Copycat Suicide to Copycat Savior →

People imitate people.

More than 1,600 people have died by suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. Harold Wobber was the first known suicide—1599+ people copied him.

Cassie Bond of Spokane, Washington (copying Paige Hunter of UK) is preventing suicides from a bridge in her town.

Rather than copying suicides, Cassie copied lifesaving interventions. Now Timothy Irwin is copying Cassie’s methods.

“I’m tired of being lonely. Having thoughts about jumping off.”

Timothy has battled significant tragedy in his life. He wanted to die by suicide by jumping off the Monroe Street Bridge.

Something stopped him in his tracks.

“Every 10 feet there was an encouraging message. Wow! Whoever wrote these down . . .”

That person is Cassie Bond wanting to prevent suicide. Every message positive and loving.

Cassie reached out to Timothy on Facebook as soon as he posted about his experience.

“I’m really proud of you for not jumping.”

He’s doing what he can to help her mission to help those who have struggled just like him.

Keep striving. I don’t ever want you to give up.

Now we’re helping more than 100 doctors copy their methods to prevent suicides.

We can all be copycat saviors! 

(You don’t need a medical license to save a life 💕)

If you want to join our Summer Suicide Science Project competition (prizes for everyone), view video below & contact Dr. Wible. We CAN end doctor suicides!

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Medical Malpractice & Doctor Suicide →

I lost several physicians to suicide amid medical liability cases (even frivolous ones!). Doctors are human and we can make mistakes that are not intentional. Sadly, physicians (and patients) are harmed by the current legal model. We can and should do better. I’m working on an innovative new way to handle medical mistakes outside of the legal system. More news coming soon!

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Physician Fitness For Duty Exams—Protecting Your Rights →

What would you do if your hospital, employer, or medical board mandates a FFDE (Fitness For Duty Exam)? Kernan Manion, M.D., (Center For Physician Rights) shares his wisdom.

Understanding FFDEs and Protecting Your Rights

Top 10 Takeaways:

1. FFDEs should be limited in scope, focusing on specific job-related concerns
backed by objective evidence of deficient performance or safety issues.

2. Under ADA, FFDEs must be related to your job performance and consistent
with business necessity.

3. Employers and medical boards must engage in an interactive process
with the physician to explore potential mitigations and reasonable
accommodations before reflexively resorting to a mandatory FFDE.

4. The “potential for impairment” due to a disability is not the same as actual
impairment and should not be the sole basis for ordering an FFDE.

5. Physicians have the right to know the reason for the FFDE, discuss the limited
scope and desired outcome, and clarify confidentiality parameters.

6. The FFDE evaluator should be an impartial entity qualified to conduct an FFDE
and knowledgeable about ADA and the physician’s specific job functions.

7. Physicians have the right to contest the FFDE, obtain an independent opinion,
and receive a copy of the FFDE report.

8. If the FFDE reveals a disability as a contributor to the alleged impairment, the
employer or medical board must engage in the interactive process to
determine possible mitigations and reasonable accommodations, unless it
causes the employer undue hardship.

9. Physicians subjected to discriminatory or unfair practices during the FFDE
process may have legal recourse under ADA.

10. Seeking guidance from an attorney knowledgeable in ADA law as well as
employment law or professional license defense, and having a good
understanding of one’s rights are crucial when facing an FFDE or dealing with
potential disability discrimination in the workplace.

The importance of understanding the legal and ethical aspects of FFDEs, being
proactive in asserting your rights under ADA and other laws, and seeking
appropriate support and guidance throughout the process cannot be overstated. By
keeping these key points in mind, you can better navigate the challenges of an FFDE
and ensure that your rights are protected.

11 action items and key questions to ask amid a mandatory FFDE

1. Ask the referring entity (medical board or hospital) to clearly state the specific
concerns they have about your performance and how it may be related to a
suspected disability.

2. Request information about intended scope of FFDE and ensure it is
limited to assessing job-related concerns only.

3. Inquire about qualifications of the FFDE evaluator and their knowledge of the
ADA and your specific job functions as well as their impartiality. Ask whether you
can obtain an independent evaluation and, if not, why not.

4. Ask whether you will receive a copy of the FFDE report and if you will have the
opportunity to review and respond to its findings.

5. Discuss confidentiality parameters and who will have access to FFDE results.

6. Request information about the desired outcome of the FFDE and any potential
consequences for your employment or medical license.

7. Ask if a discussion about possible mitigation and reasonable accommodations
will be considered before requiring your FFDE, and how they plan to
engage in the interactive process to explore such accommodations.

8. Document a recap of all discussions and interactions you have with any
of these parties, dating each new journal entry.

9. Gather all documentation (and if relevant, medical records) that may
support your ability to perform your job functions safely and effectively.

