Enjoy the keynote I delivered today at University of Pittsburgh for the Coalition of Pre-Health Students Annual Summit. Listen in to full audio (and enjoy edited transcript with slides below):
Lindsey Gorman: Dr. Wible is a family physician born into a family of physicians. She actually was encouraged by her parents not to go into medicine. Here she is as a physician now. When not treating patients, Dr. Wible devotes her life to medical student and physician suicide prevention. She runs a suicide hotline and hosts retreats for depressed and discouraged medical students and physicians for which TEDMED has named her the “Physicians’ Guardian Angel.” Today she will talk more about her work in suicide prevention in the healthcare field and will be providing everyone free copies of her book—Physician Suicide Letters—Answered.
Dr. Pamela Wible: Welcome! Today I’ll share the secrets to loving your life in healthcare. Doesn’t that sound great? First, lets show some love for the Coalition of Pre-Health Students Board Members. Let’s give them a hand!
Given today’s theme of interprofessionalism, the biggest thing that we can do to create more cohesion and team spirit in healthcare is to use language of unity so we can relate to one another in a respectful, honorable, loving way. So who are we? Whether we are planning a career in dentistry, nursing, medicine, psychology, public health—we are all officially health professionals or pre-health professionals. I personally love the word healer for those who want to help and heal others. I also love the word healer because it encompasses spirituality (and I’m a very spiritual person).
Many doctors suffer silently with physician PTSD—occupationally-induced or exacerbated by work.
As doctors, we often minimize our trauma exposure by labeling it with less-stigmatized conditions like OCD, stress, or burnout.
While doctors who are compulsively obsessive and attentive to details are celebrated for being comprehensive and thorough, doctors with PTSD may be considered impaired by hospitals or licensing boards.
Physicians often hide their PTSD—even from themselves.
As doctors we are supposed to fix problems—so it’s challenging to admit a problem we can’t seem to fix. Plus employers and medical boards may punish us for a diagnosis of physician PTSD.
I’m Dr. Pamela Wible and I’ve been running a free doctor suicide helpline since 2012. I’ve also compiled a registry of doctor suicides (1,710 suicides as of 9/2022).
Anesthesiology, surgery, and emergency medicine are the highest-risk specialties for suicide—and PTSD. No surprise that medical professionals develop PTSD given their high exposure to trauma in training and practice.
Vicarious trauma is the emotional impact of exposure to traumatized people. As physicians, we hear trauma histories and witness the pain, fear, and terror our patients have endured.
Most medical trainees and physicians are accustomed to extreme overwork with traumatized patients. When doctors work 60 – 100 hours per week, they compartmentalize trauma so they can keep moving in chronic fight or flight—until they freeze and can’t function any longer.
And it’s not just doctors. Nurse practitioner PTSD and physician assistant PTSD is real—especially for those in emergency departments and operating rooms.
Nurse practitioners and physician assistants have less autonomy and liability (and certainly less toxic and lengthy training) when compared to doctors, yet they have similar trauma exposure in high-risk specialties, leading to PTSD. So to all my NP, PA, EMT peers out there—this is for you too.
When traumatized, you may dissociate from your body. As overworked physicians immersed in trauma scenes, we have dysregulated sleep, eating, and bathroom habits. Chronically disconnected from our bodies, we may feel disoriented. Take a break. Go to the bathroom or to a safe space. Notice your shallow breaths. See if you can slow down your respiratory rate while deepening each breath. Count for 3 seconds for each inhale and another 3 on exhale. How slow can you go?
3) Get grounded in your body.
While taking deep breaths, imagine yourself connecting to Mother Earth. Go outside and feel the ground. Find a rock. Hold it in your hand. Learn to meditate. Inhale a relaxing aromatherapy oil like lavender. You can carry a tiny bottle with you to work and use as needed. Recite a short prayer or chant. Google “PTSD grounding techniques” and discover what’s right for you. Experiment.
4) Keep a curiosity journal.
Befriend your trauma by getting curious. Study yourself like a scientist. Write down each time you feel traumatized. Keep a list of inciting events, sounds, words, people. Notice subtle body sensations when you feel triggered. Like helping a patient notice sensations of a migraine prodrome—visual auras, food cravings, neck stiffness, pins and needles on their face or body. What do you feel? What do you think? Keep a list of intrusive thoughts. When you stop running away and start getting curious, your fear will subside. Writing your feelings releases them from your body like draining an emotional abscess. Search for your hidden loculated pockets and open them to avoid ending up in emotional sepsis.
