Morton Krouse—the Ralph Nader of medicine (& the man behind my dreams) →

I believe life is a spiritual relay race. We inherit the unlived dreams of our ancestors. Uncle Morty was born 1 week after me & exactly 50 years before—so we’re Sagittarius soulmates! My visionary uncle is the ancestral energy that fuels my passion for healing. Uncle Morty is the Ralph Nader of medicine & he would’ve been 104 today . . . so please join me in honoring the big man behind my big dreams with a big Happy Birthday to Morty! (Please don’t rest in peace, get back down here and help me!)

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Why doctors must share their personal stories →

My dear friend opened her own clinic, but she wasn’t attracting the right patients despite a great website, fair pricing, and wonderful free educational videos. Only one thing was missing—her personal story. I encouraged her to write the real reason why she opened her clinic—the one she had shared with me through her tears. She wasn’t sure she could share her story with the world. Her pain was so great, she couldn’t find the right words. So she sent me photos and journal entries, and I helped her find her feelings and express them in a way that both honors her pain and allows others to heal from her heartache. Now she’s inspiring her patients to open their hearts and heal.

 Meet the real Dr. Claire Donley . . .

I was a medical student learning to deliver babies, bringing new life into the world, as my mom’s life was fading away. I saw all the missed calls from Dad. I knew in my heart something terrible happened. She was in the ICU. Dad told me she had a heart attack. I flew to be with her. When I saw her unconscious on the ventilator, I started wailing. Her heart was still beating. I was holding her hand praying for her recovery, when the doctor came in and told us she was brain dead. My body began shaking uncontrollably, then came my bone-crushing cry. I had just lost my mom.

Mom, you were generous with others, not to yourself.

You’d go all out on dinner parties, especially on holidays, making sure everyone was happy and taken care of. You loved making us sausage rolls, shepherd’s pie, turkey, gravy, stuffing, vegetables not so much. Mostly heavy foods. I tried to help you eat healthy. You were in emotional pain. You wouldn’t go to doctors, so you just treated yourself with comfort food.

You loved writing personal messages on cards, even if it wasn’t a holiday. I cherish them all. You had a way with words to make me feel special. You celebrated everyone’s achievements—except your own. I heard you talk about your own shortcomings without compassion. You worked long hours, very stressed. You didn’t take care of yourself. You ate junk, didn’t exercise, and drank endless alcohol at night—habits that led to your death. You were only 59.

I want you to know I am devoting my life as a doctor to preventing heart disease in women over 50—so nobody else loses a wonderful woman like you.

I help women heal from the emotional, spiritual, and physical causes of heart pain so no other child will have to bury the vibrant, loving mother from a heart attack. I’ve been told by women that I’ve already saved their lives. Your loss fuels my passion to save families.

My life is your legacy.

Claire with her mom and brother

If you were here, we’d be at the beach, watching sunsets and laughing uncontrollably—you are such a huge character. I’d be smiling even bigger from all your texts overflowing with hearts. You are my best friend. You visit me in my dreams. I get confused. I think you are alive—and realize you are gone.

You were so proud of me going to medical school. You died before my graduation. You weren’t here when I opened my own clinic. You won’t be with me when I get married and have kids. You won’t get to meet your grandchildren. You won’t get to read the books I write.

The last time I saw you, I was delivering babies on the Washington coast. We spent a magical week together in an Airbnb right on the beach. We held hands walking in the sand and watching sunsets every night. When I stopped by that last morning on my way to labor and delivery, you handed me a big bag of treats. Ginger-turmeric tea is my favorite. I never told you, yet I found a box in your care package. You just knew.

I will never forget hugging you goodbye. You looked like you were about to cry because you were so proud of me for welcoming babies into the world.

That next morning you never woke up.

You used to be just a phone call away. Now I can’t call you to tell you how happy I am to have you as my mother. Thank you for bringing me into this world, for teaching me, learning with me, and sharing your life with me.

Three weeks after you died, when I got back home after my obstetrics month, I found a letter from you in my mailbox.

Your last words to me.

“From first holding the precious gift of a daughter to sharing in each new discovery you made . . .From caring for you as a baby to admitting you as a grown up friend . . . I’ve loved being your mother. I see the path you’ve made that’s all your own. I see your brilliance, and how deeply you care. I see your hard-earned wisdom, your courage and compassion, your unconditional goodness. I see what a difference you make in this world. Keep being your own kind of beautiful. You gave me the kind of joy that only comes from watching an adorable little girl grow into a lovely and much-loved woman.”

“You had me, Claire, from the moment I first held you.”

Claire Donley with her proud new mother

Inspired to learn more about reversing heart disease in mothers and grandmothers in your life? Reach out to Dr. Donley here.



