Loyola Commencement Speech “Live Your Dream” →

Angela Jiang: Good morning! As the class Vice President, it is my pleasure to welcome Dr. Pamela Wible to our graduation. Dr. Wible is a family physician and a pioneer in the ideal medical care movement. After completing a family medicine residency and working in different family practices for over 10 years, Dr. Wible found that neither doctors nor patients were happy with a system that felt much like an assembly line. She decided to follow her vision of practicing medicine in a way that could please both herself and her patients, and invited her community to design their own ideal clinic. 

At Stritch, one of the first things we learned was how to treat the human spirit. It’s fitting for Dr. Wible to join us on this momentous day, since her clinic pretty much sounds like a spa for the human spirit. She offers relaxed office visits, house calls, and she has never turned anyone away for lack of money. With her patients, she wears glitter, throws Pap parties, and delivers balloons and homemade soup to patients during house calls. Since her clinic opened in 2005, Dr. Wible’s innovative practice has inspired hundreds of other physicians to create ideal clinics nationwide.

In addition to her devotion to changing health care, Dr. Wible is also passionate about physician mental health. She operates a suicide hotline from her home, and believes in nurturing the invincible human spirit in us all. For her contributions to physician mental health, she was named as one of 2015’s Women Leaders in Medicine by the American Medical Student Association.  Dr. Wible’s commitment to promoting mental health and innovative approach to health care has led to Ted Talks, two bestselling books, features in textbooks, and interviews by CNN, NPR (listen to award-winning NPR interview), and many other news outlets.

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How to be inspirational →

Inspired Happy Doctors

How do you keep yourself energized and motivated? How do you inspire other people to be excited and enthusiastic? How do you get patients with self-inflicted illness (like smoking and overeating) all jazzed up about changing their lives? A medical student recently asked for my guidance on inspiration and keeping a positive attitude amid so much pain and suffering. He wondered how I “willingly drink in the most heart-wrenching of fodder, yet exude even larger volumes of love.” Listen in to a small section of our mentorship call above as I share how you too can be inspirational.

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Dean promotes med student well-being. And he’s fired. →

Stuart Slavin MD

Medical students enjoying discussion with Dr. Stuart Slavin.

URGENT: ** Please attend demonstration of support May 11th in St. Louis. **  Just received this letter from a medical student:

Dr. Wible,

I hope you are doing well. I am reaching out to you in less than pleasant circumstances. Dr. Slavin, our most valued leader and educator, has been dismissed precipitously from his position as Dean of Curricular Affairs. He seems to have been targeted unfairly for the recent accreditation decision. There is a general lack of transparency regarding all of this. The newly appointed Dean Behrns also may not share Dr. Slavin’s vision of valuing student mental health and wellness and being a national leader on this front. Please help us in increasing awareness of a demonstration of our continued support for Dr. Slavin tomorrow on the medical campus.

There will be a demonstration tomorrow, Thursday, May 11, 2017, from 12-3 pm on the medical school campus to show support for Dr. Slavin. We will be gathering around the fountain in front of the Learning Resource Center Building at 3544 Hickory St. in St.Louis, MO 63104.

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Should you go to a brand-name medical school? I didn’t. Here’s why. →

Pamela Wible Med School ID

Is the doctor-making “factory line” the same everywhere? Yep. Pretty much. Here’s why you may not want to attend a big-wig school. Listen to today’s podcast inspired by a letter from this amazing premedical student. Enjoy!


I have shared your work with so many of my premed and physician friends! Thank you, so much! There is not a day that goes by that I don’t dream of my “Ideal Clinic”… thanks to your inspiration!!! I have a strong entrepreneurial background… I think I just needed permission to merge dreams! For now, I’m still a premed. Actually… only three more weeks, and I will have completed all my premed classes, with straight A’s and then some. 

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Town loves doctor. Gives her free rent, cookies and $100,000 check! →

Listen to the above interview extracted from our physician teleseminar and discover how this small-town doctor got free rent, a plate of chocolate-chip cookies, and a $100,000 check!

Meet Dr. Mary Ellen Hoffman—the happiest doctor in New York! She’s an awesome family doc in the small town of Oneonta. She used to be in a clinic where she was always running late, doing tons of paperwork, and charting after hours. She was so exhausted trying to care for others she started daydreaming of getting into an accident so she could rest. Does that sound familiar? I’ve spoken to a ton of depressed and suicidal docs who have said the same things over the years. Sleep deprivation and chronic exhaustion actually lead to suicidal thoughts in doctors.

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