5) Get help decoding your PTSD patterns.
Sometimes we are too embedded in our own patterns to see them objectively. Bring your journal to a professional who can give you feedback and notice themes you may not be able to discern. William Osler said, “A physician who treats himself has a fool for a patient.” So find a wise “puzzle-solver” who can help you see your hidden or shadow self. I’m happy to help or direct you to others with expertise in specific issues underlying your PTSD. If you’d like to join a confidential physicians trauma recovery group, we meet every Sunday on Zoom.
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Wondering if you might have developed residency-induced PTSD? Meet a courageous physician who shares her PTSD story. View full interview here.
Many say a controversial program designed to help doctors with mental health issues is out of control, destroying careers and causing some doctors to commit suicide. Read full transcript of segment one below.
Excerpt from a conference call tonight on how to fall in love with your medical records—just in time for Valentine’s Day! Download and listen in to podcast below or read transcript for a journey through the history of the modern EMR—with fun solutions!
Once upon a time there was a doctor, a patient, and an index card. Here’s my dad and his box of medical records—all on 3 by 5 index cards in a recipe box.
Life was good. One doc with tiny handwriting—a man of few words—fit 30 years of a patient’s record on one index card. A friend told me she got an index card in some transferred records with 13 visits on the back and front of a 5 by 8 card and now she gets 8 pages from the podiatrist for an ingrown toenail—total insanity!
It wasn’t easy to separate doctors from their index cards. When an insurance company complained about his 3 by 5 cards, one old-time doc relented and switched to 4 by 6 cards. My dad always had his index cards with him in his shirt pocket—until his death, constantly taking notes (even during our phone calls!)
Don’t you wish you could have been a fly on the wall as they ripped the recipe boxes away from old-school docs and forced them to type on computers? Well, you’ll never believe this (and of course this would happen to me) . . .What are the chances that I would actually run into a brilliant anthropologist named John-Henry Pfifferling who actually followed docs around with a notepad for two years studying the index-card-to-computer transition? And he lived to tell about it!
As you might imagine physicians not only had resistance to EMRs but also to an anthropologist following them around taking notes on their behavior. The entire project was considered “too dangerous” because medicine just “wasn’t ready for anthropology.” Plus doctors and hospital admins found it difficult to believe that an anthropologist would actually be interested in modern cultures, particularly the profession of medicine and the transition to electronic records.
So I just read his 343-page PhD thesis from 1977: “Records and Revitalization: The Problem-Oriented Medical Record System in a Clinical Setting” that recorded the adoption of the problem-oriented medical record among practicing physicians.
Our current SOAP note originates from the problem-oriented medical record (POMR) and was developed by Lawrence Weed, MD for doctors—the only ones allowed to write in medical records back in the day. Weed’s hope was that the POMR would end chaotic, non-cumulative episodic and illegible medical charting—and lead to a new and exciting era in medicine—in which (fingers crossed) we could all work together. Imagine that!
Pros & Cons of Problem-Oriented Medical Record Here are some of the advantages and disadvantage of moving into the electronic age with a uniform medical record system according to physicians interviewed in the anthropological study.
Systematic organization of medical data with problem-orientation rather than disease-orientation
Easily-accessed and complete problem list (that includes psychosocial)
Medical education reform—logical thinking vs. “tyranny of memorization”
More patient-centered & transparent
Uniform communication for teamwork (social workers, RNs can add to record)
Encourages honesty, continuity, and may weed out incompetence
SOAP acronym easy to remember
Forced segregation into patient problems fragments vs. whole-person narrative
Territorial loss of control by encroachment on doctor’s notes/orders
Leads to an “explosion of paperwork”
Reveals ambiguity in patient care
False sense security in titles of problems
Over-medicalization of life
Strong physician supporters trusted this charismatic leader, Lawrence Weed, MD, and his new model of organizing medical records—yet many doctors resisted. Surgeons were most resistant, the internists were ambivalent, psychiatrists demonstrated “damp enthusiasm,” according to the anthropologist.
Culture of Distrust
Most fascinating to me was the obvious culture of distrust in medicine generated by physicians themselves. Doctors back in the day displayed distrust of hospital administrators, nurses, medical students—and even each other! A few quotes from his thesis related to distrust of these four groups—bureaucrats, nurses, medical students, and physicians:
Physician-Bureaucrat Distrust
Ongoing tension between the entrepreneurial and autonomous physician and the bureaucrats has been present throughout modern medical history. Computerized medical records were welcomed by bureaucrats for the “systematizing, auditing, controlling potential” of doctors.
“One of the most common phrases that was used by resistant physicians was ‘the POMR is a conspiracy.’ When questioned further they indicated that it was a conspiracy by those in administration to function as administrators want them to: ‘pushing piles of paper around.’ It was also a conspiracy to ‘get the doctor.’ If the game was to get the doctor, then some requirement that everything must be documented would surely be a useful ploy.” (page 269)
Physician-Nurse Distrust
There was “polarization between doctors and nurses who could now question the logic behind a physician’s therapeutic plans on the computer so the ‘computer was voted out of the ward by a closed meeting of the senior medical staff” because it was “territorially unacceptable to those in power.” (page 80)
The “nurses’ SOAPed progress notes were renounced as “ungrammatical gibberish.” Physicians complained of “non-physicians ‘overstepping their responsibilities’ and were concerned about “who was in control of patient care, exemplified by satirical remarks on ‘nursing diagnosis’” The physicians in both the medical and surgical services spoke of the doctor-patient relationship as being “corrupted by nursing arrogance.” (page 250)
“Within days of the initial physician’s outcry, humorously characterized as ‘who’s writing in my notes?,’ several other physicians used the same ploy to denigrate the nurses.” (page 253)
Physician-Medical Student Distrust
Higher education is about learning and asking questions, yet I’ve found the medical hierarchy methodically oppresses medical students who may be discouraged from thinking independently or questioning their superiors. Some for the first time in their lives fear asking questions during medical training. Our trusted anthropologist writes:
“Within the U.S. medical culture, age, and concomitant status categories (medical student, extern, intern, resident, etc.), usually confer greater authority and greater power. As a medical student, the opportunity to affect peer and faculty behavior is minimal, and the well-documented passage from humanist to cynic occurs. Medical students are low in the professional hierarchy, and behave accordingly. For example, rarely do medical students display disagreement and displeasure to their medical school clinical faculty. As student physicians increase in age, credibility, and credentials they gain the right to assert their opinion. Innovativeness is not customarily rewarded medical student behavior. Only with the acquisition of clinical experience can the opportunity to innovate occur.” (page 145)
Physician-Physician Distrust
The anthropologist found that frequently physicians use “alienating humor” to converse with one another explaining that “much of the humor was at the expense of patients, at other specific physicians or services, at psychiatry or medicine in the surgical domain and vice versa, or commonly placed one physician in a subordinate position. (page 122)
“Internists rarely requested psych consults and had ‘disparaging remarks about the entire psychology and psychiatric services.’” (page 120)
“In medicine, the surgeons claimed that ‘heroic actions are rare in the medical service.’ The surgeons claimed that chronic care is the ‘ballpark of the internist.’ The internists criticized the surgeons as ‘one night stands’; ‘going in and cutting as spectacularly as possibly while we have to do the painstaking clean-up work.’ The ideological differences between internists and surgeons are well known. They begin in medical school, and are strongly reinforced in informal contacts between surgical and medical residents.” (page 253)
“Internists commonly described surgeons as ‘technicians’ and as ‘heroic princes.’ Surgeons referred to internists as ‘boy scouts’ and ‘pill pushers.’ I regret that I did not keep a systematic record of the insulting metaphors that were used by each department; the underlying feeling of division and competition was pervasive in the institution.” (page 141)
After reading the anthropologic study, most shocking to me was the resistance of physicians to befriend one another and how doctors actively attempted to “suppress physician friendships.”
“Many physicians had doubts about the strength, intimacy, and candor of their friendships. Often they mentioned that they worried whether non-physicians were friendly because of the security the physician offered those friends when they were in medical need. Some of the physicians, notably those in the surgical service, were quick to point out that they deliberately made every effort not to build intimate friendships with other physicians.” (page 121)
Of course the “attitude of the hospital’s administrative leaders were totally non-conducive to friendship formation.” complained physicians. (page 122)
So my question today is how is it even possible to create a uniform medical record system with so much animosity and distrust?
Physician Resistance To Innovation—A Paradox
I believe the origin of physician resistance to innovation is threefold: 1) Fear of change (universal among most people), 2) Territoriality and 3) Culture of distrust.
