Loyola Commencement Speech “Live Your Dream”

Angela Jiang: Good morning! As the class Vice President, it is my pleasure to welcome Dr. Pamela Wible to our graduation. Dr. Wible is a family physician and a pioneer in the ideal medical care movement. After completing a family medicine residency and working in different family practices for over 10 years, Dr. Wible found that neither doctors nor patients were happy with a system that felt much like an assembly line. She decided to follow her vision of practicing medicine in a way that could please both herself and her patients, and invited her community to design their own ideal clinic. 

At Stritch, one of the first things we learned was how to treat the human spirit. It’s fitting for Dr. Wible to join us on this momentous day, since her clinic pretty much sounds like a spa for the human spirit. She offers relaxed office visits, house calls, and she has never turned anyone away for lack of money. With her patients, she wears glitter, throws Pap parties, and delivers balloons and homemade soup to patients during house calls. Since her clinic opened in 2005, Dr. Wible’s innovative practice has inspired hundreds of other physicians to create ideal clinics nationwide.

In addition to her devotion to changing health care, Dr. Wible is also passionate about physician mental health. She operates a suicide hotline from her home, and believes in nurturing the invincible human spirit in us all. For her contributions to physician mental health, she was named as one of 2015’s Women Leaders in Medicine by the American Medical Student Association.  Dr. Wible’s commitment to promoting mental health and innovative approach to health care has led to Ted Talks, two bestselling books, features in textbooks, and interviews by CNN, NPR (listen to award-winning NPR interview), and many other news outlets.

With someone so successful in pursuing her passions to lead our beginning as physicians, we are lucky to have Dr. Wible here to speak about how we can keep following our dreams as we leave Stritch. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Pamela Wible.

Dr. Pamela Wible: Wow! I feel like a proud mother getting ready to watch 151 doctors take their first steps. It’s so exciting!


When I found out that I “topped the list of inspiring individuals” nominated by your graduating class, I was shocked. I quickly accepted the nomination and invitation by Dean Brubaker, and then hid her letter and didn’t tell anyone (even my mom) because I was pretty sure once you all figured out what I actually talk about, I’d be disinvited. I’ve actually been disinvited as a featured speaker at a special event here in Chicago by the largest medical association in the country when they discovered that I speak on doctor suicide. So thank you all for having me. I promise my commencement speech is not on suicide.


Life is a continuum between self-destruction and self-actualization, between losing and living your dream. Today we are all gathered here for one reason—to celebrate your dream.

A dream that many of you have had before kindergarten. Back when your parents wondered why you kept doing surgery on your dolls and applying wet toilet paper casts around your Barbies. Some of you felt the calling in high school. You saw yourself on mission trips, in emergency rooms, and maybe one day in your own little clinic back home. These images of healing those in greatest need, of saving a life, energized you and filled you with joy, the same joy you felt when you got your acceptance letter and on your first day of orientation. And you feel it again today. Your dream—sometimes forgotten—still fuels you. And it follows you. Even if you ignore it.


Love, hope, dreams are fluffy words in medicine. Not easily measured or reimbursed. Not valued like GPAs and board scores. Yet—in the end—your dream is the only thing matters. It’s what tethers you here on Earth.

Pamela Wible GPA quoteI know. I talk to a lot of hopeless physicians who have given up on their dreams. They search for exit strategies at conferences on non-clinical careers for doctors. They grumble about the “government” and the “system.” Some even take their grief out on you “lazy” new doctors. You “special snowflakes.”  They warn, “let’s not turn medicine into some coddling group hug where anyone with a brain can get through.” Why do they lash out at you? Maybe because they see the sparkle in your eyes, they feel your passion to serve. Your dream is still alive—and you remind them of what they lost. They used to be you.

You are not them. Loyola has prepared each of you to lead an extraordinary life as a physician, to uplift the human spirit, embrace diversity, respect life, and value human dignity.” And so you must stand up against human rights violations in medicine. Bullying, hazing, and sleep deprivation will not make you a better doctor. We’ve already wounded far too many of our physicians with antiquated teaching methods. It is time to heal our healers.

