Why are doctors dying in physician health programs? →

(Video above & full transcript below)

When I read The Guardian article, “US surgeons are killing themselves at an alarming rate. One decided to speak out,” I felt like throwing up.

I’m sickened so many surgeons are dying. I’m grateful Dr. Cunningham is speaking out. I’m relieved she is alive.

But I felt nauseated that Carrie Cunningham’s pain is being used to tout physician “health” programs (PHPs) as the solution to physician suicide while these programs have actually led to doctor suicides.

Since 2012, I’ve run a free doctor suicide helpline. I spent thousands of hours listening to the hidden suffering of my peers.

Although some doctors with true substance use disorders find PHPs lifesaving, others die by suicide in these programs—yet I cannot find any major media articles on these dead physicians.

I know 23 doctors who died in these so-called health programs. None can speak out. None can respond to this article. So, on their behalf, I must.

Standing on the red carpet to deliver my TEDMED talk, Why doctors kill themselves—I was introduced as the “Physician’s Guardian Angel.” So I cannot remain silent when my peers suffer injustice.

One week before The Guardian article debuted, I detailed how PHP abuses have led to doctor suicides in a letter to the Department of Justice, published in its entirety below:

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September 17, 2023

Attention: Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division

Today is National Physician Suicide Awareness Day, and I wish to make you aware of doctor suicides resulting from Title II ADA violations by medical licensing boards (MLBs) and their exclusively authorized and contracted physician health programs (PHPs).

MLB-PHP violations are many—impermissible inquiry, discriminatory medical exams, excessive testing, lack of individualized case analysis, refusal of accommodations, to name a few.

But I’m not writing to call your attention to a list of violations. I’m writing to speak for those who no longer can: 23 compassionate, competent, dedicated doctors whose deaths were directly related to willful violations of law by PHPs, both empowered and immunity-protected by their state medical boards.

In 2012, after three doctor suicides in my town, I urged local reporters to cover these tragedies. They refused. Outraged, I felt compelled to investigate this alarming phenomenon on my own.

Since then, I’ve run a free physician suicide helpline. I’ve heard from countless US physicians who became suicidal under the “care” of a PHP. Mistreatment so unfathomable, I was in disbelief—until others reported the same tactics employed by their state PHPs.

A few common themes:

Physicians forced into PHP evaluations following anonymous, unsubstantiated tips (often retaliatory) with no avenue to explore or appeal allegations of disability or impairment.

PHPs endorsing unfounded diagnoses of substance misuse via non-FDA-approved, non-SAMHSA-condoned drug tests known for false positive results.

Physicians with no history of drug/alcohol use automatically enrolled in costly out-of-state inpatient faith-based abstinence programs—followed by five years of drug monitoring and AA attendance.

Nonphysician bureaucrats recklessly endangering doctors’ lives by overriding their established psychiatrist’s treatment plan with PHP “one-size-fits-all” protocols.

To keep their medical license, doctors must “voluntarily” agree to travel out-of-state to “PHP-preferred” facilities where they may be interrogated via polygraph during a 4-day multidisciplinary evaluation for up to $10,000 cash (no insurance accepted).

Physicians who cannot afford to pay thousands of dollars to these for-profit “PHP-preferred” rehabs get reported to their board as “noncompliant,” usually resulting in license revocation with automatic entry into National Practitioner Data Bank, rendering the physician unemployable.

MLBs then publicly disclose physicians’ disability-related license revocation, HIPAA-protected health information (detailing unsupported, yet unchallengeable misdiagnoses)—all published on the World Wide Web in perpetuity.

I’ve twice implored Oregon Medical Board (OMB) to track doctor suicides in our state. They refused. While touting their success in self-funded unverifiable “studies,” state PHPs also lack transparency, failing to investigate their own physician suicides.

Legitimate accredited health facilities are required to report suicides as sentinel events to Joint Commission, perform internal case analysis, and correct deficiencies. The MLB-PHP complex behaves as if it is above the law—refusing to disclose suicide incidence, declaring “study participants lost to follow-up” while concealing rights deprivations contributing to their deaths.

Distraught by OMB’s refusal to collect doctor suicide data while my peers were dying in board-ordered PHPs known for mishandling physician mental health and impairment allegations, I began tracking these doctor suicides.

