This is an email subject line from a doctor. Letter published with permission.
Hello Pamela
I have become so disillusioned with medicine. I do not know who to talk to any more or what to do with my life.
I work one week a month in the ICU.
This is an email subject line from a doctor. Letter published with permission.
Hello Pamela
I have become so disillusioned with medicine. I do not know who to talk to any more or what to do with my life.
I work one week a month in the ICU.
How do we care for the people who care for us? As doctors, we’re immersed in pain and suffering—as a career. We cry when our patients die. We feel grief anxiety, depression—even suicidal—all occupational hazards of our profession.
A recent Medscape article on Physician Health Programs suggests that the people who are here to help us may actually be doing more harm than good.
Physician burnout is the latest trend among doctors. There are books, workshops, even special breathing exercises for physician burnout. Suddenly every other doctor I meet has burnout. And half of all med students have burnout before they graduate! WTF.
We enter medicine as inspired, intelligent,
Got a bullier on the loose at your med school? Don’t just sit there. Do something.
I just got off the phone with an old-school pediatrician who shared:
We had a professor who would intimidate us during his lectures. He’d point to somebody in the back of the room and tell them to stop doing what they were doing and pay attention or else!
It’s July 4th! All across the country, Americans are celebrating freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Families and friends are relishing potato salad, apple pie, barbecues and parades.
Is your doctor decked out in red, white, and blue enjoying fireworks from his yacht?
It’s medical school graduation season!
Here come the caps. The gowns. The smiles. And sighs of relief . . .
Time to celebrate our brand new doctors.
Except for the families that can’t celebrate their child’s graduation. Or their child’s marriage. Or their child’s birthday—ever again.
Here’s the latest medical fad: Physician resiliency training.
Doctors are already the most resilient people on the planet.
Doctors can go days on call without eating. I know. I have.
Doctors can go 24 hours without a bathroom break.
I’m Dr. Pamela Wible, a family physician in Oregon. I’ve submitted my CV, witness form, and transcript of my testimony to Chairman Frederick. My schedule prevents me from traveling to Missouri for today’s hearing; however, I thank Vice Chairman Morris and the Committee for allowing me to testify remotely in support of House Bill 867,
On February, 26, 2015, Pamela Wible, M.D., was named the 2015 Women Leader in Medicine by the American Medical Student Association in Washington D.C. Dr. Wible was nominated by American premedical and medical students as one of the most inspiring women educators in medicine today. Her acceptance speech is filmed and fully transcribed below.
A few months ago a physician friend Facebooks me:
I only have 7 days of clinic left. Just finished two weekends back to back so it will be something like 20 days in a row that I worked before I get a chance to breathe. One weekend was “punishment”
A physician in Texas posts this photo on Facebook. Caption: “My schedule one morning in January 2014. Never again . . .”
Yay! Another physician breaks free from assembly-line medicine.
High-overhead, high-volume offices sacrifice the sacred physicians-patient relationship and perpetuate a disease-billing management system. This is NOT health care.
This courageous physician blows a whistle on the human rights abuse in hospitals. Doctors forced to work 7 consecutive days. No sleep. No access to food. Doctor forced to work in ICU after having seizure. Is this the care you want in American hospitals?
Full transcript:
The hospital administration and the national hospitalist company that I worked for made this agreement that the shifts would be 24 hours.
Last week I delivered this talk twice at the American Academy of Family Physicians Scientific Assembly in Washington DC, and I also presented it to third-year medical students at The Commonwealth Medical College of Pennsylvania. It is fully transcribed here. Every medical student and physician needs this information. Please share widely.
A psychiatrist in my physician retreat sends me this e-mail:
Pamela, get this—after saying that I’d need to make up for my ‘lost time’ on production since I’m quitting my job and taking off for our retreat, the Head Suit calls me today and begs me not to quit.
Another indication that health care is sick—doctors are being told to stop asking patients open-ended questions like:
“How are you feeling?”
“What worries you?”
“What’s on your mind?”
Today a physician just e-mailed me:
“I am really,
Doctor revived after suicide. Here's what he says.