Letter I just received from an anesthesiologist:
I had previously written you about the death of one of our residents in the anesthesia department [of a prominent US hospital]. I had mentioned another death [confirmed suicide] of a former internal medicine resident who had just started his fellowship.
I also want to let you know that our department is doing their best to continue the culture of shaming and secrecy around physician suicide. We are not allowed to talk about what happened. We have not had any sort of service to honor our own grief. We have been given various excuses for the lack thereof.
I had also purchased 6 copies of your book for my residents. I had not distributed them but had told a few about their presence. Please see the department wide email that I sent last week. The departmental administration should be ashamed of themselves. Please share this information as you see fit.
Dr. J
Subject: Book on Physician Suicide
To all,
I have purchased a few books about physician suicide by Pamela Wible, M.D. I have had them for the better part of a month and have not sent a notice that I had them available for anyone. I was refused reimbursement from the department as this was considered to be a personal expense (for 6 books). I had previously purchased books on wellness and had been able to cover them through the department.
On Monday I was summoned to the office of the division chief. I had assumed that I was to be informed as to why the books were not eligible for funds. Instead I was informed by the executive vice chair that “the department did not want me to distribute these books to the residents.” At that time I also discovered that the division chief had stolen these books from the anesthesia workroom where I had placed them on the shelf. Since I have now recovered them I am making them available for anyone that is interested.
Dr. J
If you are appalled by the behavior of those who wish to cover up the medical student/physician suicide crisis, please join our upcoming vigils across America to stand in solidarity with us, pledge your support of Do No Harm, the forthcoming documentary on physician suicide, and sign this petition. Thank you!
Here’s what happens when we don’t talk about physician suicide. More physician suicide:
Pamela Wible, M.D., is the author of the best selling book, Physician Suicide Letters—Answered. Photo courtesy of Yvonne Whitelaw, M.D., and quote by James Howe. Thank you all for reading banned books and for seeking the truth.
The culture of shame is changing one brave doctor at a time. Bravo!
Pamela, you keep on doing what you are doing! You cannot change something wrong without shaking its base. The base is now shaken… Keep on working on the good cause and never, never, never, never give up! Even if you save ONE life, it is more than worth your effort, your passion and your life legacy!
I love this post! I’m sharing it on Facebook! You rock Doc!
With love and appreciation, ~B ⚡️
YouTube video soon???

The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.” – Abraham Lincoln Also applicable to Rules, Ban on books, thoughts, ideas. Go Dr. Wible!
That’s how you KNOW it’s good!!! – It is made banned or made illegal.
I am going to commit suicide because I am so tired of being ill. I have been ill for most of my adult life but nobody believed me. Now I know what is wrong and how to get well but I don’t have the money. I wish I could ask for help from all my old colleagues but they probably wouldn’t help anyway. Nobody else has.
Please contact me. I will also email you.
Just a warning. You must make a crisis plan to avoid welfare check and hospitalization when contacting a crisis hotline. Don’t stop the conversation early. Virtually all crisis intervention is coercive and contacts authorities. The Western Massachusetts Peer Support line doesn’t contact authorities. Anyone can use it, not just Massachusetts esidents. The peer support group deadly serious is also non coercive and won’t contact authorities. The link is in my next comment.
Commentater Charles Krauthammer, MD, a board-certified Psychiatrist, sustained a mid-Cervical Spine fracture during Medical School(Harvard), I don’t when during his Medical School Education this occured. Noner-the-less, or in spite of this, he completed his Psychiatry Residency and passed the Psychiatry Board exam. If Harvard Medical School can do this, certainly your residency program can do the same for you!’Firing’ you from the Psychiatry Residency Program might be classified as “Crazy” by Keith Ablow, a Boston practicing Psychiatrist.