I’ve now catalogued 23 PHP suicides by name, date, specialty, location, method of death, and circumstances. For in-depth documentation (including video interviews with PHP victims and their family members in the aftermath of these doctor suicides), please contact me.

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I thank Christina Frangou for her compelling article on Dr. Cunningham—a stellar surgeon who was never a danger to her patients. No wonder she wanted to throw up when the PHP declared her “unfit” to practice medicine and mandated years of random testing for drugs she’d never done in her life.

PHPs claim to counter the “myth that illness automatically means impairment,” while concurrently labeling competent physicians as “impaired.” Forcing physicians to abandon thousands of patients endangers the lives of doctors—and their patients (who have also died by suicide).

As an award-winning journalist specializing in health, medicine, and social issues, you’ll likely be disturbed by the dark side of the forced physician rehab industry that makes millions off the suffering of our vulnerable doctors.

I respectfully request a follow-up piece about doctors who have died in physician health programs. Their voices deserve to be heard.

Thank you.

Pamela Wible, M.D.

View TV Investigative Report: Doctors fear PHPs—why physicians won’t ask for help

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Should I answer mental health questions from my school or employer? →

Should I answer mental health questions from my school or employer?

I’m a 23-year-old incoming premed student. I’m supposed to fill out my school’s health history intake. One of the questions asks, “Have you ever experienced: 1. Self-injurious behavior (ex: cutting, burning, etc), 2. Suicide attempt 3. Psychosis 4. Sexual assault.” I was sexually assaulted in high school. Do I really have to report this to my school? I am afraid this will follow me forever and end up in my official medical school file. I am a joyous person now with no mental health problems. What should I do?

If I answer yes to any questions, could my medical career be adversely impacted?


In 2023, applications for hospital privileges, state board licensure, medical liability coverage, and health plan participation continue to ask physicians invasive mental health questions. Fortunately, DOJ is now investigating the legality of these questions.

If you answer YES to any mental health question, your application is flagged, and you may invite a cascade of adverse actions with retrieval of remote psychiatric history. How remote? I’m aware of trainees entrapped in monitoring programs for isolated use of marijuana in high school.

What kind of monitoring program could I be forced to enter?

Medical trainees and physicians may be referred to a physician health program (PHP)—with a costly 5-year consent order, random urine/blood/hair drug tests, and 12-step meetings (see video)—even with no history of alcohol or drug use! Your alleged diagnoses may be publicly disclosed (even on a state board’s Facebook page!) and be entered into the National Practitioner Data Bank.

Even if you do not experience immediate career repercussions, your history of sexual assault and depression may be weaponized in the future to label you as mentally ill and a danger to patient care, especially if you are singled out as ‘difficult’ by faculty or hospital admin. An angry patient (or ex-spouse) can submit anonymous board complaints leading to mandatory PHP enrollment as a requirement of licensure.

How can state boards acquire my confidential information?

The act of submitting an application for medical license waives your confidentiality and HIPAA rights to any documents held by a state or federal agency, educational or training institution, employer, clinic, hospital, or health professional. Most boards hide confidentiality release clauses in state statutes or fine-print application documents.

An example from Mississippi:

Mississippi Medical Board Application

Don’t I have any legal protection?

You have ADA protection. With a record of depression (of any duration), you have a legal disability. Your university receives federal funds and has lawful obligations under Section 504 of Rehab Act regarding disability. Department of Education handles ADA complaints within educational institutions. Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) endorses compliance with ADA. 

Call your state Disability Rights Advocacy group for free legal advice to help you determine if you are required to answer these questions or contact Lisa Meeks, Ph.D., who specializes in medical students with disabilities.

Avoid care through your educational institution. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), HIPAA’s privacy rule does not apply to “education records” or “treatment records.” Trainees have been sent to school psychiatrists who breach their “perceived” confidentiality by sharing medical charts with deans and program directors. FERPA health records are HIPAA-exempt and courts have ruled students have no private right of action for a FERPA violation.

How should I respond to invasive mental health questions in the future?

1) Scrutinize the wording of each question, and when possible—answer NO. If you feel pressured to disclose your “protected” health information (PHI), refuse to answer based on “need to know.”

2) Document your concerns regarding the purpose of questions, privacy laws, and how your information may be used, shared, or harm you now or in the future.

