Preventing Physician Boundary Violations

Boundary Enforcement for People Pleaser Empaths with Savior Complex

Are YOU a People Pleaser?

You have a strong desire to please others, even at your own expense. You are kind, helpful, agreeable, yet may have difficulty saying no or advocating for yourself.

Are YOU an Empath?

You are highly attuned to emotions and feel deeply the feelings of others around you.

Do YOU Have Savior Complex?

You feel compelled to help others, often at the expense of your own needs. You take on too much responsibility, then feel exhausted. You can’t stop because you believe helping others is your purpose.

If you have any of these conditions, this is for YOU.

Question: Do you ever feel people take advantage of your kindness (and weak boundaries)?

My friend Randy, a family doc, is now in prison after DEA agents posed as patients. Despite his resistance, Randy was manipulated into prescribing controlled substances. His compassion and weak boundaries have led to 15 years in prison!

If you are a people pleaser empath (PPE), you need PPE— personal protective equipment—STRONG BOUNDARIES!

On Sunday, October 6 @ 5 pm PT (8 pm ET) learn boundary enforcement for physicians. I’ll share 3 strategies to enforce boundaries—and the huge benefits to your mental and physical health.

Having boundaries even prevents doctor suicides.

Enforcing boundaries saves you time and money, brings joy and fulfillment.

Strong boundaries will keep you out of prison.

Don’t wait until your medical board mandates a boundary course with license repercussions or (even worse) a physician “health” program forces you into a 90-day partial hospitalization as a requirement to return to work as a doctor. I know 30 physicians who have died by suicide while getting “help” in these “health” programs. Punishment is not help.

If you have boundary issues—be proactive. Get confidential non-punitive help outside the medical regulatory complex that oversees your license to practice medicine.

One-hour session with Q & A is $100.

Register now for your Zoom link.

See you Sunday Oct 6 @ 5 pm PT (8 pm ET)

Dr. Wible is a medical writer/editor who advocates for physicians suffering rights violations by hospitals, residency programs, medical boards, and physician “health” programs. She helps physicians launch independent businesses (no medical license required). Need help? Contact Dr. Wible.

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