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Iatrogenic pain—how to heal from a physician-caused illness →

One reason physicians were in tears during the 7 hours of support groups I led on my birthday yesterday is they were BELIEVED and received compassion from the peers—for the first time. Sadly, physicians have a bad habit (I’ve witnessed since med school and a gazillion times since) of shunning and even antagonizing human beings at their greatest time of need when they are most vulnerable—especially if that person (in the doctor’s mind) is “not supposed to be” vulnerable and in pain.

Physicians are “supposed” to be in starched white coats, smiling, and ready to serve, not suicidal and on the hospital rooftop. Patients are “supposed” to be happy that their doctor treated them, not having rare, debilitating adverse reactions or outcomes. When a person is suffering (no matter the cause), whether from death of a loved one, poor surgical outcome, adverse reaction to meds/injection, or any other ailment (especially iatrogenic disease = illness caused by a doctor or med system) they should have immediate SUPPORT, never be shunned by the very doctors who are supposed to care.

Med students and physicians have been so brutalized by their training, compassion loss, and groupthink that they can’t seem to generate empathy (for example) for a patient injured by gadolinium injected into their body for MRI contrast. Why? because the patient is “supposed” to be thankful for the MRI and the doctor and is” supposed” to just sign the consent while being rushed into the MRI for their non-urgent exam while being told the IV contrast is harmless and will be excreted by their body within 24-48 hours SO . . . if they have a rare reaction with debilitating fatigue, brain fog (gadolinium is a rare-earth metal that can deposit in brain/other organs) burning sensation on skin, bone pain, headache, vision/hearing changes, skin thickening/ discoloration, they are shunned by their disbelieving doctors (who have never heard of this rare reaction, not part of mainstream medical narrative on gadolinium). Then the greatest assault of all—the vulnerable person in pain is blamed—told it is “all in their head” and they are shuffled off to psychiatry for “anxiety” rather than their doctor being willing to embrace the fact that they were injured by us.

I celebrated my birthday by helping physicians who have been injured by other physicians and by the medical profession (including their trusted mentors) get the help and compassion they need. Doing it again next Sunday. Rather lead support groups that read doctor suicide obituaries of those who died from loneliness and isolation while in pain.

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Surgeon Support Groups →

See full KevinMD interview & transcript here.

“. . . It is especially great to get people in the same specialty together. That’s why I host specialty-specific peer-to-peer support groups. I’m not a surgeon. I don’t know what it’s like. They do. These surgeons are replaying every accident or bad outcome they’ve ever had in a 30-year career, like a videotape in their mind. They can’t sleep at night . . .”

Sunday Support Group Descriptions:

Physician Trauma Recovery (11 am PDT/2 pm EST) is a group dedicated to helping physicians heal from personal or professional trauma including such as suicide attempts, childhood abuse, death/suicide of family/friend/colleague, residency abuse, workplace violence, professional and personal betrayal. If you’d like to heal from trauma among a group of loving peers, reach out.

Pandemic Healing (1 pm PDT/4 pm EST) is a cohesive group of physicians who have been meeting weekly for more than a year in a safe and non-judgemental environment on topics ranging from long-haul Covid, grief from loss of patients/peers/family to Covid,  job loss/mandates, early treatment, vaccine adverse events, and isolation.

Physician Peer-to-Peer Support (3 pm PDT/6 pm EST) is a weekly rotating group of targeted physician peer support groups including: suicidal/struggling surgeons (1st/3rd Sundays), all physicians (2nd Sunday), residents/medical students (4th Sunday). Additional groups will be added based on demand.

Physician Business Mastermind (5 pm PDT/8 pm EST) is an intermediate/advanced group for physicians in independent practice who have graduated from the Live Your Dream course. We’ve been meeting weekly for 5+ years and welcome those who want to learn how to launch ideal coaching practices or clinics (telemedicine or brick-and-mortar) and effectively use messaging, marketing, and media to fill their practices with ideal patients—so they can practice medicine autonomously with joy!

All groups are curated, confidential, facilitated by Dr. Wible, and last up to 90 minutes (generally on Zoom). Open to all physicians at $97/month, a nominal fee to subsidize support groups and free physician suicide helpline. Other health professionals (NPs, PAs) may join us as space is available. To join, please contact Dr. Wible.

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How writing heals pain →

Full interview here

I’ve been running a physician suicide helpline for nearly ten years. People write me tomes of emails. They’ll conclude with “I feel so much better for sharing this for the first time. Don’t worry about calling me back. Thank you for reading this.” Writing is healing, especially when shared with someone who won’t report you to a medical board. You may write me 24/7 with  your confidential email here. I highly recommend that you write daily in your own journal. You are also welcome to join our trauma writing retreats or any of our peer-to-peer support groups.

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