Our anthropologist points out “ . . . the medical record has traditionally been called the doctor’s record, and progress notes were labeled as doctor’s progress notes. If the record is to be considered the patient’s record and notes labeled as progress notes (with team participation), two areas of resistance can already be identified.” (page 261)
Medicine is conceived as “a discipline receptive to change—constantly and carefully evaluating innovations for better ways to help the patient. Paradoxically, any changes on the traditional doctor-patient relationship, on fee-for-service transactions, on review of medical care by non-physicians (or by peers), and on the demystification of medical terminology are fought vigorously.” (page 267)
On the one hand, the media reinforces “the desired self-image of dynamic medical and research progress” while “higher education is notoriously conservative and resistant to change”—especially in medicine. (page 268)
So that’s the backstory to electronic medical records. Now let’s look forward . . .
Why Medical Records?
The original purpose of a medical record was to simply record the patient encounter. The therapeutic relationship that flourished organically over time. Appointments were face-to-face with eye contact (no staring at a computer screen) and real conversation that allowed the doctor to get to know the patient’s philosophy, desires, culture, and address their medical needs in the context of their real life. Physicians back in the day could do that with no staff as a solo docs in a simple one-room neighborhood office—often right inside their homes. The record could be one sentence on one index card. Before hospitals dominated the medical scene, all records were primary-care outpatient-based and involved two people—doctor and patient.
Now the modern medical record has been overrun by so much complexity and competing interests that the doctor and the patient risk losing the very foundation of their sacred and healing relationship. The medical record system is a multi-page/multi-window experience that is often neither intuitive nor ideal for any specialty. Tertiary-care hospital-based record systems amass so much information from so many sources that sometimes what you are looking for can’t be found. So the SOAP note has turned into the APSO note so we can locate the assessment and plan amid all the crap entered by medical staff. Except maybe housekeeping, everyone seems to have the ability to add to this ever-more-complex medical record.
Medical records are now not so much used for the patient encounter but to document things done to the patient in ever-shorter visits with unreasonably lengthy documentation required for billing and coding in case of auditing or lawsuits. Of course, the sheer volume of material required for documentation requires more face-to-screen time with the computer than face-to-face time with the patient—and sadly encourages dishonesty and outright lying in the official record with boxes checked for questions never asked and entire sections cut and pasted over and over again on a bloated record based on distrust.
Doctors distrust patients who may sue them so the medical record expands due to CYA medicine and excess labs, tests (and additional documentation) increasing medical expense. Patients distrust doctors and don’t share what’s really on their minds (how can they in 7-minute visits?). Many patients have written me seeking help because their doctor profiled them in the medical record as a “drug addict” or a “bad mom” or “noncompliant” and they can’t get that phrase off their records. Even if they change doctors they feel labeled and experience discrimination. Let’s not forget these medical records are stored in the cloud and on systems that can crash and be hacked in a moment with all patient records and physician NPIs and social security numbers leaked to the world.
Welcome Your Ideal Medical Record!
You can actually create an ideal medical record! I did nearly 15 years ago. Back in 2004, fed up with assembly-line big-box medicine, I launched an ideal medical clinic designed by my community. And I created my ideal electronic medical record! I originally intended to buy a real EMR, but while searching for a system, I started my own electronic records on my apple laptop and turns out the system I created with primitive text edit files (now on password-protected Pages files) was better than anything that I could buy! I accidentally created my own ideal medical record and have been practicing happily ever after since 2005 having spent nothing on an EMR! My IT buddy claims that my electronic record may be one of the most secure in the country! How ’bout that?
Since 2005, I’ve helped hundreds of doctors launch ideal medical clinics—and find or create ideal medical records that work for them. One part of the ideal medical clinic experience is to enjoy—even fall in love with—an ideal medical record. So I encourage all doctors out there who are struggling and fighting with a medical record system you don’t like to STOP—and do it differently. Rather than continue weird workarounds to be more efficient and play better with a flawed medical record system, I’m encouraging you as an independent, entrepreneurial physician to create YOUR ideal medical record—even if just a weekend science experiment. You can even go back to paper or index cards if you want! You are the boss. Do what’s ideal for you and your patients.
Four Impediments to Ideal Medical Records
1) Third-party intrusion that treats doctors as economic units and patients as widgets. 2) Competition among health systems that won’t do what’s in the best interest of the patient. 3) Infighting among doctors. Academic vs. community, tertiary vs. primary care, MD/DO vs NP/PA vs. ND so is it really possible to have a system that works for everyone? 4) Patient distrust. Ask yourself if your current medical record system allows complete trust and transparency in your relationship with your patient? Is your medical record in any way impeding the ability of your patient to disclose the full truth of their life experience? If so, you must change!!