10. Seek peer recommendations of attorneys knowledgeable in ADA law to
understand your rights amid a mandated FFDE and develop a strategy
for protecting those rights throughout the FFDE process.

11. If you believe the FFDE is discriminatory or unjustified by objective evidence,
consider filing a complaint with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC) or state fair employment practices agency.

By proactively asking these questions and taking these actions, physicians can better
understand the FFDE process, assert their rights, and protect themselves from
potentially harmful disability discrimination. It’s vital that you approach this challenge
with an awareness of potential dangers and a clear understanding of your legal
rights, and to seek appropriate support and informed guidance to navigate the
complexities of a mandated FFDE.

Need help navigating your FFDE? Contact Dr. Manion or get weekly support.

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Wildest Doctor Suicide Survival Story! →

He used to be a plastic surgeon. He used to be rich and famous. He was in San Diego and got turned over to the medical board. He could have killed himself. But you know what he did instead? He decided to make a bucket list of 100 things that he wanted to do before he died.

You are one cool dude!

Hi everyone! I’m here to give a little hope! Not only physicians, but all health personnel. There was nowhere to go to. I couldn’t trust my colleagues. In residency they take 30 people and two make it to the end. People are always spreading rumors and gossip.

Once I “made it” and became a plastic surgeon and started earning the big bucks. After the first four years the lawsuits started to come. Frivolous lawsuits. No support from anybody. Worse than that. My so-called colleagues (that I go to meetings with) were saying bad things about me. “Well I think somebody died in his clinic” NO. “I think he might be doing some inappropriate things.” NO

It was horrible. Just horrible. I had nobody to talk to, go to. I didn’t want to burden my own family with this. So I really wanted to die. Like all of you we work so hard and give up all those parties and fun things to get through and become a doctor and I wanted to be a doctor since I was four years old.

Once I completed my 16 years of training I thought that was it. I’m all set now. I’m here to serve the world and oh my God things that happened . . .

So I wanted to die. They locked me up for 72 hours. Of course, severely depressed at that point. Really wanted to die. Planning all the details.

Then it hit me. I can’t do it. I just cannot do it. It would be a betrayal to my mother who risked her life and raised me as a single mom for years and went through hell. I couldn’t do it. I thought okay what’s the opposite of killing yourself. It’s to have the most incredible life ever lived by a human. I kind of flipped it over.

This is corny, but I got a notebook and I wrote down 100 crazy things that I would really want to do in the perfect world before I die. Proverbial bucket list way before it was cool to do so cause this was almost 30 years ago now that Crazy shit. Like go to space; trek across Antarctica and make a TV show about it; travel to every single country I wanted to go to (162 so far on 7 continents); I became a monk for a year lived in a cave on Myanmar border.

I wanted to give hope to doctors who feel like this is the end. I’ve had it. Not only do I have debt. Not only do I have to deal with insurance. Not only do I have to deal with colleagues I can’t trust. What the fuck good is living like this? I’d rather die. Can you imagine how many are feeling like that right now?

I remember the last time I went to see an internist. He looked so sad. So I said, “You look like you need a hug man.” I hugged him and he started bawling and crying. Oh my God. We’re introverts and we’re good at hiding, put on a professional face. We’re good at that. But it’s not working. So I want to say that if you have to just fucking quit. Don’t worry about it. What a waste of all those years? It’s not.

You can go to the other 190-some countries and be of great service. I’ve gone all over China, India, Bangladesh, helping the Rohingya being genocided. They don’t care about license! American doctor want to help? Oh my God! Please!

Every one of us can be of service wherever you go. I’ve done it in all these countries and Antarctica. Fuck the license and all those fees and CMEs and shit. We have enough training to help make a huge difference. Little villages where there are no doctors. Took me four days to climb to a Himalayan village. Oh my God they went berserk! A doctor came to visit us! Guess what. They have less mortality and morbidity than any other place I’ve been with a bunch of doctors. So much excitement and fun and contribution you can still make.

Money? In America we’re brainwashed. Oh my God if you don’t make six figures, we’re fucked. NO. I was living like a king in Asia for less than $500 per month. Really. Living on the beach. I’m just saying there’s hope. Don’t give up.

What would you tell a doctor who is thinking of killing himself today?

Go ground yourself with nature. Go to a forest. Walk around barefoot. Smell the fresh air and realize we are part of nature. All that stress and bullshit pounding on us is all fake. Number one. Two learn basic meditation, whatever form. Simple breathing. Get down to the basics: What am I? Who am I? What am I doing here? What do I really want out of life? Do I have to do this? Do I want to continue like this? If it happened like this early in my career, is it going to get better? Probably not.

There are options is what I’m saying, You can make things happen. We’re all supposed to have a certain amount of intelligence. FOCUS on the dream. Make it come true—completely!

The world and beyond is your oyster.

You don’t have to have a lot of money. Be nice to have a little bit. This country is not #1. We’re #1 in suicide for doctors; #1 in violence; #1 in the worst health care system in the world; #1 in warmongering. Yes, we’re #1. Oh my God you guys! Go travel and go to the hospitals in Thailand, Spain, and the #1 ranked in the world is Taiwan—#1 ranked health care. Where you’ll feel like you’re in a five-star hotel.

I broke my ankle in Taiwan. $75 later an orthopaedist fixed my ankle in a cast, meds, follow-up appointment. $75 cash. Thank you very much. If it was in France or Spain it would be free.

I just want people who are suffering to know you don’t have to do that. You do not have to keep torturing yourself. thinking you’ve reached the wall, the end. Just say, “Sorry. Fuck it.” I have my knowledge and I’ll use it.

Go west young man, young woman. Just go. Go. Just leave. I just left. I had to do the first thing which was go all 50 states. Once I did that, I just left. Going around the world 12 times so far, planning my 13th right now. You could be of great service wherever you go. All over Africa. God they need you as a volunteer doctor or you can make money overseas. Guess what? The first $130,000 an American makes working overseas is nontaxable. Suddenly you’re gonna be much richer than you ever were in America.

Opportunities abound elsewhere. Don’t let them fuck you over.

Need help? Join our free Doctor Suicide Dream Team. Be inspired! Contact Dr. Wible for Zoom link.



3 sneaky ways the lucrative wellness industry injures doctors →

Physician Wellness Market

3 sneaky ways the lucrative physician wellness industry injures doctors. Common tactics ALL health professionals must understand. PLEASE SHARE WIDELY.

1. Using victim-blaming terms like “burnout” to obscure systemic human rights violations.

“Burnout” blames the victim who is enduring human rights abuse on a daily basis. Work-life balance impossible to achieve. Benchmarks. Metrics. Inefficient. Unprofessional. Resilience is a frequently used word to blame doctors who are truly among the most resilient human beings on the planet and need no further training in how to be resilient; they simply need to be treated with respect for the incredible value they have to society. Read more words that blame doctors and words we should be using instead.

2. Offering “voluntary” and “confidential” help that is neither voluntary nor confidential.

Many institutional “wellness” programs entrap docs by deceptively claiming they are “voluntary” and “confidential.” Once roped in, you cannot leave if you want your license. Physician “Health” Programs (PHPs) repeat these words ad nauseam to lure gullible docs. The minute docs do not comply with non-standard therapies (including polygraphs!) they are reported to the board as “noncompliant” and lose their medical license. Programs are not “voluntary” and “confidential” when your employer and med board have access to your files and use your “protected health information” (PHI) to further retaliate against you. Even worse, your PHI can be published in print newspapers & online (even on the med board’s Facebook page!).

Physicians share:

“After the unexpected death of a patient, I sought counseling. By a stroke of (bad) luck, I picked the only one in town in charge of impaired physician monitoring. He told the board (though stable) I should be ‘monitored.’ I had to defend myself in front of the Florida board. They laughed in my face and then posted in the local newspapers that I was sentenced to 5 yrs of monitoring. I had mandatory Wednesday group therapy. Though I was an exemplary physician, my employers had to be told why I was unavailable for call every Wednesday. Each time I (re)credential with hospitals, I must explain the whole thing again. HIPAA for me does not exist. I have never missed a single day of work for mental health.”

“Do you know what really hurts? The fact that anyone can look me up on the Internet and read my dirty laundry. I’m publicly shamed [by my medical board], punished for being ill. I will only know peace when I am gone.”

3. Claiming physician “health” programs (PHPs) prevent doctor suicide when doctors are dying by suicide inside these so-called “health” programs.

I now know 27 docs who died by suicide inside PHPs. Survivors report:

“You will begin to question your sanity. Techniques are based on humiliation and shame . . . underlying philosophy is total emotional and psychological destruction. It took every ounce of strength not to leave here a broken human being. . . Physicians have taken their own lives after completing ‘treatment’ here.”

“My best friend there killed himself two days after I left,” another physician reported. “I saw the staff systematically break him down until he had no personality or emotion. He was a shell after the public humiliation.”

Here’s how one stellar doctor died under the care of a “health” program. Read his last words here.

If you’re thinking this cannot possibly be true, please watch these podcasts on how physicians are held against their will in out-of-state PHP “preferred” facilities that worsen their mental health and lead to new-onset suicidal thoughts and suicide.

PHPs: Complex Problems & Solutions

PHPs: A Cautionary Tale & Message of Hope!

FREE HELP: Weekly Peer Support Groups Sunday. To join, contact Dr. Wible.

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