And so I ask that you always have compassion for those who have come before you. As you begin your careers, many doctors are counting down their days till retirement, living lives of silent desperation. Learn from them. But don’t follow in their footsteps. If one day you find that you do not love your work, do not love your patients, have lost all hope—you must first find yourself again. How can a hopeless doctor give hope to patients? If you feel trapped, if you feel like a victim, then you are teaching your patients (and the next generation of physicians) to be victims too. Doctor means teacher.


Medicine is an apprenticeship profession. So let us learn from those who work with joy. Like Dr. Tameika Lewis (a gynecologist in Orlando) who dances with her patients in the park every Saturday morning. Like Dr. Jennifer Zomnir (a family doc outside of Dallas) who takes her kids with her on house calls and sees all patients over 90 for free (because she doesn’t want them fiddling around with paperwork). Like Dr. Keely Wheeler (a psychiatrist in Tulsa) who takes her patients with her to the gym to work out. Is that awesome or what?  When I first met Keely she had gained 80 pounds working for a big hospital system and rarely saw her husband. He basically used to bring her dinner while she was charting at night, that was their marriage, sneaking her Whataburgers under the bullet-proof glass receptionist window. Then check this out: within 2 years of launching her dream clinic, Keely lost 125 pounds and does marathons. People keep asking what diet she’s on. She says, “I’m on the I love my job diet”

It’s been a total blast to help these physicians launch their dream clinics. Sometimes I feel like I run a wildlife sanctuary for wounded healers. They come to me nearly dead with PTSD, depression, suicidal daydreams and I guide them back to their real dreams.

Wildlife sanctuary Pamela Wible

But what if you can’t find your dream? What if you don’t love your job? Please promise me that you’ll to do one thing—ask for help. That’s what I did.

My dream was to be a small-town family doctor doing house calls and trading for produce, but I could never find my dream job out there (and I signed a lot of contracts with a lot of hospitals and they never let me do this, they wouldn’t let me barter or anything, wouldn’t let me see patients for free, you know It was against the rules). So I really felt more like a factory worker practicing assembly-line medicine, so 12 years ago I did something that doctors never do—I asked for help. I asked my entire community for help. I invited them to design their own ideal medical clinic. I literally called up the newspaper and announced that I was hosting town hall meetings throughout the county. Ultimately, I collected 100 pages of testimony, adopted 90% of what my community wanted (and I literally told them I’d do whatever they want as long it was basically legal), and within one  month we opened—with no outside funding! The first ideal clinic designed entirely by patients. My dream came true. So did theirs. Because I asked for help.

So if you can’t find your dream job out there, create it. You are in the top 1% of intelligence, compassion, and resilience in the country. You can totally do this! Whether you want to design an ideal clinic or an ideal hospital, your community wants to help you!

But doctors suck at asking for help. Have you noticed that? So start practicing this weekend. Ask your family and friends. Ask me 24/7. Just got to IdealMedicalCare.org. Call me. Email me. I actually return every single phone call and letter. And I have no staff. The people who help me are my community. I have a lot of unpaid staff. The thing is when doctors ask for help the most amazing things happen.

Dr. Lissa Lubinski (a family doc in Washington state) just had a town hall this past March and 52 citizens showed up to help her launch the first community-designed clinic on the Olympic Peninsula. Dr. Mary Ellen Hoffman (a family doc in upstate New York) shared her dream with her community and a neighbor was so inspired she came over with a plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies and a $100,000 check! Would that help your student loans if a neighbor found out that they were living next to this really cool resident with an amazing dream and they brought you a big fat check? What’s better than a surprise $100,000 check—with cookies? Well, I know. My mostly uninsured patients give me tips. They pay me more than what I ask for. They write in the memo line of the check “for love & guidance” and they draw little hearts. Every time I get one of these checks, I feel like I hit the lottery.

So what else will patients do for you? Townspeople have raised thousands of dollars through bake sales and spaghetti dinners to help doctors launch clinics. They’ve given doctors free rent on main street. Patients have volunteered to sew gowns, blankets, decorate clinics, even work in the office for free. Why would patients do this for a doctor like you? Because they need you. The real you. The one in your personal statement. The one who is not afraid to live their dream. Because your dream is their dream.

