love and concern for you.

    Nature’s miracles are just outside your window! And whilst your spirit is untethered, may your Divine family – “G-d” as one might conceive of Him, with whom you are now communing in a state of nearly infinite coherence, remind you They are always there for you even as your spirit descends once again to the 3D plane- where you may once again move matter by your own volition.

    According to His will, may your spirit return to your body whole as you return from your spirit’s journey of retrieval. (May it be so- yet all is Inshallah.)

    May those standing at your bedside know this, as your heart beats it is still ‘listening’, soaking up the sounds and their intentions of those in your surroundings. The power of words can be formidable; people often don’t mean what they say.

    In this time, every word and innuendo uttered by your earthly family (those around you now in the ICU) is being perfectly recorded-while you are totally in yin (listening) mode, as it is (and was) always.

    May all the doctors and nurses speak and act with kind gentleness.

    While your loved ones hold vigil at your bedside, would that they may gift you with their laying on of hands to connect, stimulate and “remind” your soma self and corpus of love that is real and tangible.

    We are all hu(e)-man – perfectly imperfect yet lovable exactly as we are without status or title.

    (And when you return, “get a cat” my lovely Siamese-like Luna ‘says’- even if you don’t much like them- she was being quite emphatic (!) as I write this- she helped me recover when my heart was ripped out.)

    Love and blessings,

    (Dr.) Jen

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      I can vouch for the cat idea. My sweet Kitty just died on Halloween this year and by the grace of God another homeless cat found us a few days before and moved in. Lifesaving!

  176. Tom B. says:

    I pray peace and God’s healing over you. Know that you are not alone. So many of us have walked this road thinking that we must rely only on ourselves, that we are not good enough, and can’t ask for help for fear of appearing weak. Many are here to help. You are loved. We will stand and get through this together.

  177. Arvind Cavale says:

    Dear colleague,
    The world desperately needs more healers like you. Despite the situation you have found yourself in recently, I am here (in your neck of the woods) to assure you that there is a lot of optimism in life. We just need friends & mentors to show us the way. Once you recover, please contact me when you’re ready for the journey. Pam can give you my contact.

  178. Pol Morton says:

    You are a beautiful person with so much to offer.
    Many of us know your pain and want to help
    You are never alone.

  179. Gail says:

    My prayer for you is that you will find healing from the emorional pain, and strength for the journey ahead. May devine light guide you through this sea of torment that is the calling placed on our lives. Indeed, to whom much is given, much is required. That burden is too often too much to bear. But, please know that you are not alone in your struggles. Please know how loved you are. And please, know how PRECIOUS you are in the sight of our Creator, who saw something so unique in YOU, that prompted Him to call YOU to be his angel here on earth. My prayers go up for you. ❤️❤️❤️

  180. Maureen says:

    Sweet beautiful soul, fight hard and save You. Love yourself with all your will. We hold you in our spirit as you journey to wellness, as you journey to wholeness. Sending you love and prayers.

  181. Tracey says:

    The tears fall on my face, as one more time, a suicide attempt happens to a healthcare professional.
    I’m praying for you and others to grasp the light of hope from our spiritual prayers. Praying for healing and love infused into your heart & soul!

  182. Robert M. Boldy, MD says:

    After reading all the prayers and wishes from others, I am feeling overwhelmed by this sad and unfortunate event. I know nothing about what led to this, and I realize that anything I might say would probably be inadequate. Those who knew this hurting physician are in the best position to comment. I feel I can confidently say this, however: I am sure that this individual had many gifts to offer. She was someone’s child, and either now or in the future, she undoubtedly had great potential to be someone’s best friend, someone’s life partner, someone’s parent, etc. I also know that any one of those gifts she could offer to others are more important to the world than any job, any one profession, any title, or any material symbol of success in our society. I hope that this sad and unfortunate turn of events will not be the final word for her, and that the creator of all things will allow her recovery. I myself have performed ICU care many times. Like others, I was trained to use science to try to stack the deck in favor of the afflicted individual, but I always had a sense that, ultimately, it was the creator of all things who determined the eventual outcome. It is my hope that this all-powerful creator will strengthen her medical team and ensure her recovery, so that she may live a full and rewarding life, and reach the great potential she undoubtedly has to bring joy to others. So let us all hope and pray….

