Bicycling doctor makes house calls for uninsured →

I was kind of innocent back in 1998. A new doctor fresh out of school. I didn’t know about our doctor suicide crisis. I didn’t know about the widespread human right violations in medical education. I didn’t know about assembly-line medicine or big-box clinics.

 I just knew I wanted to help people. And after my first job I knew I couldn’t do that in 7-minute office visits.

So I quit to open an ideal medical clinic in my house—even though I didn’t have much money to do it. I lived simply. I shopped at Goodwill. So I could have the opportunity to care for people who needed me most—regardless of ability to pay. Twenty years later I’ve never turned anyone away for lack of money in my clinic. 

Today I found this old TV news clip. It’s somewhat embarrassing, sort of hilarious and totally old school. Enjoy!

Reporter: Something old fashioned is happening in this South Eugene converted garage—medicine the way it used to be.

Dr. Wible: I wanted to put the emotion and the love and the care back into health.

Reporter: Dr. Pamela Wible opened her Tender Loving Clinic December 5th after working in a number of different practices.

Patient: I’m looking for more of a relationship with my physician . . .

Reporter: And Wible wants to give more that’s why she treats lower income people and those without insurance and those who only speak Spanish. She even makes house calls on two wheels.

Dr. Wible: Here’s my bike [squeaking my pink lamb horn—twice OMG 🙂 ]

Reporter: Her unusual approach is also evident inside the clinic she helped build. Towel bars made from limbs found in her backyard and fresh juice for every patient.

Patient: Yeah, I think it’s really important to have our healthcare needs be more centered towards the person.

Reporter: Wible charges a sliding scale fee with 20% off for anyone who rides a bike to their appointment.

Dr. Wible: In here we have the exam room . . .

Reporter: She bought her equipment used and offers just about every kind of service except surgery and delivering babies and most importantly she says she gives what’s missing most in modern medicine—emotional attachment to the patient.

Dr. Wible: That’s like a huge part of healing—is just to be present and have empathy for someone.

Reporter: Wible hopes her tiny clinic will have huge promise for people in search of a different kind of doctor.

So here’s a poster I made about my first ideal medical clinic back in 1998 🙂

I then launched a second ideal clinic 7 years later. Here’s a newspaper clipping announcing my town hall meetings.

My first ideal clinic led to a second ideal clinic. This time I held 9 town hall meetings and collected 100 pages of testimony. I adopted 90% of what my community wanted and in 2005 we opened the first community-designed ideal medical clinic—now replicated across the USA and even as far away as New Zealand!  Read Journal of Family Practice article celebrating our clinic.


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3 danger signs it’s time to quit your job →

How to know it’s time to quit your job: Patient wanting refill threatens to be back with a gun. Employer sides with patient. TRUE STORY!

I posted this on Facebook and was surprised how many others chimed in with similar threats. One doctor summarized: “Being an ’employed’ physician means you are totally expendable. In every sense of the word.”


Janice Quote

Here are 3 danger signs.

YOU MUST resign immediately:

#1 To Save Your Life

If you (or your clients’ lives) are in harms way you MUST quit your job now—especially if your employer seems unconcerned about the loss of life. In health care organizations that claim to provide compassionate care this is an obvious red flag that they don’t actually care.

#2 To Stop Financial Theft

If the majority of the revenue you are generating is being extracted from you in the form of “overhead,” your money is being stolen. Some doctors are taxed with 85% overhead. That means if you get reimbursed $100 for seeing a patient, you only get $15. Here’s a quick video I made on how I tripled my income per patient by quitting my job. You should quit now and do the same.

#3 To Stop Fraud & Criminal Activity

If you are working in a clinic or hospital that is committing Medicare or insurance fraud by upcoding and billing patients for care they did not receive, your life and license is on the line. YOU are an accomplice to crimes in your workplace if you knowingly continue to participate in them.

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Doctor Suicide Crazy Socks Day is June 1 →


Did you know that June 1st is a day devoted to raising awareness about doctor suicide by wearing “crazy socks” and posting photos on social media with hashtag #CrazySocks4Docs? Though the concept seems strange, the goal is to normalize conversations about doctors’ mental health. Please listen to my full podcast analysis here . . .

Funky socks? Such a surreal concept when I’ve devoted nearly every waking moment during the last 5+ years of my life to preventing these suicides through writing, speaking, film, TV, retreats, petitions—even running a suicide hotline out of my home. I’ve been on the phone with families in the immediate aftermath of losing their children to suicide in med school. I’ve flown newly widowed women to Oregon for private retreats to help them heal after losing their physician husbands to suicide. I’ve lost nine doctors in my small town to suicide. I was lucky to have survived myself.

