100% tax-deductible business strategy retreats for physicians—every week! Enjoy a cabin in the woods by a 30-foot waterfall or a luxury spa resort with gourmet meals, in-room Jacuzzi, and one-on-one guidance from Dr. Wible for up to 5 days. Request preferred dates here.
What physicians are saying:
“In my life as the son of a doctor and a psychiatrist, I’ve run across all kinds of would-be healers and experts of the mind. I’ve never come across anyone like you or anything like this experience—the depth of clarity and awareness that you brought to this process you were facilitating within me—I just don’t know how to talk about it or find words. You were laser-focused on lighting a path for me to discover my dreams. You were working on a different dimension that I couldn’t quite see. And you did it without any pretenses or judgement or bullshit. Now I understand the phrase ‘be careful what you wish for.’ The point is not to be careful. It is to wish—and to do it connected to someone who knows a thing or two about how to make dreams come true.” ~ Psychiatrist, Wisconsin
“What happened with Pamela was kind of like psychotherapeutic brain surgery with a happy, giggly, teddy bear in a grownup fairy garden. I don’t know how else to explain it. A combination of professional development and psychotherapy with a friend. I laughed and cried a lot, and there was some really good food (and a pretty cool cat). Having been hospitalized several times for severe depression and suicidality, I can absolutely say that Pamela’s environment is much more conducive to healing than a psychiatric ward. I’m launching my own clinic when I get home to escape a very toxic operating room environment. Oh, and I left as the author of my hero’s journey.” ~ Anesthesiologist, Texas
“You brought me back to life—I have learned so much about being a healer from you. Seeing you in action was WAY MORE than what I expected. I will never forget your face, your tears, your words. Thank you for your time and love. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for seeing what you see in me. I don’t know how to thank you.” ~ Endocrinologist, Maryland
“I feel as if my life is forever changed and I am so, so deeply inspired to be guided by your light. . . . This retreat was the most amazing experience of my life, It really was. Thank you. You saved my life.” ~ Family Medicine Resident, Pennsylvania
“This has been the best retreat EVER. You are so on top of your game despite everything you have been through this year (forest fires, personal life crises). Thank you for seeing me for who I am and being a great mentor—skillfully pulling out the best of me. I think there are so many people in this world who have lots of potential, but there aren’t a lot of people like you who can recognize that in people and help them to let their gifts flow. . . I appreciate that you try so hard to make sure that I always have the most fantastic experience. Nobody ever did that for me. And I learned that from you. Thank you for this very empowering experience.” ~ OB/Gyn & Acupuncture, New Jersey
“I came to you a broken person. What is the poem on the Statue of Liberty? Give me your poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free. I’ll never forget the feeling of you speaking to me in a way that was very directed. I felt I was breathing the light of your breath through the air into my lungs that was birthing this life inside of me. . . I love how you specialize in healing physicians’ souls.” ~ Family Physician, Oregon
“There are no words for the gift you have given me. This retreat has healed me more than the last three years of therapy. I told my parents and my brother I was attending a business strategy retreat, yet it was really a retreat on how to connect to your soul’s purpose and your inner power. After that, all of your business endeavors fall into place.” ~ Family Medicine Resident, Colorado
To schedule your personal retreat, request dates here.
Three doctors just died at one NY hospital—from one internal medicine residency. Kind, caring, bright doctors. From abroad, they came to serve Americans on the frontlines, yet were never honored for their service, like Dr. Lorna Breen who died by suicide—hailed a hero by the media. No media celebrated them as heroes. No media reported their deaths. They worked 120-hr weeks for less than min. wage, ran ICUs, saved New Yorkers’ lives. Yet who helped them? Struggling, their only way out was suicide and an accidental drowning. Please—don’t let their lives be forgotten.
Click here to download now. Share widely.