  183. DR P EDWARDS CONRAD says:

    Acts 16:28 St. Paul’s prayer:
    ‘Do not harm yourself; we are all here’.

  184. Ruben Sanchez says:

    A Haiku Prayer

    Doctor clings to life
    Feel the prayers ascending
    Our world still needs you


  185. Michele Maxwell says:

    I feel you. I’ve been there. I see myself in you.
    Your precious soul can never be taken away from you.
    You are beautiful.
    You are perfect exactly as you are.
    I pray you give to yourself the grace and love we all feel so strongly for you.

  186. Anh Nguyen says:


    I pray that you grant her a miracle to recover her physical and mental strength, and to feel loved and joy when she wakes up. Pls be with her through the darkest days and give her hope, comfort, and tangible help when she needs it the most. Pls build her up so she can be whole and be close to you no matter what the circumstances. Pls take care of her before she can take care of her patients, and help her feel your presence at all time. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

  187. allan kelly says:

    We love you, dear one, colleague, friend, sister…..we treasure you and your face and your heart and your mind……I pray for your healing and recovery. Your struggle sounds in my heart as I remember my beloved fellow physicians who suffered even as you have….come back, and we will help you.

  188. Cindy Desmond says:

    You are so much more than your thoughts 💕

  189. Andrea Skaggs says:

    It DOES get better. The darkness and hopelessness will fade; beauty and joy will take it’s place. Your anguish and isolation are not permanent. I pray for full recovery from the physical insult so you can rise from the wreckage to live the rich tapestry that will unfold before you. Don’t give up; it DOES get better.

  190. Dr. Stephanie Meade says:

    Your life and your work are more valuable than you know. Too many of us suffer unbearably in residency. You are not alone. There is nothing wrong with you. The system is wrong.
    Wishing you peace and a full recovery.

  191. John Paul Cook says:

    You matter. You are important. None of us can do it all. The most compassionate thing you can do is ask for help.

  192. MLO says:

    Though we don’t know this young woman’s name, we feel her pain and are reminded of John Donne’s poem For Whom the Bell Tolls and can only hope that she survives.

  193. John Steenbergen says:

    I hope and pray that this doctor will recover, and realize that her life and knowledge are of great value, and that her life will eventually get better, with the help of her friends and family. I pray that she will be open to the help of those who care for her, and that she will not continue to be hard on herself. I hope she will develop a therapeutic relationship with a good doctor who can help her recover.

  194. Shoshanah Shear says:

    Dear Dr

    I was saddened to hear that you are in the ICU and what caused you to be there. I wish you strength and pray for your complete recovery on every level. May you be blessed with a long, happy, fulfilling life.

  195. Jessy Lorion says:

    Dear one,
    We do not have to be the best, or the greatest, or perfect. We do not have to do everything or even anything we said we were going to do. We are allowed to change our minds (I did…)…we are allowed to take longer to finish (many of us did, including me…)…we are allowed to find other ways to do things that suit us better, or are healthier ways for us.

    To listen to our inner voice, we must get ourselves to a place where we can hear what moves us…we must listen closely to hear the leaves rustling in the treetops of our aspirations. To do this, we must walk softly with bare feet on warm soft moss, and stop, holding still in the breeze. Listen.

    We must survive the storms, and then listen deeply, again.
    Peace, friend. Call anytime.

  196. Pamela Wible says:

    Lisa Lanning
    Praying for her body and soul and for her spirit to be healed. Praying for the broken training system that is so overburdened that puts this incredible strain on human beings for so many years without respite. Praying for her family and friends and colleagues and for her patients and for her doctors and nurses and therapists and those providing direct care for her now, that they will also receive peace and comfort.

