If you have lost a patient to suicide . . . →

If you have ever lost a patient (or a loved one to suicide), this is for you: 
“I am sorry to hear about the suicide of your patient, and am so very sorry this happened. I have some idea of what you must be going through, because it has happened to me. Patient suicide is incredibly complex and tragic. 
You may find yourself reviewing every last detail, thinking and rethinking every angle of the circumstances. I assure you that this thought process is typical, usual, and common. I’ve been there. 
As physicians, we create very high expectations for ourselves; not only in our clinical practice, but also related to how we handle outcomes—even the ones that are most difficult to navigate. Sadly, stigma around death and suicide persists in the medical profession. As physicians, we may find ourselves turning away from the reality of mortality, regardless of the circumstances under which we face it. 
In the wake of this tragedy, I encourage you to feel all of your feelings. I encourage you to express distress and emotional pain. I assure you that there is a supportive community of health professionals, myself included, eager to listen to you and to share their personal experiences of trauma recovery after patient suicide.
I also reassure you that healing is possible. Your emotions and feelings in the wake of patient suicide are not wrong, bad, or an indication of your worth as a person or as a physician. Grief is a universal response to tragedy and loss. It is only through acknowledging and feeling the pain that you may begin to heal. There will be a point in your future when you look back and see this challenging time as a catalyst for growth and evolution as your life continues to unfold.
You are not alone. I am here for you.”
Written by a psychiatrist, Elena Tuskenis, M.D., who offers free support for those who have lost a patient (or a sibling) to suicide. Let me know if you’d like to connect with her.


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How NOT to lose your medical license with dual relationships →

Discover 30+ dual relationships you might not know you have (that may wreak havoc in your life) * Why you should avoid hiring a patient as an employee * How to legally terminate a patient relationship * How simple contracts keep you safe * What constitutes sexual misconduct * Waiting periods for sexual contact with former patients * 3 ways to prevent civil or criminal liability in dual relationships & more . . .

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Physician exodus—from doctoring to coaching →

Two happily retired physicians discuss coaching as a career.

00:00  Ob/gyn-turned-health coach
00:32  Transition to direct pay model
01:15  Health coaching CPT codes
03:30  Avoid being a “generic” coach with a defined niche
06:00  Teaching through storytelling
06:21  Opting out of high-overhead/high-volume model
06:40  The moment you knew you would be a doctor
07:52  How doctors earn more as scribes
08:00  Health coaching laws vary by state
09:00  Group coaching benefits
10:30  Are coaches practicing medicine without a license?
12:25  Cleveland Clinic health coaching corporate model
13:58  Benefits of detaching from the medical board
15:06  Advice for physicians disgusted with their careers
16:37  “If you don’t have a medical license, it’s not like your brain fell out of your head.”
17:10  Benefit of being a health coach—confidential mental health care
18:19  Get loans paid off as a health coach, teacher, even a park ranger!
19:03  Final words of wisdom—don’t choose suicide to escape medicine
19:40  You do not have to be a doctor to be a HEALER
20:06  “If I would have known what medicine would be like, I’d never have done it.”
20:28  Income potential as a health coach

Need more info? Reach out to Bryan Treacy at healthwithoutrisk.com and Pamela Wible here

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Free resident retreat →

Just some fun scenes from our recent resident retreat on the Oregon coast. Join our next one . . .

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