Yet I’ve been so frustrated by the lack of serious response and even suicide censorship from many media outlets and medical institutions. Why not address the real issues underlying this epidemic? Could wearing mismatched socks actually prevent doctor suicide? It’s probably the only thing I haven’t tried yet.

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Why Are So Many Male Anesthesiologists Dying By Suicide? →


I just received this email:

“I’m a male anesthesiologist. I have been battling suicidal ideation for seven years and eight months. I vividly remember the day I was admitted. A colleague came into my locked office and saw me sitting at the desk with induction meds and an IV. My career was over and nearly my life. I know seven colleagues that have committed suicide, all male anesthesiologists.”

I have several male anesthesiologists who have written me over the years about losing up to 8 – 10 colleagues (including CNRAs) to suicide. Mostly male suicide victims. What’s unique about men in anesthesiology that puts them at high risk?

1) Anesthesiologists have access to painless lethal medications—that’s #1.

2) Men are less likely to ask for help. And physicians—especially proceduralists—are the fix-it guys.

3) Anesthesiologists may develop addictions to handle the stress of their job. Alcohol, Rx diversion, illicit relationships.

4) Anesthesiologists have the highest rate of suicide completion of any specialty. Nearly twice as many as the next highest specialty (surgeons).

5) As compared to family medicine (and more relational specialties), anesthesiologists are less relational and their procedural focus is on medication. Meaning they have a closer relationship with the drugs they dose than the patients they care for.

6) If anesthesiologists are having a bad day, they may dream of switching places with their patients so they can escape.

7) Frustrated by endless bureaucracy, board certification, insurance credentialing, hospital privileges, OR drama, stressed surgeons, anesthesiologists can’t just leave large medical institutions and launch cash-based clinics with autonomy.

8) All physicians fear having to answer mental health questions on med board applications, hospital privilege renewals, and to participate with insurance plans. Male docs may be likely to be in therapy due to cultural stigma.

9) Anesthesiologists have high exposure to vicarious trauma with patients who are suffering and sometimes dying during surgery.

10) Male anesthesiologists are less likely to cry and emote than their female peers. Women physicians may call a friend, cry on the phone, go visit a female relative, talk with their girlfriend.

11) Anesthesiologists are underappreciated by patients who are more likely to give thank-you cards and gifts to their surgeons and primary care doctors.

12) Medical education teaches all of us to internalize our stress and then punishes us when we ask for mental health help or have unexpected outbursts.

13) Men are more likely to lose their temper and choose an impulsive reactive way to handle stress (a function of testosterone). Even with a legitimate reason to be angry, they may be punished by hospital admin for any outbursts—then labeled as “unprofessional” or “disruptive” and may then be mandated to Physician Health Programs than can be very punitive.

See: “Unprofessional”—how one word is used to censor, harass, and intimidate doctors.

Recently, on Dr. Oz I was asked to comment on a surgeon who had “strangled a nurse” with an elastic cord and of course, I wasn’t there and I don’t feel like I could comment on the a case; however, since I was placed on the spot I researched what I could. Here’s the situation: a surgeon is alleged to have strangling a nurse with an elastic cord. (NOTE: charges were later dropped as unsubstantiated). The issue as I understood it was related to a nursing medication error and the surgeon “overreacted.”  Rather than blame somebody who is overreacting to a life-threatening situation that could injure a patient, I think we must address the system that creates an environment in which people (like anesthesiologists) feel trapped and so unsupported that their frustration leads to outbursts or other maladaptive and self-destructive actions—including intentionally overdosing with intravenous meds. (View 58-second TV clip below).


Confidential physician support groups

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Quitting Residency—14 Reasons To Quit & 17 Reasons To Stay →

Quitting Residency - 14 Reasons

Jennifer, an intern who I hung out with at our recent physician retreat, wanted my advice about quitting her residency. I told her to send me her pros & cons. Here’s her list—14 reasons to quit (& 17 to stay) plus my thoughts below.

14 reasons to quit residency

1. Usually have these feelings when I am extremely overwhelmed

2. To take care of me, physical, emotional, spiritually

3. Expand soul

4. To live in the highest love

5. To share my gifts with the world

6. Have become more angry, spiteful, sad, uninspired at times (but am ok when get good rest)

7. To travel with my family (can do this after 2 years)

8. No more abuse (but am closer to family/friends as I reach out and get help, breaks very useful)

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