    Olonade Luqman
    I pray God heals her body and soul. Very few people understand what it takes to be a healer, to be dedicated to the care of people. The crazy working hours, the never ending mental, emotional and physical exhaustion. The expectation of perfection at every turn, the sheer magnitude of work, and the criminalization of errors. Errors of judgement that is always part of human efforts. The absolute lack of forgiveness, the vindictiveness of patients and patient relatives. The economic tax of being a doctor, the broken relationship and marriages, the fractured children of such marriages.The fear and shame of failure. All these and many more are the burden of a medical doctor in most societies. It gets heavier daily, once you reach your limits kindly take a time off and speak up. It makes no sense loosing our best brains to this burden. Oh healer of soul, the source of peace,kindly pronounce peace into her heart, body and soul. Amen

    Alexandra Geditz

    Sweet sister in medicine. Praying for you. I hope you feel they healing touch of all your medical brothers and sisters. You are special and needed. Please wake up and live! Let your light become a beacon to those coming after your in the future. Be strong and come back to us!

    Anna M Moritomo
    I know this world, this field with ungrateful people & financial hardship that should not be sometimes… is so rough but this world needs you. I appreciate all drs & medical professionals do each day to help find answers

    James Halliday
    I know this pain. My son took his life. I know this pain and it’s okay. Please hang on, we all need you. Much love from Sault Ste Marie Canada.

    Ana Maria Sierra
    I don’t see where to leave a prayer so I will send her love and light and blessings for a complete recovery. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  197. Cathy says:

    Praying that God will help you recover fully and give you his peace and hope and people around you who will be genuinely helpful and supportive.

  198. Bob says:

    Sending love, hope, and prayers to you! I wish for a speedy recovery, both physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

  199. Amy says:

    Thinking of her feelings of shame when she awakens and praying she will forgive herself. Resilience is not something that comes easily to all of us. We are all here buoying her up to rise and move forward. Praying for her- body and soul.

  200. Myra Kemna says:

    Sweet girl. Sweet woman. Realize you must not die. We need your love, your empathy in this tired, sad world. We want you well. We need you well. Let us be your strength until you are well again. Rest on us. Then you can slowly make a plan forward to the beautiful life your so strived for. You may need to step out of the dysfunction of that is our medical system for a time but there will always be a way forward to your goal of loving and caring for others. I’m sorry you had to feel such pain, such exhaustion. But you will be strong again. I know, I had to step out of the dysfunction for a season also but I found my way, a beautiful way forward. And so will you. Bless you. Feel our love for you.

  201. Grace says:

    So sorry that you felt this was your only way out of the burnout and darkness. May your spirit be guided back into light and wholeness.

  202. Jason says:

    I pray that God restores this young woman. I humbly ask that He places His wings of protection and peace over her and all struggling physicians. Peace of mind. Lots of love going out.

  203. Anonymous says:

    As a medical student considering whether or not to go to residency, your protest of the system definitely allows me to understand what it’s like. I knew it wasn’t gonna get any better, thanks for showing me.

  204. Altynay says:

    I’m sending you my prayers from Kazakhstan. I will pray for you at the mosque on Friday. You are a precious and beautiful soul, and I understand that you’re tired. Remember that I am here for you.

  205. Jennifer Siegel, MD says:

    Life is a beautiful gift we’ve been blessed with. Please stay with us for the best parts. You’re young, smart and beautiful and the sadness is temporary. There is a solution if you’re willing. Don’t forget about the wonders of the world, the ocean, fish, whales. And on land all the amazing beautiful birds, elephants, puppies, and zebras. Please stay with us we need you to help take care of all the patients and you don’t have to do it perfectly or alone. Reach out to others, share your thoughts, fears and concerns. Don’t isolate. Best of luck and don’t forget it will get better.

