Suicidal Surgeon: 55 Orthopaedic Surgeon Suicides & How To Prevent #56 →

Since my original keynote 2 years ago: 33 orthopaedic surgeon suicides: How to prevent #34, we’ve lost 22 more orthopaedic surgeon to suicide. On September 10, 2020, at the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, I share why each of these 55 doctors died died and how we can prevent future suicides among doctors. Afterwards we had 3.5 hours of Q&A and continued conversation (confidential, not recorded). Need to talk? Contact Dr. Wible here.

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Coronavirus pandemic increasing already high risk of doctor suicide →

Listen to the interview on Oregon Public Broadcasting here.

Rates of suicide for physicians are among the highest for any profession. And the strain of the coronavirus pandemic is making already strenuous working conditions nearly impossible to bear for some and impossible for others. We talk with two Oregon doctors involved in responding to the mental health crisis in medicine and ask what is being done to prevent it. Pamela Wible practices medicine in Eugene and is the author of “Human Rights Violations in Medicine: A-to-Z Action Guide.” Don Girard is professor emeritus at Oregon Health & Science University and chairs the executive committee of the Oregon Wellness Program.

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September 17th is Physician Suicide Awareness Day. Join me in honoring 93 doctors we lost to suicide. →

View the Wall of Remembrance (above) at the end of the newly released award-winning documentary, Do No Harm: Exposing the Hippocratic Hoax, a film that exposes our doctor suicide  crisis and honors nearly 100 doctors who have died by suicide. Join me today in remembering them. View full-feature film by Emmy-winning filmmaker now on Amazon Prime.

Greg Hamlin Miday, M.D., Internist

Kevin Thomas Dietl, D.O., Degree Awarded Posthumously

Kaitlyn Nicole Elkins, Medical Student

Sean Michael Petro, Medical Student

Emily Ariel Bamberger, M.D.,Ph.D. Candidate

Jacob “Dr. J” Neufeld, M.D., M.P.H, Pediatric Physiatrist

John Chuan Loh, Medical Student

Gabriel Goodwin, M.D., Anesthesiologist

Evan Astin, M.D., Internal Medicine Resident

Gregory Andrew Collins, M.D., Family Physician

Lara Barnett, M.D., Internal Medicine Resident

Charles Christopher Martin, M.D., Family Medicine Resident

Carrie Ann Largent, Medical Student

William Samuel Brown, M.D., Radiologist

Robert Karoly Chu, M.D., M.P.H., Aspiring Radiologist

Jeremy Egnatios, Medical Student

Steven G. Ortiz, M.D., Orthopaedic Surgeon

Alan R. Rowlan, M.D., Surgeon

Kim Marie Walsh, M.D., M.P.H., Family Physician

Ross Alan Gallo, M.D., Psychiatrist

Abdurrahman Unal, M.D., Radiation Oncologist

Alain Bolduc, M.D., Dermatologist

Alex Djuricich, M.D., Internist and Pediatrician

Amanda Liu, D.O., Radiology Resident

Andrew Bryant, M.B.B.S., Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist

Benjamin Shaffer, M.D., Orthopaedic Surgeon

Boyd Dan Batla, Medical Student

Bryan Whitemarsh, M.D., Family Physician

Captain Michael McCaddon, M.D., Obstetrics/Gynecology Resident

Carol D. Lee, M.D., Emergency Physician

Chloe Eliza Abbott, M.B.B.S., Medical Registrar

Christine E. Petrich, M.D., Psychiatrist

Christopher Dawson, M.D., Surgeon

Corbin Shawn, M.D., M.S., Pathology Resident

Daniel Gunther, M.D., Pediatric Endocrinologist

David Gersztenkorn, M.D., Ophthalmology Resident

David Scott Brooks, M.D., Family Physician

Deelshad Joomun, M.D., Interventional Nephrologist

Douglas F. Meyer, M.D., M.P.H., Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist

Eric S. Steichen, Medical Student

Greg Feldman, M.D., Vascular Surgeon

Hans Christopher Machula, M.D., Degree Awarded Posthumously

Jack Andrew Singer, M.D., Ophthalmologist

James C. Kelly, D.O., Family Physician

James K. Bauman, M.D., Obstetrician/Gynecologist

James Ray Anderson, D.O., General Practitioner

James Wilson Dow, M.D., Cardiologist

Janet Y. Christophel, M.D., Anesthesiology Resident

Jeffrey Knobloch, D.O., Family Physician

John D. Wilson, Sr., M.D., Family Physician

John Franklin Dorsey, Medical Student

John Mark Baar, M.D., Psychiatrist

John Mark Madsen, Medical Student

John McNaugher Stang, M.D., Cardiologist

Jon Azkue, M.D., Internist

Jonathan J. Drummond-Webb, M.D., Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Surgeon

Jonathan W. R. Davies, M.D., Obstetrician/Gynecologist

Kelly Werlinger, M.D., Aspiring Dermatologist

Kurt A. Swanson, M.D., Anesthesiologist

Lee Ray Winkler, D.O., Obstetrics/Gynecology Resident

Leslie Gale Bluman, Medical Student

Marc E. Wise, M.D., J.D., Anesthesiology Resident

Mark A. Gonsky, D.O., General Practitioner

Mark William Sebastian, M.D., Vascular Surgeon

Matt Wittman, Medical Student

Matthew Carl Bishop, M.D., M.B.A., Emergency Physician

Mitchell D. Hardison, M.D., Internist

Myles K. Gaupp, Jr., M.D., Family Physician

Natalie Carol Sieb, D.O., Family Physician

Nehal A. Shah, M.D., Aspiring Family Physician

Neil Grover, Medical Student

Noah Chase Beadell, M.D., Neurologist

Paki Myers, M.D., Emergency Physician

Patrick Glenn Daus, D.O., Emergency Physician

Ramsey Oliver Coles, Medical Student

Richard Irwin Caesar, M.D., Addiction Specialist and Emergency Physician

Richard “Pete” Dickson, M.D., Family Physician

Rita E. Leighton, M.D., Anesthesiologist

Rita Kay Payne, M.D., Obstetrician/Gynecologist

Robert E. Elliott, M.D., Radiologist

Robert Shaw Bowling, Jr., M.D., Family Physician

Robert Wolyn, M.D., Cardiologist

Ronald Chance Brown, M.D., Internist

Roseanna Polge, B.M.B.S., Medical Intern

Russel J. Vancoevering, II, M.D., Obstetrician/Gynecologist

Scot Pencil, M.D., Ph.D., Pathologist

Shawn C. Kelley, M.D., Internist

Stephen P. Kelleher, M.D., Nephrologist

Steven L. Anthony, D.O., Otolaryngologist

Ted Eastburn, M.D., Cardiologist

Varun Babu, M.D., Cardiology Resident

Wayne Allen Hendrix, M.D., Anesthesiology Resident

Wayne M. Gunckle, D.O., Orthopaedic Surgeon

                            . . . and the thousands of unnamed doctors . . .

View documentary and help stop the crisis.



New award-winning film exposes doctor suicide crisis →

View full-feature documentary by Emmy-winning filmmaker now on Amazon Prime.

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What To Do After a Doctor Suicide | Physician Suicide Postvention →

Doctor suicide is a public health crisis that claims the lives of an estimated 400 US doctors annually. Given each doctor cares for upwards of 2000 – 3000 active patients, more than one million Americans risk losing their doctors to suicide each year. Responding with compassion and honesty in the aftermath of a physician suicide is essential to helping loss survivors—colleagues, patients, and families—heal from the loss. In the absence of emotional support and open communication, loss survivors may experience lifelong impacts from the trauma that may increase their own suicide risk. To ameliorate these adverse effects, medical institutions must have a postvention plan in place that can be utilized in a timely manner.

After a recent suicide of an emergency physician in Washington State, I led 6 hours of crisis debriefing for the emergency staff and all doctors and staff of the hospital. Need help in the aftermath of a suicide? Please contact Dr. Wible for assistance in facilitating sessions and her manual on how medical institutions should respond to a doctor suicide to best help loss survivors heal.


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