Here’s how a great idea can turn into a shitshow. I asked several doctors, “What’s the most ridiculous thing you ever had to do on EMR?” 1) One hospital required progress notes to be dictated (could not be typed) into their horrific EMR. Notes would take several days to post, so most consultants (and even the primary team) had no idea what was going on with the patients. 2) Our EMR is a black screen with green print. 3) When I was working as an emergency physician, they switched EMRs. I was then told I had 1700 charts to complete which I had already done in the previous EMR. I refused to do this. They called security to escort me off the premises. 4) To dictate, have to use internet explorer. To prescribe have to use Firefox. So, to do one note have to use two browsers at a time. Frequently when saving what has been typed, I get a spinning wheel and then receive a message that there is an error and everything done is lost. 5) An gynecologist lamented a standard template that noted “gravid uterus” on every normal exam. She had to edit it to a default normal on every single note. 6) Family doc says: “Spent months doing stage 1 MU, correcting problems for EMR company. Finally switched to different EMR after much frustration then got audit from Medicare looking for MU screenshots from Old EMR which could not be done on read-only status. Wrote a letter of explanation and was told to pay back MU ‘bonus’ of $36K on top of the $75K we spent on IT support and staff time to be able to attest. Total loss over $100K not counting a year of my time away from my kids.” 7) Surgeon asks, “Isn’t the primary purpose of EMRs For the government to more easily track Medicare fraud?”
5 Ways Distrust Undermines Medical Records
As a patient, have you ever wanted a doctor to keep some things you share off the official medical record? Why? In one word—discrimination. Fear of discrimination makes comprehensive medical records a joke.
1) Pre-Existing-Condition Discrimination. “My entire GI tract was excluded based on one episode of stomach pain treated with antacids,” a friend reports. “Exclusions can go on for years. The Affordable Care Act greatly improved this, but if that were overturned?” he asks. Patients frequently request to use fake names or exclude diagnoses from chart. Genetic tests (like 23 and me) are done under assumed names (otherwise a gold mine for insurance companies to jack up rates). Doctors are often careful not to label a patient with a working diagnosis to prevent insurance company discrimination.
2) Drug-Use Discrimination. Due to federal government’s inclusion of marijuana as an illegal schedule 1 narcotic, even suggesting CBD oil can be seen as violation of regulations. In NY doctors say they cannot counsel patient to use cannabis products or any other schedule 1 under DEA regs or it’s a violation of their DEA license. Of course, any number of illicit and legal drugs are kept off the official record for a variety of reasons—including mental-health discrimination (see #4).
3) Sexual-Orientation Discrimination. Lesbian, sex worker, polyamorous relationships not declared to doctors leading to obvious difficulty is screening/risk reduction conversations and exams.
4) Mental-Health Discrimination. Physician mental health is a huge taboo for doctors. One physician writes:
“I’ve seen good friends denied disability and life insurance policies tiered to same as 1 pack per day smokers because of history of depression (even well controlled with meds). Coercive and unnecessary referrals to Physician Health Programs. Sometimes boards take away the physician’s freedom, dignity, even license. Agencies and some medical boards don’t differentiate between illness and impairment. They apply policies of the American Disability Act and HIPPA differently to physicians in the name of ‘protecting public safety,’ licensing agencies, corporate medicine authorities, and many other powerful bodies can mandate release of such information without even the slightest sign or evidence of impairment. One recent example is our physician ER colleague who had to fight 10 years for her license due to disclosing feeling the Baby Blues at work. discrimination SHOULD NOT and DOES NOT only apply to a few listed categories of race, gender. Discrimination due to one’s profession is also a type of discrimination that is not addressed enough when it comes to physicians’ rights.”
Veterans/firefighters/paramedics mental health is also an issue as it related to discrimination based on employment. The fear of denied benefits based on PTSD. Many will only talk off the record and away from prying eyes and ears…no paper, no pens, no electronic devices. Some have suddenly been fired after PTSD evaluations.