  206. Nima Moghaddas says:

    please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Hope you know that you are NOT alone, you are strong and resilient, and you will get through this!!
    Hope is never lost. You are not alone.

  207. Diane says:

    I wish for your breath to be healing. I have felt the despair myself and healed. When you are further down your road of recovery, I love this poem:

    “my brain and
    heart divorced

    a decade ago

    over who was
    to blame about
    how big of a mess
    I have become

    they couldn’t be
    in the same room
    with each other

    now my head and heart
    share custody of me

    I stay with my brain
    during the week

    and my heart
    gets me on weekends

    they never speak to one another

    – instead, they give me
    the same note to pass
    to each other every week

    and their notes they
    send to one another always
    says the same thing:

    “This is all your fault”

    on Sundays
    my heart complains
    about how my
    head has let me down
    in the past

    and on Wednesday
    my head lists all
    of the times my
    heart has screwed
    things up for me
    in the future

    they blame each
    other for the
    state of my life

    there’s been a lot
    of yelling – and crying


    lately, I’ve been
    spending a lot of
    time with my gut

    who serves as my
    unofficial therapist

    most nights, I sneak out of the
    window in my ribcage

    and slide down my spine
    and collapse on my
    gut’s plush leather chair
    that’s always open for me

    ~ and I just sit sit sit sit
    until the sun comes up

    last evening,
    my gut asked me
    if I was having a hard
    time being caught
    between my heart
    and my head

    I nodded

    I said I didn’t know
    if I could live with
    either of them anymore

    “my heart is always sad about
    something that happened yesterday
    while my head is always worried
    about something that may happen tomorrow,”
    I lamented

    my gut squeezed my hand

    “I just can’t live with
    my mistakes of the past
    or my anxiety about the future,”
    I sighed

    my gut smiled and said:

    “in that case,
    you should
    go stay with your
    lungs for a while,”

    I was confused
    – the look on my face gave it away

    “if you are exhausted about
    your heart’s obsession with
    the fixed past and your mind’s focus
    on the uncertain future

    your lungs are the perfect place for you

    there is no yesterday in your lungs
    there is no tomorrow there either

    there is only now
    there is only inhale
    there is only exhale
    there is only this moment

    there is only breath

    and in that breath
    you can rest while your
    heart and head work
    their relationship out.”

    this morning,
    while my brain
    was busy reading
    tea leaves

    and while my
    heart was staring
    at old photographs

    I packed a little
    bag and walked
    to the door of
    my lungs

    before I could even knock
    she opened the door
    with a smile and as
    a gust of air embraced me
    she said

    “what took you so long?”

    ~ John Roedel (”

  208. Mary B. Callahan says:

    So sorry to hear about your attempt, but hope that your will be ok. You will come out of this stronger and your are valuable and worthy. I hope that your find your happiness.

  209. Sher Ali Khan says:

    May God help you in recovery, May God give patience to those who love you, May God unite you with your well wishers and good colleagues. May God fix the system of oppression.

  210. Michele Luckenbaugh says:

    To the precious young physician struggling to survive…
    We are all here for you, supporting you, and praying for your recovery. You are, indeed, special caring about the welfare of others, sometimes prioritizing that above your own well-being. None of us are perfect who walk the face of this earth, although some may lead us to believe that. The world can also be cruel at times but know that there are people ready and willing to extend their help and understanding to you. You are not alone. I pray that your body, mind, and spirit will be healed and you will come back stronger than before.

  211. William M. Bitsas MD says:

    Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy!

  212. Xenede says:

    You are a great asset to the Universe. All valuable assets require loving care to meet their potential. Seeking perfection over contentment ruins our sparkle. May your rays of light and energy return soon to grace us. 💙

  213. Robert Park says:

    O Lord!
    This is so sad…my heart is breaking!
    Yes! There is hope in Christ Jesus!
    I’ve been through similar severe depression, and by the grace of God alone (not me, at all), I was saved by faith through grace—turned into the most wonderful thing in my lifetime….
    I pray for the same mercy for you, dear friend, in Christ’s holy name, in His Spirit of truth and power, to heal you in heart, soul, body, mind, and spirit!
    Amen and Amen!

  214. Virginia Harr says:

    Girl I get it. You just wanted the pain of life to stop for a little while. You just needed a space where there were no plans, expectations,disappointments. You wanted a space where you didn’t have the crushing responsibility of being a doctor on top of everything else. You just needed the pain to stop.

    I don’t have a platitude to give you. Other than you are not alone in your pain. Just remember you are not alone. When you are ready so will we be. We will help you be the person you want to be.

  215. Scott S says:

    “Hope is a wish on the brightest star in the sky on your darkest night”.
    Remember that you are not alone. We are with you. We know how you feel. We share in your suffering. And we are praying for you. Your world-view may be clouded at the moment by a shroud or lens of depression, despair, but remember that you will get through it and we will help you through it. It is temporary. And at the end of that tunnel that lens will clear and your tears will flow again, like rains on a desert of despair and hopelessness, and they will heal you. Then you will see the world clearly again, and you will find new meaning. There is always hope. We are with you.

  216. Mary Leonard says:

    Sending love and prayers to you from a nurse who cares greatly about our medical students and doctors.

  217. Lynn says:

    Dr. Love and light to you as we brothers and sisters pray for your healing….whether it be in this world or the next. May you feel my prayers and solidarity with you as a fellow abused and wounded healer. May you feel the love and care in these simple words. Amen Inshallah Shalom

  218. Sara Tuzel says:

    May you find healing in the unending pain.
    May you find light in the pitch darkness.
    May you find understanding in a sea of indifference.
    May you find Hope in the vastness of despair.
    May you find strength after many years of hurt.

  219. Kathleen Morgan says:

    Butterfly” from The Touch of 10,000 Words

    Sometimes we bend ourselves so out of shape

    That we look in the mirror and we aren’t clear on who we see before us

    We place ourselves in a cocoon

    And close ourselves off from our authenticity

    Because there is a shallow comfort in safety

    But it all starts to feel too tight and restricting

    Your soul awakens, and all you want to do is fly

    Then something just clicks

    We spend so much time dressing ourselves in other people and their preferences

    That we forget that we have our own unique taste of clothing

    Our own sense of self

    A fearless and undeniable sense of self that embodies every amazing thing

    The yin/yang and our whole being in its entirety

    Why have we hidden all our innate beauty?

    To feel safe, loved, accepted

    Or to stay under the radar

    Afraid and anxious of what people may see when the mask falls off

    But you only need to accept and love yourself

    There is beauty both inside and outside of the cocoon that pushed you to grow

    Through darkness and dysfunction, depth and despair

    A vivid light splits through and steals you away

    When you get comfortable with your own messy and beautiful self

    Nothing and no-one can block you

    You finally see your truth

    You fall in line with the beat of your own vibration

    You come out of your cocoon

    A gorgeous butterfly

    You are a gorgeous butterfly, inside and out. You are the only you, and you are loved. May God and the healers guide you back to health so that you may guide others with your own beautiful light. Prayers for a speedy and full recovery.

  220. Vicki says:

    So much love available for your precious heart. May you hear and receive its beautiful calling ❣️❣️💖💝

  221. Julie Sherwood says:

    I am sending wishes for peace. Prayers for solace. And a path for hope. Although I don’t know you, dear soul, you matter. A LOT. May your heart and mind be healed.

  222. BW says:

    Praying for you and your family!

  223. EWA K STEWART MD says:

    Dear doctor as you are healing yourself with all your natural and supranatural and technology powers, we all are thinking of You and praying for your full recovery. Somehow, I feel you will not leave us. I and friends will pray for you starting tonight at 8 pm in our Rosary prayer circle.

  224. alia ashraf says:

    i pray for your recovery-both physically and emotionally from the trauma she endured.