3) Discuss your rights with a team of expert physicians. We meet every Sunday. For your confidential Zoom link, contact Dr. Wible.

What can I do now to ensure my future mental health care is confidential?

Here are 13 tips to keep yourself safe when seeking help: How to get confidential mental health help for physicians and medical trainees.

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Free legal help for physicians who have suffered ADA violations →


Have you faced discrimination for a health condition such as cancer, ADHD, substance use, depression, or a suicide attempt—by your employer, hospital, med school, residency, or PHP?

You can get free help from the world’s largest law firm. DOJ is now investigating ADA violations by med boards, hospitals, and residencies. Three US senators sent this demand letter to DOJ citing my research on widespread ADA violations against physicians and medical trainees. If you’ve been harmed, we can connect you with attorneys who can hold your medical institution accountable for violating federal law (as in put your med board on probation). Want free legal help? Join us Sunday here.

Our letter writing campaign has been a success! Multiple physicians have now received videoconference interviews with top DOJ attorneys. Want to submit your complaint letter to DOJ? Use this simple template or join us on Sundays for peer support and strategic guidance.

Have additional questions? Contact Dr. Wible.

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Medical Cult Indoctrination 101 →

Ever wonder why idealistic med students lose their empathy? Here’s a 58-second explanation.

Here’s how medical training works:

Promise to fulfill their dreams . . .

Encourage separation from family, dependency, conformity.

Don’t give them time to think.

When in doubt, they will do what everyone around them is doing—and believe that is normal.

Control their behavior.

“Wear these clothes.”

“All you need is two hours of sleep.”

Keep them receptive to bogus scientific research.


Revert them back to childhood dependence.

Control their thoughts, their emotions.

Induce guilt by attacking the self—and inducing a mental breakdown.

“You are not living up to your potential.”

“You cheated on that test.”

Block out information critical of group.

Encourage members to spy, report on one another.

Discourage autonomy and individuality.

“I don’t know who I am anymore.”


Isolate them from the rest of the world.

Make them feel part of an elite group with an important mission.

Tighten group’s bond by establishing scapegoats and enemies.

Demonize outsiders as less than human.

Develop an us-versus-them mentality.

Critical thoughts are evidence they have committed crimes against the group.

Start investigating them.

Make up crimes.

“I think I want to leave.”

“You must be insane.”

“We’re doing important work.”

“You’re weak!”

“There must be something wrong with you.”

Suggest if they should ever leave something bad could happen to them.

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For trauma recovery, contact Dr. Wible. or join our peer support groups.

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How physicians celebrate Independence Day—they don’t →

It’s July 4th! Time to celebrate freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Independence Day is a national holiday, so most Americans get the day off work—often a three-day weekend!

Family and friends gather to enjoy potato salad, apple pie, picnics, and parades. While physicians deal with fireworks mishaps and car wrecks. Some drown in documentation.

I know too many docs who collapse in bed each night atop their electronic medical records. In their pajamas. On weekends. Even holidays!

The truth is American medicine has little to do with liberation or independence. The Fourth of July is just another day of captivity for most American physicians, nearly all medical trainees—plus patients who are stuck with one-size-fits-all medicine doled out by docs who no longer act or think independently.

Once upon a time all US doctors were independent. My parents were both solo docs like me. Now most physicians are salaried factory workers practicing assembly-line medicine. In fact, 9 out of 10 doctors would not recommend medicine as a profession.


Here are a few factoids:

Pages of Medicare regulations by which physicians must abide: > 132,000

Current number of procedural codes doctors must know: 10,969

Number of ICD-10 codes doctors are responsible: 152,135

Average minutes allotted per patient appointment: 15

Average minutes per appointment doctor is on computer: > 16

Seconds before doctor interrupts patient: 11

Hours per day doctors require to deliver recommended care to patients: 26.7

Physicians who fear seeking mental health care due to career repercussions: 42%

Number of US state medical boards that punish competent physicians with mental health struggles: > 25

Number of Americans who will lose their doctors to suicide this year: > 1,000,000.

In the land of live free or die, some choose death.

I considered it.

Until I decided to live free as a solo doc.

Join me this July 4th to declare your independence.

Pamela Wible, M.D., is a freedom-loving physician who liberates discouraged doctors at IdealMedicalCare.org

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