Wildest keynote! Singing and dancing across stage with 4000 doctors in Las Vegas. Rowdiest audience ever (at a medical conference at least). Read transcript and/or download & listen to MP3 below:
. . . And now what we have all been waiting for,
Wildest keynote! Singing and dancing across stage with 4000 doctors in Las Vegas. Rowdiest audience ever (at a medical conference at least). Read transcript and/or download & listen to MP3 below:
. . . And now what we have all been waiting for,
My friend, Dr. Zeshan Qureshi, just delivered this TEDx talk in New Zealand. Dr. Qureshi is a paediatrician in the UK with a lifesaving message for us all:
Our healthcare systems are making doctors mentally ill
I am a children’s doctor and I’m going to talk to you about the sick people I see.
“Hi Dr. Wible, I am a fourth-year resident in a combined five-year program and I am burned out. Last month, I totaled my car as I sleepily drove home after my 8th night shift in a row and am lucky to have walked away with only a broken clavicle.
Dr. Jon Azkue dies by suicide and media reports his death as an “inconvenience to patients.” He’s treated as if he is guilty of a crime. No sympathy. No sadness for the loss of a man who dedicated his entire life to helping others. I contacted ABC News to express my concern about slandering and dishonoring this caring physician.
Dr. Kat Lopez: “Today I’d like to share with you some words used by the medical-industrial complex to blame doctors for the problems—including human rights abuses—that they are perpetrating upon these poor enslaved employees.
These words include burnout—blaming the victim who is enduring human rights abuse on a daily basis.
Top 5 reasons doctors don’t seek mental health care
1. Lack of confidentiality. May have to turn over medical records to others who control your career.
2. State medical boards demand to know. May be excluded from practicing medicine in that state.
Can a meditation garden in a hospital courtyard help doctors recover from 28-hour shifts? Will resilience workshops help resident physicians on 100+hour work weeks? Could yoga reverse workplace bullying? Probably not.
Seems wellness programs are popping up all over our hospitals and medical schools to help our doctors feel well.
Four female physicians share their life & death experiences. Miscarriages from overwork. Sexual harassment. Threats of termination. No legal protection. Medical training in America. Listen in:
Stacey Maddox, M.D.
I failed my first ED [emergency department] rotation in third year because I had a miscarriage.
Sleep-deprived doctors are dying in car crashes at an alarming rate around the world. And beginning July 1, 2017 the US will now force new doctors to work up to 28-hour shifts. So the death toll is likely to rise.Thousands of lives have already been sacrificed including not only doctors,