  225. Anna Simon says:

    Sending you love,healing energy, and strength to realize that you are enough and more. I know how hard medicine can be. We give our hearts, brain, and soul to the art and science of healing others when those around us are always not so kind. Perhaps they don’t deserve us. We can retreat some but move forward knowing we are special. We must learn to self care, rise above those who disrespect us and look for those who care and need us. ❤️ 🌻 🌹 🌈 🐦 🕊️ 💕

  226. Jennie says:

    Dear One,
    I am so grateful that you have survived the attempt to end your life. Your precious life is worth so much more than any medical degree or career in medicine could ever be. I speak to you as someone who nearly died. I am grateful to still be among the living. I am not currently working as a physician, and I’m not sure that I will ever return to the hospital or clinical setting. It is important for me to let you know that it is not you that is sick. It is the system. It is the moral injury that accompanies training and practice. It is the never ending tasks that those who are supposed to be mentors turn into a gauntlet where perfection is the only answer. There is no perfection in medicine. I will share with you what I know to be true: the greatest joys I ever received in my years of being a physician in palliative care were those that I was able to spend truly caring for my patients and having a meaningful relationship with them and their families.

    Please know that even though I do not know you, I feel a kinship with you. You are part of an elite fellowship of Healers who survived a very traumatic event that will change your life. Please never let anyone tell you that you experienced a “failed“ suicide attempt. You didn’t fail at anything, not anything in your training, not anything from your mentors. They in the entire system failed you.

    Please know that you are loved and cared for. Please know that your life matters. Please know that I am so grateful that you are alive to read this message. And as much as possible, I know the pain that you were feeling when you made your decision. You are not alone. I may not know your name, but you are my sister in the profession of medicine and as an Healer. Allow yourself to heal. And above all, know that you are loved. This dark night of the soul will pass. Allow yourself to live, truly live, even if that means walking away from medicine. With deepest love, Jennie.

  227. Bobby says:

    As you rise up from this transitional phase (ashes), rest, you will see that you are more than a doctor and one awesome human soul (The Phoenix).

    Your employment did not define who you are as a whole human soul. You felt cumulative overwhelming thoughts, stress, lack of sleep, overwhelming demands, etc. A new thought an inner thought kept you alive. I hope you get to know this new found thought that said, “No, Not today, I’m a fighter.”

    Which means you are a normal human soul having a normal response to abnormal / situations or events. Meaning this happened to you not what you ordered up on your own.

    Here WE all are here for you as more friends, colleagues, guides, coaches, etc. to support you on your new path. You got this!

    You have a story to tell. Keep pushing forward to heal the inner you and know you have more support and options than ever before. Always more options.

    You will blaze a trail for many over worked caregivers with your story when you feel ready.

    This moment of awakening is the second chapter in your own life’s journey to tell. I sense a new you will emerge, evolve, and in love and light to tell your story that I / WE can’t wait to read or hear about.

    We all are here cheering you on and you have a friend in me too. Give yourself a comforting hug, grace, you are in a safe place and time to recover. The new you is emerging.

    With many prayers, positive thoughts, and cheers to the new you, You are not alone.

  228. Elizabeth Sarah says:

    I am praying for you, sweet soul. The world needs you and your gifts to give just as it wishes to give you life and strength to realize your calling and your dreams. Lots of love and healing.

  229. Patti Robertson says:

    My heart feels your mental and emotional suffering from the overwhelming demands of residency. Please know that you are not alone in your feelings, despair, burnout. Many of us have walked in your shoes. I hope and pray that the energetic love and support your peers are sending you will help you to recover and regain hope for the you envisioned for yourself. Best wishes for a full recovery!

  230. Mitra says:

    Dear you,
    I get you
    I love you
    I care about you
    You are not alone
    There is a life outside of hospital waiting for you
    Come and find it…..