So graduates, my question for you today is: what would happen if you started sharing your dream? What would your community do for you? What if you actually asked for help? You may be surprised.

Three tips for a successful career in medicine

In closing, I’ve got three simple tips that will nearly guarantee your success. Three tips (one for today, one for next week, one for July):

#1) This afternoon when you are celebrating with friends and family, I invite you to share your dream—the biggest, boldest, you-hit-the-lottery version of your dream. Just stand up, tap your glass with your fork, introduce yourself as Doctor for the first time and share your dream. To parents, family & friends: your job is to listen to this beautiful person in front of you and nurture their dream. Record the moment. Get out your iPhones. Share it on social media, and please tag me on Facebook. I’d love to celebrate with you and share your dream with the world. Ya never know who will be so inspired that they’ll write you a $100,000 check—or more! Be optimistic!

Graduates, you can’t do this alone. You must learn to ask for help because there will be times in residency and beyond, when you haven’t slept in days, when you’ve had an unexpected death, when you question WHY you are doing any of this. And in your darkest moments, you’ll need to watch the video. Save it. It may save your life. So that’s #1—share your dream with your loved ones today—and me today— and ask for their help.

Ask for help Pamela Wible#2) Next week, I want you dig out your personal statement. Read it and update it with all your cool new ideas. Decorate it with glitter stickers and smiley faces and little hearts. Then get it framed and hang it right next to your diploma. Without your dream, your diploma is just a piece of paper. There are far too many discouraged doctors with walls full of diplomas and awards. Remember: it is your dream that will bring your diploma to life.

#3) In July you start residency. Share your dreams with each other. Be like a dream team. Medicine is a team sport (and we’re actually all on the same team).  Help each other become the doctors you always imagined. And here’s a big bonus. Discover your patients’ dreams. What inspires them? What’s the real reason they keep coming back to see you? I bet it isn’t to get to goal on their HgA1C or to perfect their low density lipoprotein level, or to make sure their MRI is clear of metastases, it’s to survive long enough to make it to their 50th wedding anniversary or to witness the birth of their first grandchild, or to live long enough to watch their favorite granddaughter walk across this stage and graduate from medical school today.

Congratulations and I can’t wait to see what you all do!

Don’t forget to  . . .

Ask for help Pamela Wible


Pamela Wible, M.D., is a practicing physician in Eugene, Oregon, who hosts popular retreats, teleseminars, and courses, to help medical students and physicians live their dreams in medicine. She is author of Pet Goats & Pap Smears and Physician Suicide Letters—Answered. Need help? Contact Dr. Wible now.


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32 comments on “Loyola Commencement Speech “Live Your Dream”
  1. Vickie Becker says:

    Hurrah! The most truthful, awesome and inspiring commencement speech I have ever heard!
    Vickie Lynn Becker, MD
    Loyola-Stritch Class of 1982

  2. Ann Cordum M.D. says:

    Well done Pamela!!!

  3. Adolph Mares Jr MD says:

    Pamela, Great speech and advice to these doctors! It is even inspiring to me at this point in my career.

    Adolph Mares MD, FACC
    Baylor college of Medicine, Class of ’87

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Yes. Folks from audience in other professions and at later stages in their careers also told me how helpful the 3 tips were to them. Of course, I did have at least one doc avoiding me (according to his wife) because I hit way to close to home and maybe he didn’t want to cry . . .

  4. Kaitlin says:

    Awesome! You nailed it. I’ll be reaching out soon with questions. xo

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Call me anytime 541-345-2437 though fastest way to reach me is via my website contact page.

  5. Mayra says:

    Beautiful and so many great tips. Thank you always for speaking the truth about medicine and what is happening to many. You are the voice of broken physicians who can no longer help their patients or themselves.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      I am a truth seeker. I think that’s my specialty. 😉

      • James M. Kenyon says:

        Dr. Wible did it again and as a truth seeker myself find her talks necessary for seeing the truth. Pamela is open, honest, and sincere and spot on in her telling us to ask for help as its the first sign of a greater intelligence, intelligent enough to realize we can`t do it alone and who would want to? Dr. Wible is a teacher and a woman with a kind heart. Thank you Pamela for doing so much fro the world of medicine. James M. Kenyon

  6. Pam Pappas MD says:

    Very inspiring, Pamela! I love the idea of decorating your “personal statement” and keeping it right next to your diploma. Our dreams are one way our life force expresses — and when those are stifled for any reason, it’s death to us. And that can happen fast or slow.

