How to survive the worst moments of your life (podcast)

Live Your Dream School of Medical Arts Podcast Episode 1. 

Unscripted, uncensored, unedited. Enjoy the raw, real thoughts of doctors.

Learn 6 strategies to survive the most traumatic events in your life.

Dr. Amir Friedman is an anesthesiologist from a family of Holocaust survivors. At age 10 he found his mother deceased from suicide. Then his physician father and two brothers died by suicide. While practicing as a successful physician helping underserved patients suffering from chronic pain, he was entrapped in an insurance fraud scheme that landed him in federal prison. Dr. Pamela Wible is a family physician who runs a suicide helpline for physicians. She recalls having passive suicidal thoughts at age 9 due to her chaotic and scary childhood that involved domestic violence between her parents, both workaholic physicians wounded by their own childhood traumas. 

Topics Covered:

* Benefits of strategic dissociation

* Timing of safely removing the “fake-smile” false-self mask

* Integrating painful moments as wisdom

* Healthy ways to release emotions

* Gender differences in survival strategies

* Self-healing through healing others

* Why peer support is so helpful

* Solidifying one’s sacred identity through pain

* Why vocalizing or writing traumatic experiences is so healthy

* Use of therapy pets or inanimate objects to heal

* Compartmentalization vs. oversharing trauma

* Self-therapy techniques that work (even with children)

* Empowering oneself by studying survival stories

Amir’s Survival Strategies: 1) Strategic dissociation 2) Helping others 3) Designing a code to live by

Pamela’s Survival Strategies: 1) Talking to anyone 2) Emoting through crying  3) Comedy

A favorite quote: “Please enjoy the unavoidable pain.”

“Any feeling fully felt changes.”


What are your top 3 strategies?

Please share in comments. 🙏

6 Survival Strategies for Severe Trauma

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