  231. lola says:

    Hello dear. I can assure you it gets better. Medicine is not the end of the world. Your life matters. You matter and people you don’t know are praying for you. I am praying for you. Dark times don’t last. I am praying for you. I pray you recover fully and I pray for healing for you. Sending you warm hugs, You shall prevail.

  232. Meda says:

    You are what matters, not your career (your job). It’s about your precious life, heart and soul. I’m sending good vibes your way and pray for a speedy recovery for you.

    I’m just a 4th yr med student but even I feel the pressure every day. No matter how much I study and prepare, it often feels like I should know more, be able to do more. Please know that you are not alone. So many of us are rooting for you. Sending a huge hug your way!

  233. Katie says:

    Sending you love and courage from Minnesota. There are SO MANY people rooting for you, sending you healing. Please know that despite the despair, shame, and hopelessness, there is unconditional love and support for you among this group of amazing health care workers.

  234. JJay Arribas says:

    Sincere prayers for a full recovery. God willing you will come out of this stronger than you ever have been.

  235. Ramin says:

    As a physician – know that you are not alone functioning in this dysfunctional system -you are not alone if your frustrations & despair but please know that there is also a community of physicians that identify this and try to help each other out

  236. CA says:

    I send my prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery. As doctors we need to heal ourselves as well as others.

  237. Jose Miguel Salmeron says:

    Warm hug in the distance from Colombia in South America.
    Struggles are endurable with proper support.

  238. Liz says:

    My heartfelt prayers for your recovery. You matter – ALWAYS. Thank you for your passion to help others. It is people like you who help the rest of us to live. Please God, let my prayer help you to live. You are needed and loved.

  239. Maria Chionis says:

    Holy Spirit, please encircle me, Come hold me safe and secure. Wrap my mind up with your truth Guide my thoughts and calm my fears. Steady my emotions, Lord that you would guide my feelings, May I not be overcome by upset. Sustain my soul, With vision for the future, And hope for tomorrow. I need you. Amen.

  240. Soumya L Pandalai says:

    Hi Pam and Good Evening- just wondering if there’s any updates on the young resident in ICU?
    Thanks for all your service and commitment to this field….it’s truly inspiring

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      I’ve not heard anything yet . . . All we can do is unite as community and begin the process of truly advocating for one another emotionally, spiritually, and physically (we need sane work hours). Are you aware that DOJ is actively accepting complaints against med boards, hospitals, and residencies that violate the ADA rights of their trainees/docs? More here: 3 US Senators Demand DOJ Investigate Medical Boards

      First step to improve working conditions on behalf of all medical trainees.

  241. Ethan says:

    Prayers and thoughts for healing and recovery. Much love and support from this community. ❤️

  242. Rochelle Frank says:

    Sending many healing wishes to you. You are not alone. Many of us had a journey to a place of health, joy, understanding and fulfillment. May you find your path to discovery and be surrounded by caring and acceptance.

  243. J. Richard says:

    Dear struggling young physician, Please known that there are people around you (and even some you do not know) who love you and want you to have a life of joy, meaning and purpose. And there are those who will be glad to have and enjoy you as their doctor. I pray that you will come to understand how much God loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with Him.
    “O taste and see, put God to the test, how kind He is. He loves you. See for yourself how His grace and mercies shower down on all who trust Him.” (Psalm 34:8)
    I pray that you will sense God’s comfort and strengthening presence and make Himself real to you.

  244. William Bitsas says:

    Lord Have Mercy! Praying.

  245. William Halstead says:

    Luna Moth

    Among these gardens
    distractions of earth,
    the truest smell of water
    this soil accepts our sweat.
    We step so carefully around these plantings of ours
    the heaviness of air descended from clouds.
    Raven draws the sky in dark complaint behind him
    till broader than the valley he can carry it no longer.
    surround a killdeer’s chick
    adsorbed to the honesty of its faith in stillness to survive.
    We are released beneath this same moon
    that shows
    only the soft inside of my hands grey blue,
    fluttering in the dark.


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