    Thanks for being you! I create wildlife sanctuaries for wounded healers too. 😉

  7. Robert Park, M.D. says:

    It’s so refreshing to here someone speak authentically in a political environment in which it is normally not permitted!

  8. Susan Delphine Delaney MD, MS says:

    Great speech, Pamala, at one of my medical alma maters.

    The BEST PART was your encouraging the graduates to make a video of their dreams TODAY, with their families and friends present.

    Later, if work life goes sour, they will have the only PERMANENT RECORD CARD THAT MATTERS available to do an inner dialog with.

    There is nothing like YOUR VERY OWN WORDS to remind you of your dream.

  9. Virginia L. Waryas says:

    Pamela, good morning!

    I just watched your Loyola commencement talk and it left goose-bumps – literally! What graduation speaker, ever, can you recall speaking on or even making mention of self care as in advising not to hesitate to ask for help? It may not be so uncommon to encourage ‘living your dream’ but any reference to asking for help to do so? This was a first, for me, to note in any such honorary invited talk delivery and it found me grateful to hear it.

    Weaving MD names and their city locations as interspersed presentation reference? –Brililant! Seriously. From vantage point of psychology, what could be a more effective frame of lasting impression but non-nameless, real people who were not deterred from the road they wished to travel – whether their names were ever recalled or not, the fact you made a reference to them by their first and last name plus included their city and state is what provided them a reality in the mind of your audience, otherwise, remaining, only, abstract as ‘someone, out there’.

    Great talk. Ultra, ultra relaxed, personable delivery conveyed as a one-on-one conversation. It left an impression of ‘sticking power’ of lasting effect. And, another thing……when have you heard of invitation from a speaker to contact them? Ah, I thought so. Never. …………..Remarkable and supportive, both; should not a single contact originate from those who were there, your invitation will remain an indelible support accompanying them as they move forward in their live. I wish more speaking deliveries could be half what yours was on this special occasion.

    In closing, I do not wish to omit commenting on how attractive your hair and glasses were at the Chicago appearance. I was so impressed by your at ease manner of talk delivery and glad you arranged forwarding of it on your email list.

    Warm regards,


  10. Melanie Lee M.D. says:

    Your beautiful words, the joy of spirit, and inspiration are like a beacon of light among Medical professionals. You are truly living following a pathway that changes the world. Your message, your love, and your hope spread so that the profession improves and becomes advanced in treating health. I recently read that our medical health plans are more expensive than many other countries, and although Doctor’s in America are well trained, health is not improved among America’s citizens. Our system is failing us. Your system is the answer, it’s giving us a much better system. Thank you, Dr. Wible.

  11. Lissa Lubinski MD says:

    Thank you, Pamela!!! I am so proud of you! And continue to be inspired by you! Thank you for sharing your message with such heart. You are an amazing speaker, by the way! And thank you, also, for mentioning us in your speech!

  12. Thomas Green, DO,MMM,MPH says:

    Very awesome Pamela!!! You are truly the beacon of light and hope for our future generations of healers and it is the opportunities like your commencement speaking at Loyola that provides such a wonderful platform. You also have such a natural, elegant and genuine way about you when you speak that even with talking about sensitive topics, you put people at-east and put the focus on those that it should be on (our students and physicians and the broken system). Keep up the great work and keep spreading the word about ideal medical care and practices and being a home for wounded healers!! You are changing the paradigm of medicine and medical education and it’s a beautiful thing!!!

