How to be a happy doctor (in less than 2 minutes)

So you wanna be a doctor to “help people.” You paid big bucks for med school. Now your life sucks. It’s not your fault.

You need 3 skill sets to be a happy doctor. Med school provides only one—the technical skills. No human skills. No business skills.

The truth is: Med school trains you to be a factory worker. You choose your assembly line. Wanna do treadmill OB? How ‘bout rat-race pediatrics? Drive-by psychiatry? Assembly-line urology? You don’t have to take this crap. There’s a better way!

Ya see, medicine is an apprenticeship profession. You learn to be a doctor by studying doctors. Too often med school is an anti-mentorship program. Ya meet a lot of doctors you’d never wanna become. Wanna be a happy doc in your dream clinic? Avoid advice from high-priced experts and gurus

who quit direct patient care ‘cause they were—you guessed it—unhappy. Steer clear of naysayers and cynics. Hang with happy docs who are rocking it.  

Join us at and meet real doctors in real clinics with really happy patients. Learn from the most inspiring physician entrepreneurs online and in weekly teleclasses. Then hang out with us at our biannual hot spring retreats!    

Warning: Happy doctors may have less insomnia, headaches, temper tantrums. You may use less alcohol, prescribe fewer drugs, labs, and tests. You may be less “productive” yet actually get more done. You may be ecstatic, hypomanic, and develop a rare condition among doctors in which you can’t stop smiling.Your sex life may improve—dramatically. Ask your doctor if being a happy doctor is right for you.


Pamela Wible, MD, is a family physician in Oregon. She hosts biannual physician retreats to help medical students and physicians overcome burnout, depression—even suicide—so they can be happy too!

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12 comments on “How to be a happy doctor (in less than 2 minutes)
  1. Tonya Wren says:

    HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! The drive-by urology is the BEST. OMG.


  2. Steve Levitz says:

    I am concerd aand orluv my patients
    My patient volume has decreased dramitcally
    I pay rent for my private office which is increasing yearly
    I ama prosessor at the New york coledge of podiatric medicine for 35 plus years where I am offered a Fulltime position
    I do not Know what to do
    I would appreciate your advice
    Steve Levitz DPM
    By the way In my opinion you are very good looking

  3. Ann Cordum says:

    Love this piece! Starting an ideal medical practice is the best decision I have made. Thanks Pamela! That last paragraph says it all……..

  4. Haydee says:

    love it!

    • Pamela Wible MD says:

      Glad you love it because it just got disapproved by Facebook: “Your ad wasn’t approved because it violates Facebook’s Ad Guidelines by featuring an image containing excessive amounts of skin or suggestive content. Facebook does not allow images that depict people in explicit or suggestive positions, or images that show nudity or cleavage–even if portrayed for artistic or educational reasons.”

      • your average patient says:

        there are other sites to advertise ideal medical care. student doctor dot net? facebook is not a be-all end-all. i realize it has great outreach but never tether yourself to one behemoth who controls your content. i heard about this model and your site through your video on youtube which i stumbled on from kevin md’s website.

  5. Lisa Heuer says:

    Hahaha! Literally laughing outloud at the illustrations and disclaimers at the end.

  6. Dide DeVillers says:

    What a positive thought, since we all have been to Doctors that just don’t get it, or are unhappy or just burnt out. I will forward this to my Dr.Jill Chaplin who like you enjoys her profession and it shows. She has done more to help me with my MS and refers me when i need it, its been a pleasure working with her. And i am sure you are just like that, treating patients like the individuals that they are. You must see all kinds people who some follow good life skills and the ones that just don’t get it themselves, those are the patients that burn out Dr’s those who continue bad habits and then wonder why they have health issues. It could get you down but you too have the secret of a positive attitude,. My dad in WI says he listens to a radio program that you are on, do you do a talk show here in Eugene? what station?
    I worked in service to people with disabilities for 35 years and know burn out and how to keep on top of it, then i got MS and was forced to retire. But one day while cleaning out closets i ran across my journals from when i first moved to OR in 1980 when i was a forester living in the forest of Wallowa Mts in eastern Oregon, I wrote three books. Without getting MS i probably would have never had the time to write them, as i was so dedicated to my life work. what a wonderful life i have now, retired at 53 9 years ago, i continue to write, blog and send emails to my representative in Wash Dc about people with disabilities. A thing i never had time to do when i was working. My life is good, quiet, if you can retire early i would. I have a life where i have to take care of me now. I’ts all about me, I love it. Good luck, and keep happy

  7. Dide says:

    Yes it makes all the difference in the world doesn’t it, a perspective of happiness and giving. After having several unhappy Dr’s I finally found Dr Jill Chaplin who is also a happy Dr. She has been at my side ever since i got Multiple Sclerosis, she refers me out whenever i need it and she keeps current on my health. Her attitude is part of what makes me a happy patient. She really care about me and gives me all the time i ask for.
    I worked 35 yrs in service to people with disabilities when I got MS and had to retire at 53, that was 9 years ago and my life is so peaceful and happy. The toll of having a big case load takes its toll, even if you are a happy person. But it got even better, one day when i was cleaning out a closet i found my journals from when i first moved to OR when i did timber inventory in the Wallowa Mts living in my tent in a crew where i soon became know as “queen of the comeback” due to the insistent teasing from the mostly male crew. Well as i read on i was chuckling and said perhaps i should write a book, and i wrote three of them in “The Eve Chronicles” check out my website.

    Retirement has been good for me, i have all the time in the world, i am taking care of me now, my motto “It’s all about me”!!

  8. Brendaline says:

    LOL! This post is quite hope-filled, entertaining while being informative to students and doctors alike who would welcoming becoming successful private practice professionals; definitely believe that it is possible to enjoy patients more and earn success in all its forms. Being well-rounded is key to flourishing in life and professionally, so I like the emphasis on not just the medical learning education, but being centered in a humanistic and business sense.

    Applicable to all disciplines. Thank you for sharing for an aspiring integrative medical student like myself! 🙂

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