5) Legal-System Discrimination. Release of medical records to attorneys can cause huge problems so patients avoid disclosing their most intimate traumas. Workers compensation attorneys deny claims based on previous alcohol or drug use or experimentation. Medical records are a common point of attack in divorce, criminal, civil and child custody proceedings. A slip-and-fall case can lead to big disclosures in court displayed right on the big screen in front of 12 peers and anyone else in attendance (these court cases are public, by the way)
“Our EMR’s are overly inclusive with way too much personal information on the summary sheet,” reports one doctor, “which can be viewed not only by other doctors but their nurses and nursing assistants and any one else who has to open your chart to take vital signs or document history. That’s a lot of eyes on your personal info. Curious staff can scroll through the whole thing right in front of you and make faces without realizing it and people talk.”
“My doctors at a clinic put my dependence on government housing in their summary of my medical history when referring me to another doctor,” says one patient. Another woman says, “I always laugh when I read privacy policies, knowing that they are lots of exceptions.”
Discrimination EMR Workaround -> Fake Names/Fake Charts
Doctor reports, “Our local hospitals routinely use fake names for VIPS and I have been asked to use a fake name to protect the patient from being shut out of life and disability insurance plans.” I personally know of medical students admitted under fake names for psych admits. How destabilizing is that for someone who is already having delusions? A psychiatrist reports placing “high-profile athletes” on fake charts with fake names and even keeping those charts with her and not left with other charts in clinic or on EMR when working corporate medical jobs. Patients request the use of fake names to order meds to avoid problems getting life insurance.
My Challenge to YOU—those of you no longer willing to submit to a system that is failing . . .
We are undergoing a transition in health care from centralization to decentralization, from tertiary care back to more primary care, from production-driven to relationship-driven care. Doctors and patients are not well served by big-box assembly-line medicine—it’s dangerous and unsustainable emotionally, spiritually, even financially. There is no way in the world you can deliver the kind of care that you dreamed of delivering to your patients in 7-minute increments while documenting on a computer system for twice as long as your face-to-face visit. I’m encouraging you all to think way out of the big-box. Your life is too big for your little cubicle. Your patients need the real you and your expertise. What medical record would allow you to create the ideal encounter in your ideal clinic with your ideal patients and help them heal?
I’m spending the next two weeks helping physicians create their most out-of-the-box ideal medical record for themselves that makes every patient encounter pure joy. I will report back our success!
My 3 Challenges For YOU. Ask yourself . . .
1) Should your ideal medical record be specialty specific? If you could create a specialty-specific medical record for your ideal clinic what would it look like? For your flow? For ideal patient encounters?
If you’ve ever felt that EMRs were created by people who according to one doc, “no fucking clue what your job is,” then why not create your own? If you don’t want to talk about blood pressures and arrhythmias and how many bags of NS given, and want to talk about mood, thought process and content, hallucinations, delusions, and suicidal thoughts, then go for it! What what would that medical record look like?
2) Is there a section/question you wish were in the medical record that is not? Maybe in contrast to the problem list, you prefer personal strengths and triumphs or a timeline of life events. Do you care about hobbies? Want to know what patients do for restoration and joy? Don’t want to limit social history to just tobacco and alcohol? You want details on relationships and abuse history, occupational and recreational exposures risk? Want a spiritual section or a diet history? Go for it!
3) Do you want to try paper charts? Lots of ideal docs in ideal clinics LOVE their paper charts!!! I really had no idea how many doctors I truly admire that are loving their paper charts in successful practices—and some still accept insurance! Create an ideal paper chart as a fun weekend science experiment.
In summary, we have a failed medical record system and slapping BandAids on something that is not working to try to make it work is not the answer. Maybe one of you innovators will come up with a med record that can be used by many more docs to bring them joy too! WE ALL NEED YOUR INNOVATION!
Physician reveals how US exploits J-1 visa doctors for cheap labor—resulting in doctor suicides, medical mistakes, and patient deaths.
Dr. Corina Fratila: In this completely foreign country, I came in pursuing a dream—and you’re let loose in a very high risk, intensive care unit, critical care unit, taking care of all these people being responsible for all these lives—having almost no idea what you’re doing.
Then the night ends up with this person coding, the other person coding, and you end up sticking yourself with a big-ass needle and getting who knows what? You started the shift at eight in the morning, and then you would finish the shift at four, five in the afternoon, the next day. So, that’s 24 plus 10? 34-hour shifts times three, that’s 102 plus in between, of course, you would work regular hours.
Dr. Pamela Wible: 126 hours per week.
Dr. Corina Fratila: About 126.