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      OMG Tom. Thank you so much! You’ve probably seen a lot of commencement speeches in your day. Means a lot to me. <3

  13. Ellen Schaeffer says:

    Way to go Pamela! Excellent speech – moving, from the heart, beautifully delivered. Well done!!! You also looked positively beautiful, radiant! The entire speech was wonderful but I really loved that you got the words “Physician Suicide” in there right at the outset when you said you weren’t going to talk about it! I don’t know if that was your intent, but IMO it was awesome. Single-handedly you just took away the taboo of speaking “that” word for the Loyola medical school graduates and for everyone who heard the speech; By uttering the word, you give these new doctors permission to ask for help for anything from starting an ideal clinic to leaving a job to discussing depression. I loved it. It’s an inspiring speech that I’m going to listen to many more times.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Funny that was not my intent. In talking about even the taboo word it does break the taboo! I had SO much fun with this speech AND it was just wild that they had me in a stretch limo with a driver while I was in Chicago!!!! Now that was WILD. Especially this part that I posted on Facebook on May 19:

      Surreal to actually get a call from a suicidal doc while in a limo with dance music and disco lights last evening. I told the driver I needed to take the call and he silenced the music and turned off the strobe lights and raised the window separating the driver section from my office on wheels and I was literally able to take the call. Best part was that we had a happy ending and I made it to the restaurant in time to have dinner with the deans of Loyola School of Medicine. Really one of the weirdest moments of my life (especially because the limo was driving right by the scene of another doc suicide I wrote about on my blog in Berwyn see Dr. Jon Azkue ❤️blog the one on doctors death an inconvenience for patients). –> https://www.idealmedicalcare.org/blog/doctor-suicide-inconveniences-patients/

  14. Chakradhar says:

    Fantastic Pamela.

    I imagined I just graduated and I am listening to you.

    I am going to do the 3 things now! (the advice is good for engineers too! for any and all professions)

    You are a tireless mountaineer – eagerly awaiting for your next experience.

  15. Tired Doc says:

    Thanks for sharing! Absolutely beautiful speech! So inspiring.

  16. Henry Go M.D. says:

    Pam, I have written before. Great speech. Echoes of my brief missle at the CAFP meeting in San Francisco where I said: “Do not lose your humanity. In today’s age of template medicine, there is not a button you push that comes out with a voice saying ‘go not gently into the good night; rage, rage against the dying of the light’,it comes from you, and it ennobles your profession”

  17. Carol McBratnie says:

    As always a most impressive individual. A leader unmatched by any other.

  18. Jan Jenson says:

    FABULOUS talk Dr. Wible!
    I’ve been on your email list for quite a while… and enjoy your comments and especially your work in helping physicians do what they LOVE!
    I travel pretty full time in my RV and hope to ask people in communities I visit just what they are doing to make HEALTH care happy in their communities! And turn them on to your organization!
    I’ve been a HEALTH COACH since 1968 and generally AVOID doctors because most do NOT know about HEALTH. They are forced to follow a standard of care DICTATED my a totally CORRUPT industry by Big Pharma and UGLY medical associations.

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Thanks Jan! Times are changing. More and more docs are stepping out of the big-box clinics. For the good of all.

  19. Charlotte Pearce says:

    Just so you know. I made sure my son saw your speech and sent him the link. I also told him it made me cry. His reply, “Me too she’s so awesome”.

    Thank you so much for speaking up, for being bold, for not giving into the corporate mind set. c

  20. Nadi says:

    This was absolutely inspiring! Thank you!

  21. VR says:

    RIPPLE EFFECT: Never underestimate the power of your words to travel 8,158 miles to inspire a random woman 991 days later. I just got this email today—nearly 3 years later!

    “Hello Pamela, On 3rd November 2017, I was seeing an orthopaedic back surgeon, Mr Gary Speck in Australia (where I live). While taking my history he discovered my daughter would commence Medicine the following February (2018). Instantly he told me of an article he had read that very morning and said it was a must read for my daughter. He kindly printed a copy for me to take home.The article is: Loyola Commencement Speech ‘Live Your Dream.’ My daughter is about to commence her 3rd year of a 6 yr medical degree at the University of Adelaide here in Australia. She has been home for the holidays and she still has the article. I asked if I could read it and she said yes but I’m taking it with me. I want to thank you for this article. Gary gave it to us because he thought it important to share your message. While she is still 4 yrs from being an intern, I love that she values your advice and that you inspire her. Keep being the amazing woman, doctor, mentor you so obviously are. Love from a very grateful mum/mom downunder in Australia xxxx

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