People pleasers are dangerous. They actually end up hurting people. Don’t be too nice anymore. Here’s how I recovered—and you can too! Listen in . . .
Check out the letter I just received:
Hi Pamela, I’m slowly making changes,
People pleasers are dangerous. They actually end up hurting people. Don’t be too nice anymore. Here’s how I recovered—and you can too! Listen in . . .
Check out the letter I just received:
Hi Pamela, I’m slowly making changes,
My Dearest Love, Fiancé, Partner, and Best Friend,
I want you to know just how much I love you. I genuinely love you with every ounce of my body and soul. 🙂
But I worry about you. You’ve been beaten down.
If you don’t have a mentor or you’re not sure you’ve got the right mentor, read on . . . (and listen to the expanded podcast above).
The right mentor will help you manifest your goals in record time. The wrong mentor may undermine your best laid plans.
Last week I spoke at a residency retreat. A surgery resident asked for my big take-home message. Here it is (and this applies to everyone on the planet not just medical students and physicians).
Remember the dreams you had as a young adult.
I grew up studying my physician parents. My dad, a pathologist, was a hard-working hospital employee with multiple odd jobs on the side. He always worried about whether he’d have enough for retirement (though he never really wanted to retire). My mom, a psychiatrist, is more of an entrepreneurial businesswoman.
I’m a family doc living my dream life in my dream clinic in my dream town. Now I’m spreading my love. During the past 12 years, I’ve helped hundreds of medical students, doctors, and health professionals overcome their fears so they could live their dreams in medicine.
I asked a group of docs I’m coaching how much they’re worth per hour. Interesting question given docs have 11+ years of specialized training beyond high school. Surgeons spend most of their 20s and 30s in school. By the time these folks graduate, they’ve got 200K+ med school debt—before kids,
Need help getting patients? Medical marketing is my specialty. In 2005, I pioneered the first ideal clinic designed entirely by patients. Six months later, my waiting list was out of control—nearly twice my number of patients. I gave the list to a new doc in town and I’ve been helping folks launch successful clinics ever since.
Want to step off the treadmill? Here’s a fool proof strategy: live debt free.
If your life seems out of balance, maybe the life you’re living isn’t your own. If you’re a doctor, nurse, midwife, med student—anyone who wants to heal the suffering in the world—my message for you is: heal yourself first—and start with your financial health.
Here’s a quick review of health care delivery basics:
Primary care – Stuff you can get handled with your primary care doctor in your neighborhood. Example: ingrown toenail.
Secondary care – Stuff your primary care doctor refers to a secondary specialist down the road.
Attention doctors: If you’re not attracting your ideal patients, don’t blame them. They probably have no idea how to find you. That’s your job.
So who do you really want to see? What patient population makes you excited to jump out of bed every morning?
Okay this is Medical Economics 101. Today we’re going to talk about overhead. It is big-box medicine versus an ideal clinic. This is my true life story.
My Overhead—Before and After
When I worked at a big-box medical clinic my overhead was 74%.
My name is Jennifer Zomnir and I have a very important message for the doctors out there that may be suffering like I was. About two years ago I worked in a big-box clinic and I saw a lot of patients a day in 5-10 minute slots, went home at night and worked on charts,
Hi, my name is Delicia Haynes from Daytona Beach, Florida, and about a year ago, I felt stuck. I was in a clinic that I had started myself and I was seeing more and more patients just to make the overhead and I didn’t see that there was any solution in sight.