Dr. Pamela Wible: Were you working with mostly J-1 visas?
Dr. Corina Fratila: I’m Romanian, I had two of my best friends, one was Italian, the other one from Kosovo. People from Germany, from Lithuania, from Serbia. You come here to get training. You come here to get away from whatever political system or whatever stuff is going on at home—to pursue a dream. You come here on a J-1 visa. You end up in this residency program that throws you to the wolves in the ICU. The after you’re done with residency in order to stay and finally maybe build a family, or make a living and be a real doctor, you have to go to an underserved area for seven years where you don’t know anybody. Again, start all over and go through this purgatory in order to eventually be able to go wherever you would like to set up.
My residency program, I thought they were good to me, they were good to my friends. I think it’s just the system. The way they pull somebody out of nowhere and just throw them in the ICU. I thought that was extremely traumatic—that’s extremely irresponsible.
Eating was not at the forefront of anybody’s mind. Or sleeping. Of course, when you were on call in the ICU, you didn’t even hope to sleep. When you’re on call on the regular internal medicine floor, then you would sleep maybe for 15 minutes before a nurse would call you to tell you that patient needs an enema or a Dulcolax. You had to sleep with your beeper, you had to be . . .
Dr. Pamela Wible: Ready to jump.
Dr. Corina Fratila: Ready to jump, yes.
Dr. Pamela Wible: Do you think as a result of this working 126 hours, poor sleeping and eating, and poor supervision for some circumstances that you and others were placed in, do you think patients were harmed by medical mistakes?
Dr. Corina Fratila: How can you even think straight after even after 12 hours of nonstop work. You’ve been in a sleep-deprived state for so long. I don’t even think I know what mistakes I made. I didn’t have time to process all that. I’m sure that mistakes happened not only every day, but multiple times a day.
Dr. Pamela Wible: In the ICU?
Dr. Corina Fratila: Yeah.
Dr. Pamela Wible: Life-threatening mistakes for some people.
Dr. Corina Fratila: Absolutely.
Dr. Pamela Wible: Did you question why this was happening?
Dr. Corina Fratila: I didn’t question it. I just thought I had to survive. I just had to make it. How could I start questioning? This is what I think now—if I stopped and started questioning, I wouldn’t have been able to go on. Then I would have had to go back to my country. My parents would have asked, “Why are you back? What happened to you? Why are you changing your mind after you invested so much in this? Now you’re just giving up?” There was no way. I mean, I had to finish it. I had to start and finish, and I had to go through it. What questioning? This is the system. Who can afford to stop and question? And then, if you start questioning, what options do you have as a foreign medical graduate? “If you don’t like it, go back, okay? You don’t like it? You came here by your volition, you don’t like it? Go back. Who’s stopping you? We’re not stopping you. We have tons of other medical residents lined up. Other foreign graduates lined up to take your spot.”
I think now that if myself or one of my loved ones end up in an ICU, I would consider them dead. I mean, if they’re in such a situation that they’re that sick and they end up in an ICU with fresh residents and interns, I would just close the case. I would be, “Okay, there’s no hope of surviving here.”
Dr. Pamela Wible: How tragic for the resident to be an accomplice in poor medical care, possible death of a patient, and for patients to come to the hospital expecting that they can get good care, yet this is the norm in teaching hospitals.
Dr. Corina Fratila: Yeah, I’m pretty sure.
Dr. Pamela Wible: I know a lot of J-1 visa suicide cases, some fired from residency and deported back to their countries. In residency, people are abused. I just call it abuse and human rights violations. Do you agree? Do you think this is in the realm of human rights violations for patients and residents to be treated this way? This level of sleep deprivation?
Dr. Corina Fratila: Well . . .
Dr. Pamela Wible: Or you think I’m too harsh?
Dr. Corina Fratila: I don’t think you’re harsh at all. I’m surprised that you’re the first person to ever raise this issue. I just learned yesterday that in Japan companies start investigating human rights violations when their employees work over 60 hours a week. So I don’t see in what way working 126 hours or 80 hours a week is not a human rights violation.
Dr. Pamela Wible: That’s two to three full time jobs, right?
Dr. Corina Fratila: Yeah.
Dr. Pamela Wible: A full-time job is 40 hours a week. So 126 hours a week, you’re working equivalent of three full-time jobs in a foreign country with people on the edge of life and death. Does that seem kind of extreme or unusual to anyone listening? Or is it a revelation? Sometimes I feel like when I share this, it’s a revelation to the person who’s reflecting on it. You know like they never thought about it that way.