We are living in an era of institutional betrayal. Trusted medical institutions tasked with training our healers have failed to protect their own students, staff—and patients. When our clinics and hospitals so deeply contradict what is expected, health professionals block their trauma to maintain attachment with their profession—betrayal blindness—a state of denial in which we don’t allow ourselves to see what is happening because the information would threaten our professional standing and world view. Physicians blind themselves to betrayal to survive in a career they believe they can’t escape. Betrayal among medical professionals can be fueled by jealousy, power-seeking, and fear that may push student doctors, resident physicians, attendings, even close friends and family to act against each other for personal gain. Despite well-meaning professors and new crops of idealistic med students year after year, medicine’s culture of betrayal is self-perpetuating and intergenerational. Here’s how patients and health professionals can break the cycle and heal from the trauma.
This past week several residents have contacted me in the aftermath of a recent suicide of their co-resident to express fears of retaliation for standing up for their rights and the rights of the deceased resident who killed himself as a direct result of how his residency and hospital mistreated him. Moments ago I got a text from a medical student who is being harassed by his school for standing up for his human rights and the rights of a peer who died at the school. Retaliatory tactics are sadly commonplace in medicine for anyone who speaks up about hazardous working conditions. Please review chapter below from Human Rights Violations in Medicine for your medicolegal rights and how to proceed.
Resident Retaliation: An adverse action taken against a resident physician who exercises a protected legal right.
Retaliation is illegal when the action preceding the retaliation is protected by law. Physician trainees often experience retaliation when complaining about harassment and discrimination.
“When I spoke up about an attending groping me at the scrub sink, the physician in charge of my residency program told me, ‘He brings money into this hospital and you don’t. Either shut up or get out of the program.’ After that, I was seen as the problem.”
One obstetrician known for his threats and abuse of residents would end checkout with, “Your daddy’s lawyer can’t save you from me!”
“I was a new physician in my dream job, five months pregnant, when my 15-month-old had a febrile seizure in the middle of the night. I called out. I was nervous. I returned to my shift once my husband came home. The next day a nasty email arrived in my inbox accusing me of lacking accountability, integrity, and ‘burnout.’ ‘My baby had a seizure,’ I said to myself in disbelief. I took my concerns to the director of this major health corporation only to be written up for ‘lack of integrity and ‘burnout.’ The mistreatment did not stop. I was left in two 12-hour shifts in a row, not allowed to leave at six months pregnant. As a gestational diabetic with a high-volume patient load and no proper staffing, I would lie on the bathroom floor in between patients because I was in and out of consciousness as I could not eat properly for fear I would be written up if a patient complained they were not seen fast enough. When my supervisor would ‘drop by,’ he commented, ‘We need to hire more men; they don’t get pregnant.’ Women at this company keep coming forward with similar tales so I sought help from federal agencies tasked with protecting us from discrimination and workplace bullying only to be told if I had not been sexually assaulted and/or fired wrongfully, I had limited rights.”
“I failed my first emergency medicine rotation in third year because I had a miscarriage. I had to take two weeks off and the attending agreed to pass me for a two-week rotation, but then didn’t. All I ever wanted to be was an emergency doc. The subsequent glowing recommendations I received from other emergency rotations didn’t help. All residencies saw was that failure. And my school let it stand. Apparently, you’re supposed to still be on rotation and seeing patients with your baby falling out of your uterus.”
Retaliation even impacts the lives of physicians protecting their peers.
“Where I went to residency, the male faculty (married) were having sex with female residents in the call rooms. One female resident attempted suicide due to the pressure. I blew the whistle to the dean over our program. I was thrown out of residency. Years later, they still give me a hard time, and have allowed tampered education records to remain in my file because it was ‘my fault’ for blowing the whistle.”
Reference Discrimination and Harassment chapters for specific action steps in your situation.
Educate and protect other medical professionals who are experiencing retaliation when speaking up about human rights violations in medicine.
Avoid submitting complaints internally without legal counsel. Remember Human Resources protects your employer, not you. Your case is solid if you have documentation and an attorney representing you.
Reference Human Rights Violations Documentation Guidelines (read them here).
Retaliation article published from Human Rights Violation in Medicine: A-to-Z Action Guide—The Ultimate Manual for Medical Student & Physician Self-Defense. Read the first portion of book free by clicking on book cover on Amazon here or below: