Medical Mystery Shoppers

Obama says primary care is a top priority for the administration, but 36% of physicians lose money every time they see a Medicare patient.  Now Medicare will cut reimbursement by 30%.

Government-hired mystery shoppers were to spy on doctors to figure out what’s really going wrong. Thankfully, public outcry at this $350,000 taxpayer-funded program led to its demise.

Want to fix primary care? Ain’t no mystery. Pay docs enough to keep their doors open or get out of the way. More and more physicians are boycotting abusive third parties and establishing direct relationships with patients who value their services.

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4 comments on “Medical Mystery Shoppers
  1. Chris says:

    direct connect from physican to patient is the only logical solution. The middle man (of any kind) will have to be removed before any meaningful reform will take place and provide relief for doctors and patients alike.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Yes, Chris. It’s called DISINTERMEDIATION. Time to remove ALL no-value added intermediaries.

  2. Barbara Angele says:

    Are you a Republican? Why in the world would you put down Obama trying to infiltrate our SICKCARE (no such thing as Healthcare) and get something turned around no matter how much it costs? It is HUGE money that is controlling our medical system so it will take even HUGER money to break it down. You and I babe are just not going to be able to do it. The Medical System in the USA is too big not to have some power thrown at it. Thanks public outcry for ruining our chances!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      I do not believe health care can be legislated by republicans or democrats.

      “Health care can never be mandated. Most people suffer ill health from poor lifestyle choices. Legislation can support healthy behavior, but laws can’t force people to care about themselves—or anyone else. Compassion comes from the heart, not the pen. Caring is a personal choice born from an awakening of the heart and soul. Health care can never be mandated from the top down, because what Americans really want comes from the inside out and the bottom up.”

      (Pet Goats & Pap Smears, Pub date: September, 2012)

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