Dr. Corina Fratila: Yeah, so I think it’s a reflection of the health of this country. A reflection of the culture on health. If we cared (I‘m an American citizen by the way) if we cared about our health, these things wouldn’t be happening. If we cared more about health, we would ask when we have our loved ones in the ICU, in a teaching hospital, we would inquire, ”How much training did this person have? Where is the attending in charge? Where is the person who did a specialty in critical care? Where are they? Why is my father under the care of . . .”
Dr. Pamela Wible: Of a woman who just arrived here from Italy just learning English. Is there a language barrier too?
Dr. Corina Fratila: Of course, yes of course. Especially the first few months . . .
Dr. Pamela Wible: The first few months, somebody here who doesn’t even have a complete handle on English is working in the ICU . . .
Dr. Corina Fratila: Sleep deprived . . .
Dr. Pamela Wible: For equivalent of three full-time jobs, getting paid minimum wage, with American citizens who are probably the ones hooked up to the ventilator entrusting their care to these people. And hospitals allow this, condone it, and make money from it. How do you feel about that?
Dr. Corina Fratila: It’s beyond appalling. It’s like the worst nightmare that you could imagine. And how can there be any physician-patient trust? How can you build a healthy system? How can you have anybody have any trust in healthcare when when the foundation of healthcare is completely rotten? Why would we expect to be healthy? Why would we expect our patients to be healthy? Why would we expect the whole nation to be healthy? When this is the foundation of teaching doctors . . .
Dr. Pamela Wible: None of these people coming here expected to be placed in such an unfair situation, that’s quite scary.
Dr. Corina Fratila: Yeah, it’s traumatic.
Dr. Pamela Wible: So you obviously were caring for people who ended up dying on your shifts.
Dr. Corina Fratila: Sure.
Dr. Pamela Wible: Is there any help when you lose a patient? You have to tell the family. You have to deliver some bad news . . .
Dr. Corina Fratila: There was no support, there was no such thing. You’re supposed to toughen up and just move on with your day. Of course you have people dying. That’s why you’re a doctor. People will die. Right? You’re just supposed to be tough and just move on. Who cares that you’re going to have post-traumatic stress disorder for the rest of your life. That’s not the hospital’s problem. That’s going to be your life. It’s your responsibility. No?
Dr. Pamela Wible: Do you feel like you have PTSD from things that you saw?
Dr. Corina Fratila: Oh, completely. I lost my sleep 20 years ago. And it all roots back to the trauma in residency.
Dr. Pamela Wible: Which has lifelong implications for not just your mental health but probably physical health.
Dr. Corina Fratila: Absolutely. Panic attacks, anxiety, depression. I’ve never had any of these problems before. I didn’t talk about it to anybody because the stigma associated with mental health. I felt if I talked to anybody I would be considered weak and maybe I would lose my residency position.
The beginning was very hard because the phone calls, specifically. You know it’s much harder to understand somebody on the phone than it is in person. You can’t really read their lips or you can’t really read their facial expressions. So I remember the first phone call that I got. I got paged when you still used to carry those pagers. So the nurses would page you and then you saw a number you had to call the number back.
The nurse at the other end of the line, who was also a foreigner, somebody from the Philippines would tell you something in her Filipino accent, and that would go into my Romanian ear, and at the end I was too embarrassed to say I didn’t understand. I just said thank you. I hung up the phone. Once I hung up the phone, I realized I had no idea what she just said to me. I had no idea. And I had to somehow figure out what she meant to convey.
Dr. Pamela Wible: How did you do that?
Dr. Corina Fratila: I called the number back.
Dr. Pamela Wible: And . . .
Dr. Corina Fratila: And I got a different person.
Dr. Pamela Wible: With a different accent? Into your Romanian ear . . .
Dr. Corina Fratila: So that first phone call, it’s still a mystery to me. My first phone call as a medical resident, I still don’t know what the nurse wanted to tell me. So I hope that poor patient made it. The one that she was calling me about, that she didn’t die, you know? But, I mean that was my first instinct. To just pretend like I understood, say thank you, hang up and then realize it—I was lost.
Dr. Pamela Wible: Probably not the only one who’s feeling that way.
Dr. Corina Fratila: Most likely not the only one. Most likely one of the thousands.
If you are a physician struggling and need confidential help, please contact Dr. Wible here.